would be a cool thing to ad with the F35, they advertise them using a F35 so would be fitting
Maybe AGM-158A JASSM with an upgraded strike eagle (worse range than storm shadow and Taurus, but likely better stealth and IIR terminal guidance) and AGM-158B JASSM-ER with F-35/F-15EX?
would be really cool, but would make top tier ground really really bad
Either limit to air sim, or add it with stuff like S-400 and Patriot
I do think Air battle only loadouts need to become a thing as its going to become really bad really quick with what little modern equipment is left for gaijin to use
Imagine JASSM-XR for if they add the B-52H (They probably won’t but, it’s always a possibility.) Spawn, fire JASSM-XRs, land, repeat.
Ok so because were ahead of Russia irl shouldn’t mean we get destroyed because they have a 2024 aircraft dropping missles on us lol
Any CAS destroys tanks easily.
Tbh I could see it getting put on F-15E and EX, in fact that’s probably what they will do on top of B-52
Btw, it should be the new B-52J instead of an H
Maybe the GER / ITA Typhoons, but when the meta in ARB is missile use the UK Typhoon not been able to rely on its missiles when TWS isn’t working and your radar is switching to TRACK IR. I can’t even count how many times I’ve had 100% advantage over an opponent only to loose it and die because my radar is now in TRACK IR and I can’t switch it.
F22 isn’t a knife fighting aircraft, it will be so heavily reliant on missiles and maybe ( we will see what they come up with ) stealth ability, where as the Typhoon was built to be quick, unstable to improve its mobility and a fast climber.
Yeah, it gets real bad once they enter cruise missile territory, not even the best SPAA can outrange it, but they may be able to shoot them down
this isnt an issue that can be fixed by adding storm shadows.
F-22 is one hell of a climber too
Mach 1.7+ supercruise is pretty quick as well
It has radar, RWR, ECM on the typhoon
150 rounds isn’t much but it’s something. I think they can reduce fire rate on Vulcan too to stretch the ammo but idk for sure
Typhoon out climbs it. Typhoon has a higher thrust-to-weight ratio and is just a beast in a knife fight.
It might be too long for the EX, but it could be possiable.
I fell behind with the B-52 upgrades.
Yea a lot of America mains are going to have a shock when its not an unbeatable aircraft. One lost to a mock dogfight with a rafale, and the typhoon has a slight edge on them. its gonna be messy on the forum after that
Kh-38MT’s are already outranging every SPAA in game and its common now to see a SU-34 getting 4 kills not long after spawning and returning to base unoposed ( unless the very rare occation of mixed teams and they fall victum to Pansir-S1 )
Iirc, it can either climb or accelerate as quick as an F-15C without using afterburners
Itll gap a eurofighter or Rafale anyways. 35,000lb is a conservative estimate, could even be installed thrust
Oh its gonna be hell in the forums since most matches aren’t BVR fights that the F22 would favour. 90% if not higher are flying tree top hight until contact is made and missiles are launched within 10-15 miles.
Itll be a hard opponent in a dogfight, but tbh it’s the players fault for allowing them to get that close