The paper planes are premiums, obviously, and it doesn’t affect the tree in any way.
so what’s the real point in adding them?
but I think you made that argument to make it look like you have a strong standpoint by having a longer comment.
if I did kept it short there wouldn’t be any good context to it, and its hard to prove something so long in very short statement
The Orlik doesn’t get Strelas.
I mean all 5 sources I know about that aircraft and the MANPDAS luncher says:

and no the last picture is not PZL 130 its PZL 104 Wilga with Strela-2 (Strzała-2) to prove that we did put MANPADS on our prop planes
only thing I lack is a pciture of Orlik with one but the only source that doesn’t state the fact that orlik had one is Wiki
There’s nothing against having Lithuanian and Latvian planes as premiums; countries with strong historical ties to Poland.
I mean if we look from this perspective we have strong historical ties with germany, russia, uk and france, I just don’t understand what those planes in general have to do with us, when none of them taken part in any conflict poland fighted (besides WWII) and all of them had little to do with Polish Military Industry.
Neither is there anything wrong with having the PWS planes because most reserve matches happen on small maps at those speeds.
okay but they need to reach that speed when yes top speed is 209-253km/h but the cruising speed is 150-180km/h when all of the planes have cruise speed at min. of 300km/h (with exception of HE-51 that flies at 280) to prove my point

BF2C-1 cruise speed on stock is 363km/h at 500m <>

P-26A-34 cruise speed on stock is 348km/h at 500m <>

He-51 cruise speed on stock is 285-295km/h at 500m <>

I-15 M-25M crsuise speed on stock is 333km/h at 500m <>
and so on (I’m not puting all other reserve planes to prove my point 💀💀💀)
But what flabbergasted me the most is how you’re mostly annoyed at having multiple variants of the same planes. Do you not understand how tech trees work? We have 14 non-premium Bf 109s in the German tech tree as just one example
but BF109 was consitantly modified and upgraded through the war when PZL 37 Łoś had only two version and only difrence was the stabilazer with version I with only one and version II with two stablizers but in the production we only used A and B the A had less powerfull engines and B with better ones, and I wouldn’t mind all of those planes if they weren’t so similar, I mean A and B cool, but in a folder since the difrence is a engine that’s all and the payload is the same 2,6k Kg

adding P to (almost) every PZL plane is anachornical since P was putted on planes that was constructed by Zygmund Puławski and he died in 1931, and yes PZL P.24 has P in it but its beacause it was further modification of P.11
and plenty of premium planes with pilot names in them
I don’t have anything to it its just, strange to put a random Sabre in the middle of the Mig-15 tech tree when the guy who flown the F-86 was polish by his roots, same to Thunderchief, its just half lazy beautification to convince people to your TT
Are you new to the game or were you simply try too hard to discredit this suggestion by making it seem like you made a strong case for yourself with a long comment?
I’m not new to the game if I was I wouldn’t be here in the first place you seem to be annoyed by the fact that somebody discreddited you with more knowledge and arguments, and long comment? what are you like 15? should I put Subwaysurffers on the edge of your screen to keep your attetion? that’s what disagreements looks like - strong points, long coversation, there’s no “Nuh Uh” in here if you want to argue and talk like a man stop hiding behind “Long comment ≠ good argument”, go cry about it on reddit or something, you haven’t met someone like me in a long time, maybe even ever that’s why you try to discredit me beacasue my tree “is butchered beacasue 90% of it is copy paste” its not 90% its 64%, its better then putting every signgle plane that has polish checherboard even if this plane didn’t had a test flight - just put it here, they’ll be happy about it.
If I put my TT next to yours it looks poorer than yours that’s a fact but, does this mean it will be not fun to fly? (not griding, grind will be mid pain 5/10) its better than having 7 Łosies in one line that play exacly the same, beacause its not a big difrence when all of them had same payload and body, only engine difrence, so its a copy paste of the same plane, it wouldn’t be a copy paste at least rude one if they were difrent from each other from at least payload. its not BF 109 its a inter war era frontal bomber plane with two difrent production models two protptypes, and all of them share the same - payload and armament, and the engines? yeah cool you won’t overheat in 2min after WEPing too much, with Łoś/II and Łoś B. The true point of this long ass statment is if you put 7, 5, 4 planes in one line (without at least foldering most of them) that had a little difrence between them you just made a copy paste plane, or a stop gap to show that your TT is better beacasue the more the better, imagine this:
you want to play brand new SU-24 as a newbie, you load up the game and you see, every single SB-2, AR-2, Pe-2 (early), Yer-2, Pe-2 (late), Yer-2 (late), Tu-2’s and Mig-27 in one constant line, would you be happy? that from 14 planes to grind up you need all 25 to get to the SU-24, would you be happy about it? and I know these are only 7 planes out of 16, but still 7 almost indentical planes that play the same, pure pain…I mean no pain, no gain lmao, but it would be very boring.
What originality does your version add?
none? but at least all of the planes I added was in production…
Tech trees are meant to be fleshed out enough, otherwise they would be considered sub trees.
…so to which tech tree poland should be as a sub nation? USSR? Germany? maybe UK?
They approved Israeli TT wdum? most lazy and fake TT that is specificly made (in air tab) from 25 copy paste planes and 4 fairly orginal, so I don’t see the problem here,
also its not like the polish community will let gaijin add poland as a sub tree without a backlash.
have fun reading