- Yes
- No
At the current moment in time, Ripple mode has a limited preset of options, 2,4,8,16 & S. This is fine for some situations, but a little limiting in others.
My suggestion is pretty simple. increase the number of options available within the mode. At minimum, for all available presets found within “Bomb Series” needs to be added to Ripple, but I think it should be more than that.
The first key addition, is to change Ripple mode from Exponential increases to a linear increase (I.e +2 increments, so 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16…)
This would allow for great control mid flight and enable ripple mode to be of more benefits. Notably for times when you dont need one of the current bomb amounts to destroy a base. For example, it currently takes 6x Mk83 bombs to destroy a top tier base, this amount is achievable via bomb series, but bomb series has its own limitations, such as the lack of ability to change it mid-flight and its inherrent confliction with weapon selection. This means often the best solution is to take 8x Mk83s and overkill the base to enable the use of “8” ripple mode.
Secondly an “A” option, which would drop all weapons. for bombs, “A” would dump all available bombs at once (the same as “Bomb series: all” does). Which would be ideal for Loft attacks as the “S” mode spreads bombs over a wide area. Making it highly inaccurate.
This mode is especially helpful if you have an odd number of bombs. Such as with the Harriers that have 5 bombs. Allowing you to drop all bombs at the same time instead of the current sequential method.
(For rockets, this i’d imagine would work a lot like “S”, but prehaps pulsed 8 or 16 volleys, instead of rapid fire)
These 2 main additions would be a major quality of life improvement when using the ripple mode on weapons, but the more configuration that is possible in flgiht the better the system would be. Especially for the Sim community.