Implement Air Battles Maneuver Kills

As long as it’s right most of the time it’s fine. With the amount of data War Thunder handles I am sure they can get close.


It really isn’t as simple as you make it out to be, I wouldn’t be surprised if you told me you have no background in computer science.

My background is Matlab, and I know Matlab is great for matrices and it really wouldn’t be tough in that language 😅 idk about gaijins spaghettified code though. But also the same sentiments were made when they were talking about introducing radar missiles btw. It’s definitely possible, idk about easy though.

It would be a massive undertaking, and with how much data the code would need to collect all at once, with 16v16 battles, over the 120,000+ people online most of the time, it would pull a humungous amount of server usage, which would be pretty expensive for Gaijin to mitigate by expanding them. Another thing I noted is in top tier with fox 3s, or even fox 1s which somebody else in this thread brought up. If you were in an F-14 and slinging Phoenix’s 30+ miles away at high-altitude, crediting kills for crashed players who hit the (mostly janky) hitboxes of trees or accidentally pull down too hard, it would MASSIVELY promote this already incredibly lazy style of gameplay, and would make RP and SL gains pretty one-sided.

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It really is.

It’s a simple formula and a check which can likely be done already.

That’s exageration, and it doesn’t help your stance in the slightest.


The main thing it needs to track is:

  1. Distance between 2 planes (already tracked by the spotting/rendering systems)
  2. Time spent within critical distance (A.I seem to track this. A.I bombers in air sim feel like they gain increasing accuracy the longer you sit on their tail, same for AAA for ground battles.)

Using these two things that the game already tracks,

a logic could be introduced along the lines of

“When 2 planes are under s km distance, start incrementing timer. When timer exceeds t seconds, mark the two planes as egligible for maneuver kills should either crash without any hits that override credit.”

“In event that multiple planes have gained egligibility for maneuver kill credit, credit the player that has the counter at a higher value.”

“In event the two parties are no longer within s kilometer distance, start decrementing the timer and completely reset it regardless of value over ns kilometer distance.”

So for instance,

1 km to start ticking
30 seconds to qualify
3 (n=3, s=1) km to reset counter regardless of count.

So, an example that would qualify:
Fw190 vs F4U
Fw190 dives the F4U and begins flat scissors with repeated head-on passes (planes spend multiple long seconds well under 500 meters, much less 1 kilometer)
After about 3 such passes taking 60 seconds, the F4U reverses the FW190 and takes shot
Fw190 pulls too hard while trying to roll out of the way and enters a spin
90 seconds passed altogether as F4U overshoots
10 seconds later the FW190 crashes into the dirt.

The above system would unamously would award the F4U in this scenario with the kill credit. Even though there is a spitfire in the vicinity, it was never within 1 kilometer of the FW190 and even once it was, its counter would be behind the F4U’s

picture this:

im dogfighting a mig21. im guns on, but due to him having ran out of energy trying to deny me the shot, he crashes. NO DOUBT that was my kill. yet, i get nothing?

not a “free frag”, and not him making a mistake, he was dying either way.

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Yep, a textbook manoeuvre kill.

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If it’s so simple, then tell me it.

And exactly how is it exaggerating, have you not noticed how poorly the servers perform on patch days? And you seriously want more terabytes of data being recorded all at once? I want what you’re smoking.

The only reason this thread has so many comments is because you keep posting incredibly silly things like this…

Read this post.

Everything it needs to track is already tracked by one system or another.

Again, wouldn’t work properly in a real world scenario, how would the code differ between two friendly planes switching between who is closest? Not to mention what if their are multiple enemies, the code can’t just assign you players

Not to mention at top tier, barely any fights happen within 1km, increasing the radius would then exacerbate the problem I mentioned above. It’s wishful thinking at best.

Not exactly helpful is it? Contribute to the thread

Comparing patch days and server issues as a wider sense ignores the true weight of gauging whether or not a kill could be awarded.

It’s like you’re trying to say that in your 16v16 match that you play currently, the server is doing 120k processes on other matches, because you are genuinely trying to cloud up the task because you want to make out you’ve done computer science.

You’re either talking about things you genuinely have no idea about, or you’re just being deceptive. Either way, you’re out of your depth.

I don’t think you know what you’re even talking about to be honest…

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Make a suggestion then.

You accept the reasonable assumption that the person who spent the most time under 1 kilometer distance with a given enemy has affected that enemy’s flying the most significantly.

You satisfy multiple enemies by having the counter increment and decrement as you get in and out of the “threat radius.”

As for top tier - I don’t really play top tier so cannot comment. Highest tier I fly still has plenty of knife fighting where your wings almost graze against each other repeatedly (10.0). I recently had a 4:45 minute gunfight in my F8U-2 in fact that ended in effectively a maneuver kill - I ran out of fuel from being caught pants down and forced into the dogfight.

I was forced to do my best to keep my plane an easy target without falling out of the sky so that my opponent could get the kill afterwards. Imagine if I ran out of fuel at a lower altitude and crashed and that 4 minute long desperate fight did not award the crazy bastard flying a 9.3 plane in a 9.0-10.0 bracket his well deserved kill.

That’ll be coming, this is just the discussion thread.

Each match uses on average 2.3Mb of data on a server replay, we’ll use this as a basis for real-time logs in each match. 120,000 / 32 =3,750 x 2.3 = 8625mb / 1000 =8.625 GB

8.625 x 365 =3,148.125 = 3.148 TB of data annually on the servers, and this would just build up over time.

At least TRY to prove me wrong. Not to mention that this is literally just server replays, which is just a simple screen recording…