I'm just done. This is the straw that broke the camel back i'm just tired. Toxicity Is absolutely rampant in this game

Cool thoughts bro, but still incorrect…

Fact is you do suggest to avoid reporting by not mentioning it, and going elsewhere… Simple as that.

You’ve already admitted to being unreasonable, you don’t need to keep saying unreasonable things to prove it.

Although I suppose that would be too reasonable for you, an unreasonable person.

Truly one cannot reason with an unreasonable person. Simple as that.

I admitted to being unreasonable because you were trying to insinuate that any reasonable person would accept what you proposed…

Simple as that… It was to deny you the insinuation of the attack of me not accepting it, and you being able to say I was unreasonable.

Because I drained you of the ammunition you then got all set on that ‘Oh you said you were’ line that you’re running now.

I’ll remind you that you’ve sworn and abused me this entire thread, and now we reach the end of it and I’ve let you have some lines, you’re now reeling them in like they’re gold, but they’re mines.

Honestly, you are the toxicity because you can’t handle anyone else opposing you.

I even said not to make it personal so far back it’s beyond a joke…

OP, be sure to report players via the server replay.

Spawn camping isn’t reportable, but teamkilling is.

And now that you’ve found it has left you with no ground to stand on you’re trying to back track it, and make it out to be something more than a simple admission of fact.

Let me disarm this point once and for all. Sorry I used strong language.

You said that after you made it personal. So it holds no weight.

Abolute nonsense… You were well on the way to abuse and I’d said nothing against you.

Your first post in this thread was against me before I said anything to you at all, strong language or otherwise.

Oh dear, tell me you don’t know how to accept mere criticism and engagement without telling me you don’t know how to accept mere criticism and engagement.

Well, we’re definitely done. Your apology also didn’t cut it.

How typically unreasonable of you.

Again, you’re projecting… You can’t handle the slightest engagement and rage when you’re being pressed.

It has a lot more to do with how you said it, which was insulting, than what you said.

That’s just your interpretation of it, which can also be wrong, such as you are.

It’s not my fault you failed to effectively and clearly communicate your intentions to the point where they can be misinterpreted.

It’s not my fault you got all upset over your misunderstanding of straight up discussion…

Painting it as me being upset because you couldn’t handle some strong language is pretty silly.

You’re the one putting out that language because you can’t formulate proper discussion…

Much the same with the memery throwouts. All filler, nothing factual.

You’ve routinely demonstrated that you’re not interested in a proper discussion at all. You just want to act all self righteous because you think you’re better than everyone else and immune to being wrong.

I’m picking your points constantly, whilst you throw assumptions and insinuations out.

You’ve demonstrated you can’t actually engage in proper discussion compared to playing the victim card whilst abusing the opponent.

What have I said that was wrong though, because it’s a thing to report bad players in game appropriately, not just assume that people do it already, and making out like it’s insulting to give straight simple information…

You’re wrong to presume that reporting the player is the end of the problem, and you’re wrong to accuse me of victim blaming.

What should OP do after reporting the TKer instead of just quitting the game?

That’s the problem I was advising on, and since you’ve offered nothing in that regard its not very nice of you to attack the people who have offered that kind of advice.

You’ve taken everything so wrong that you doubling down on it shows you aren’t going to stop responding and that was clear so long ago that it’s sad to have been pushing your buttons this entire time.

You’re still assuming that they have actually reported them in the first instance, and that there’s nothing else been suggested in the entire thread.

After all, I did mention to find better players to hang about.

But you know, that doesn’t fit your narrative of limited mind view and all that jibberish.