This, is avoiding the point that the TK isn’t anything to do with any situation where ‘bombing sucks’… You are excusing it because you’re making the excuse in saying that bombing sucks… Is that why the other bomber TKed the guy in another bomber?
Sounds entirely speculatory and nothing to do with fact.
Alright let me try an analogy to see if it helps you understand.
Say OP owns a corner shop, and it keeps getting robbed. Your advice is akin to saying “call the cops” in the hopes that they arrest the robber, but that does nothing to stop the next robber, or the next robber, or the next robber.
My advice is to consider a different line of work, or if you insist on running a corner shop keep a shotgun under the counter and shoot the robbers. It may not make running a corner shop any less of a bad job but its a means of going about it smarter than waiting to be a victim.
Just for the record you are the one expressly rejecting the civil and reasonable solution I have offered for ending this silly argument.
Unlike you I don’t swear, so fill in the blank… ST_U…
You making that statement, isn’t on you to make, so yea, don’t make statements for me to make out we can agree on a single thing when you can’t accept what’s being said…
That’s just your opinion buddy, and I can directly tell you that you are indeed constantly wrong…
Doesn’t matter, you’re the one proposing it to avoid the true point.
Nothing of the subject was regarding the game mode being difficult, just bad players that need to be reported, which you assume have been reported because that’s such a simple thing apparently, but you didn’t check… And that is your issue with the tangent of ‘‘advice’’ you gave, whilst trying to insult and degrade me along the way like a 12 year old.
If we cannot agree on what the true point is then I can just as easily say it is you that is avoiding the true point.
The issue with your advice is its purely surface level. You can’t comprehend that there are larger issues at play than whats in the post, and you offer nothing in terms of a second step for OP to follow.
Do you have a solution for OP beyond “just report the TKer and hope Gaijin deals with it” ? No, you don’t and on top of it you have the audacity to attack me for offering more in depth solutions for OP.
I also take exception with the notion that my advice is somehow akin to excusing TKing. It’s like if I said I like pancakes and you said “so you hate waffles?” its an overreaching assumption and one that I find insulting.
You’re trying to make me agree with you to seem like the better man, and of which you are not because you were insulting and abusing me the entire time like a petulant child…
Well, it is, because you are normalizing it by avoiding reporting it…
I’m trying to give you a civil, and reasonable exit to this ridiculous discussion while you’re routinely hung up on mean words.
You leveled the first insult with your accusations
Again, I never said not to report it, I just didnt think it necessary to state something so obvious.
You clearly disagree that its so obvious it doesnt need stating, so what you should have done is state it yourself and where you messed up is trying to make me look like some kind of teamkilling advocate instead.
I don’t need an exit, you just need to come to terms with the fact of how abnoxious you’ve been this entire time in trying to attack someone who literally doesn’t give a true crap if you insult me, it’s against the rules so that’s on you…
And that’s exactly the point… You assumed that it didn’t need to be said, and informed them of advice that wasn’t even related to the thread.
By not addressing it and moving the attention to elsewhere, you are normalizing the teamkilling…
These both show you have no trust in the reports doing anything, and as such the same mentality as the ‘There are no teams’ nonsense ‘turn off your chat, it’s worthless’ nonsense…
I didn’t create the environment in which Teamkillers exist and more often then not go unpunished until their actions reach whatever arbitrary point of inexcusability Gaijin has established for them. The fact is Teamkilling is an unfortunately normal part of the game and reporting is a surface level answer at best.
You accused me normalizing teamkilling, you accused me of victim blaming, you keep taking a very condescending tone and you keep putting words in my mouth that I never said through conjecture and assumptions.
All of these things are insulting.
No reasonable person expects someone to walk away from insults like this.
It’s projecting to make out that you’re even seeing anything… Give it up already… You know you were beat the moment you started insulting me and making insinuations because it showed you had nothing in the tank other than being upset.