I'm just done. This is the straw that broke the camel back i'm just tired. Toxicity Is absolutely rampant in this game

So check this out Off work finally, i’m gonna sit down and play some WT Literally the first game starts like this.

I’m sorry but I just cannot comprehend why you would do this. You find this funny? That’s the only thing I can even somewhat understand. Just find it incredibly childish and immature I suppose but is this the way people’s minds work nowadays? But yeah. This game. I’m done with it. The spawn camping. all the toxicity and selfish mindsets. Not doing anymore. I am so **** done


ARB Bombing is an exercise in suffering.

Have you considered a different game mode?


Brand new plane just trying to get some actual bombs and parts for it

I understand that, its why I played ARB to get the 12k bomb for the Lanc.

The reality of it is playing bombers in air battles just kinda sucks most of the time, and honestly that bomber isnt all that useful in GRB either. It gets at most 3 1k bombs at 4.0 BR, and at the same BR the P61 gets 4 of them and has better handling/can dogfight.

Bombers only tend to be good in GRB if they have big bombs like the Pe-8, the Welly, the Lanc, or the HE-111. The big bombs allow you to bomb from altitude with a reasonable chance of success, otherwise you’re better off spawning a striker or a fighter with ground pounding capabilities.

If you are set on ARB bombing then I advise taking a long flanking approach, get away from your teammates and use the map to indicate which base you’re going for. By flying high and wide the odds of an enemy plane deciding its worth the effort to pursue you decrease.

Generally, however, bombers just aren’t that good in the game overall. Even the aforementioned big bomb droppers are extremely vulnerable to other planes and SPAAs. The higher the BR the worse it gets. Apparently they can be decent in Naval if you can fly high enough to befuddle the AI AA guns but then you have to both play naval and earn enough points to spawn a bomber.


Honestly, what you’re doing is excusing the action and avoiding the issue. (Do you not see the actual video is a TK?)

They need to report it in the server replay system, and also admit the difference between this, and spawn camping.

Lumping both the issue together while sitting back on the TK is just looking for no solution.


I am not excusing a blatant TK, its just a symptom of a larger cause that is bombing sucks.

It’s not a symptom of “bombing sucks” it’s just shitty players who need a ban.


A few rules to avoid such things (getting team killed) in Air RB:

  1. If you fly a bomber - spawn as last guy out of the 4 slots and extend from the other 3 immediately.
  2. Flying in formation makes outside a communicating squad zero sense - you compete with other player to kill the same targets (in this case bases), team mates are enemies in blue.

Remarks regarding bomber game play:

  1. Flying a US B-25 makes zero sense - it is just Rank II in the US tree, you can’t use it for tasks as most of them require Rank III aircraft.

  2. Flying a medium bomber (or prop bombers in general) successfully (=game impact and not getting killed) requires way more skill than flying a fighter. Why? You can’t escape and have to take any fight whilst a fighter can run away. You need an experience advantage vs the average fightwer pilot to make your bomber work; in most of the matches the performance of your own fighters decide if you survive.

  3. So as long as you have just 150 Air RB battles under your belt it is almost impossible to have any fun with bombers.

You need to improve you flying skills, otherwise you are just wasting a slot.

A perfect example of how to fly a medium bomber (BR 4.3 Do 217) in this replay. I flew a long detour, stayed away from the center (and outside spotting ranges), below contrail alt and hoped that my fighters clear a path.

I was rewarded with 3 (almost 4) base kills in one run (thx to insane damage of just 8 C 250), with a free 150% booster from the warbonds shop i gained 7.800 RP, the plane is fully spaded with further 202 RP, i won 8 out of 11 matches and lost just one plane (overspeeding).

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How is that going to help OP not want to quit the game?

The entire point of my post was to tell OP that particular approach to playing isnt fun or effective. Even if you don’t get TK’d in the process.

Same issue here, the solution I’m looking for is not to end TKing but to help OP want to keep playing the game. My answer is to try a different game mode or a different plane because even at its best flying the B-25 is a recipe for not having fun.

Victim blaming is hardly helping, and directing them to play different due to the ‘hard’ factor in that mode/vehicle really isn’t helping either… Both of your suggestions are literal avoidance.

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I am not victim blaming you jackass. Where did I say it was OP’s fault he got TK’d?

Besides, harping on one example of TKing isnt helping either.

  1. the guy apologized so even if it was intentional its unlikely to get him banned

  2. reporting intentional TKers is such an obvious course of action it hardly bears repeating

The real problem is OP is not enjoying the game. This example, as the title says, was the last straw, not the whole hay pile.

I did nothing wrong and I have nothing to apologize for. Quit trying to make me the bad guy here.

Its not about the hard factor its about the hard factor not even being worth the potential reward. If you want to fly a bomber at least fly one with enough bombs to destroy more than one base.

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It’s literally about saying that it’s about the bomber and the mode of play rather than the actual problem…

The actual problem is OP not having fun. If OP was having fun then one TK wouldnt cause this reaction.

You are missing the forest for the trees.

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And their issue isn’t to do with how hard the game is but the bad players amongst us…

You’re reading too much in to it.

There is nothing OP can do to singlehandedly solve the issue of bad players, which is just a form of bad people, and bad people are fucking everywhere.

Therefore sitting here and harping on bad players and TKing is not helping OP.

And again my point had less to do with overall difficulty and more to do with the ratio of difficulty to potential outcome. Difficult things are fun if they can achieve worthwhile rewards. Flying a B-25 in Air RB is both difficult and ineffective.

There is though, through actually reporting them which should’ve been the case in the first place…

Your point is nothing to do with the situation, and solely to do with your dislike of what they were flying in the first place… That’s nothing to do with keeping this guy playing.

Finding good players to hang about with would be, and doing what J even said, to spawn a minute later to let them go ahead a bit, and then take it out wide.

I also said that and I said it first.

It has everything to do with the situation because choosing to fly that bomber in that game mode is what established the situation.

and I don’t dislike the B-25. I think its a shame that it is as ineffective and pointless to play as it is because they are cool planes with a rich history.

and again as I said this is so obvious that telling OP to do it is almost insulting. its like if someone says they’re thirsty and you suggest drinking water

This is just your opinion, but the fact is you didn’t mention reporting the players properly at all…

What absolute rubbish. It’s actually straight forward commonsense advice as many still report through just the game interface, and ignore it as many also suggest. ‘There’s no point’ mentality is rife in the ‘’‘community’‘’.

So in your limited mind we need to state the obvious before we can make an actually effective point?

Okay fine. Bears shit in the woods, the Pope wears a big hat, your mother should have swallowed and the sky is blue.

Is that enough obvious for you? Can we get back to giving OP advice that will actually help make the game more enjoyable now?

Avoiding the issue and telling people to not play the way they should be able to, to avoid mentioning how to actually deal with bad players, is definitely a lot more insulting to someone who has definitively said what their issue is…

So yea, no need to paint my mind out as limited for merely pointing out the obvious…

And your veiled insults suck…