i know you a troll account so im not gonna indulge you
Are you Czech?
Nope, i am american
With your understanding of geography (or lack there of) i can tell
Just another tailor made troll account with only 1 battle
Malaysian AV8 Gempita ATGW (suggestion link)
Not to toot my own horn on this one but I’d like to see this due to the South African tech link. The fully stabilized armament consists of ZT3 tandem SACLOS missiles which can fire on the move as well as a 30mm camgun whose low rate of fire is offset by extremely good accuracy. Current South African vehicles using Denel’s turrets tend to mount either the gun or the missiles, which is why this vehicle having both is special. It has survivability features like spall liners and a laser warning system, plus it’s quite mobile and it has good thermal optics which make it a great scout vehicle.
Adding the latest PLA ZBD-04A(aka. ZBD-08) now was not a good move IMHO
By that, I mean they should’ve added the ZBD86A & ZBD-04(aka. ZBD-97) before the ZBD-04A (ZBD-08) … you know, going chronological?
but Gaijin had to appease the end-tier wishlisters first
The official PLA ZBD-04(aka. ZBD-97). The hull’s different to ZBD-04A :
And if player-base want ZBD-04 with different turret then there’s the SW1 turret variant :
or with the Chinese dual 120mm mortar variant :
Just wanna add the Italian VCC-80 Dardo OWS-30 to that list
Seems from olivia that at some point the ZDB 03 is gonna get added to china along with the CM 34 and zsl-92 so the future is kinda look bright in the ifv department of china
Take the FV721 Fox off, finally coming
Can we have the AMOS mortar system
Nah we got AMOS mortar system at home
The AMOS mortar system at home:
Easily my favorite IFV of them all. (VN17)
Based on my favorite tank chassis of them all.
I hope they all get added as soon as possible… My beloved ZTQ…
The vehicle meant to replace the Soviet era BMPs
The Kurganets-25 is a Russian infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) designed to replace the aging BMP-2 and BMP-3 vehicles in the Russian Army. It is based on the Armata Universal Combat Platform, similar to the T-14 Armata tank and T-15 Armata heavy IFV. The Kurganets-25 features a modular design that allows for various configurations, including troop carrier, command vehicle, reconnaissance, and fire support roles.
Its primary armament typically consists of a 30mm autocannon coupled with a coaxial 7.62mm machine gun. Additionally, it can be equipped with anti-tank guided missiles for engaging armored targets at longer ranges. The vehicle provides enhanced protection through advanced composite armor, active protection systems, and the ability to operate in nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) environments.
The Kurganets-25 is designed to accommodate a crew of three and up to eight fully equipped infantry soldiers. It incorporates advanced technologies for battlefield awareness, communication, and survivability, making it a versatile and potent asset on the modern battlefield.
T-15 Armata
Truly a HIFV (Heavy Infantry Fighting Vehicle)
As of my last update in January 2022, there isn’t a widely recognized variant of the T-15 Armata equipped with a 57mm cannon. The standard armament for the T-15 Armata is a remotely controlled turret with a 30mm autocannon. However, it’s possible that developments or modifications have occurred since then. If there’s a newer variant with a 57mm cannon, it would likely provide increased firepower and versatility, potentially enhancing its capabilities against various threats on the battlefield. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, it’s recommended to consult recent sources or official announcements from relevant defense agencies or manufacturers.
Add this in for Germany. Marder M12
Has a new turret with a 30mm autocannon, a little similar to Marder 2.
Yes and no… the TOW is infinitely more useful in the long range maps, especially since you get more than 4 of them. Raketen 2 HOT is much much better than a Marder in a long range map.
IT-1 can fire oncthe move and has a stabilized sight, but it’s the outlier.
IFVs pretty much only win in the braindead CQC maps like Sweden.
This wasn’t always the case. Before the TOW nerf, I would have easily taken the M113 TOW over a BMP-1 any day. Of course, even back then - people were uneducated and idiotic as usual so they don’t really comprehend how the TOW launcher is meant to be played.
Today, after the various missile tracking nerfs - the M113 TOW is utterly useless. But the high BR has stayed because Gaijin is extremely slow to respond to their own changes. BR changes come very slowly and it can take years for a vehicle to be put at a BR it deserves, sometimes never.