Idea to solve CAS problem in RB

I dont play SPAA because it is boring, not cuz its bad. And an HVAR couldnt be fired accurately outside the range of any SPAA, plus they only appear at levels below guided muntions where gun SPAA could likely kill the plane

Oh yes, of course!

Effective range of most SPAA is around 500 - 1000 [m] which allows to accuretly shoot a HVAR rocket. How do I know that? Because I do it and showed it already.

SPAA deserves better rewards, I really like the idea of passive rewards for being in a SPAA but also rewards for intercepting missiles and bombs that were going to kill your teammates, like ground force rescuer.

If you could accurately fire an unguided rocket from outside the possible distance for something to kill you at that point you deserve to kill the SPAA

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Yes i agree, if there was more rewards for SPAA i’d play it, but sitting around waiting for aircraft that may never come isnt a good use of time i could grind in

Sorry but SPAA is not effective against the air and that is the problem.


Blockquote Oh yes, of course!

Is it really so hard to believe that I dont want to sit in spawn doing nothing all game?

So don’t say that it is easy to use if You don’t even use it.

maybe at around 4.0-7.3 where HVARs can be found. SAMs are easy, radar gun SPAA is ok, low tier is easy cuz less rockets/skilled players

From low tiers to around the time where HE-VT and guided rockets come, SPAA can’t deal effectively with the air.

I use them rarely, not never, and my friend who hates SPAA plays it all the time. He also says its very easy, just boring as hell

lmao, skill issue at that point. HE-VT is pretty good, IR SAMs like Strela are broken

And I have a friend who says that they are not so easy!


Skill issue about what? I have just said that untill HE-VT and guided rockets come, SPAA are not effective.

My bad I misread it. so all you did was copy what I said just there

Effective range below the kilometer?

Dude,… no,…
You just show how bad you’re with SPAAGs

Most SPAAGs of the game are effective up to 2.2km, 20% being effective over 3km range.

The only problem is to aim (and to found a target,… as many people are blind)

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We can test it out if You want.

I’m talking from the perspective of a plane and I’m certain about it.

Probably an alt+tabed player

Okay then show me footage of a player getting consistent kills over 2km with a SPAAG

And let it be below 8.0 ;)

And not only that, added to the ineffectiveness of the SPAA, their number is added at the moment in which they are needed, in almost all the games I play in Br 6.7 and 7.0, many players the only thing they do is run to score points and take out a plane (doesn’t ARB exist?), by doing that they take advantage of the fact that there is practically no SPAA on the opposing team, so they practically have a period of time in which they can kill everything they see at will, then if someone takes out a SPAA only if there are several planes with a minimum of brains, one will act as bait and the other will attack the SPAA from behind, or they can also attack the vehicles that are more advanced on the map since the SPAA have just appeared and are too far away. to cover their teammates, and even so, as soon as you shoot into the air, the enemy tanks will also attack you in a short time. I have also realized that the abuse of planes usually occurs in games where your team is losing completely, and when With almost no terrain control, between 4 and 6 planes come to you to destroy every vehicle that comes out of respawn, which I find funny, since many people make the excuse that the CAS is necessary to destroy the spawn campers, but in the end It is the CAS that kills the most in spawn.
Furthermore, another problem that I see with the SPAA is that it does not have desynchronized barrels in the SPAA with several barrels, such as the M42, M19, wirbelwind, etc., which would give them a better bullet density, and above all a correct AA sight. With its circle, a larger FOV and less zoom to be able to follow an airplane and be able to shoot it with the reference of the sight circles, in fact I made a suggestion regarding the sights. I’ll leave it here.