Idea to solve CAS problem in RB

Or just remove it?

smartest cas complainer

Easiest “solution”, non thinking thinker being a CAS complainer.

As the CAS is GAME DESIGN… it never will be removed, as it’s also one of the three Marketing points of the game.

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i love cas players. if there is no cas. i wil never play ground rb. i just have 1 purpose to play ground rb. just need point for spanw smt or yak. and spawn camp cas. soo. idnt care rly. if they nerf cas. i wil just have noting to enjoi.kill f16 players on spawn its feels enjiable.see angry and toxik msgs after every game its funn 2. D

I mean cas at high tiers is just ridiculous. The argument that “just bring out aircraft to combat it” is hilarious and proves that its not in a good spot. Easiest actual solution is to remove it till its fixed or their is actual counters for every nation. Having to attempt to hit a Fighter using guided munitions in orbit moving at mach1 is near impossible

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plenty of SPAA could shoot down even an F-16 as it spawns in, the only way it got up there is because the SPAA didn’t pay attention or wasn’t there, which proves terrible teamwork/cooperation

this tells me you dont play ground rb with spaa try to hit an f16 at its spawn with anything but a pantsir, none of them have the range to even do so. (not to mention the amount of time it would take to reach the f16 would render that missle useless once he moved left or right)

ah yes the good old “just turn slightly bro”

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I wouldn’t say this is the solution; we all equally hate CAS because we are all victims of it. I agree with increasing the rewards for destroying a plane; however, limiting them would create a few issues.
For a start, if you have people hopping into a plane at the start of the round with a high reward for killing them, you will have a lot more AA vehicles than is needed. When all three planes have been downed, you all of a sudden have a lot of people who can’t contribute to the game since they are anti-air and are incapable of destroying tanks (Minor a few vehicles which are good at AA and Anti-tank roles).

Other than that though, I agree with not being able to play an air vehicle two times in a row, as well as planes and air vehicles not being able to have a higher BR than any tanks in their line-up.

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This depends on the battle rating. If you at a lower BR it’s higher however if you at a higher BR it’s lower.

You joke about it but it works in this game.

But it literally doesnt unless youre fighting a damn OTOMATIC

CAS at 5.0 - 8.0 should be disabled. It is too strong for the current game mechanics which do not allow interception of CAS before they’re over the battlefield. Interception of enemy CAS with fighters who first spawn would allow CAS to remain in the game mode.



Multiple nations lack available SPAA at this BR range and those that have SPAA are ill prepared to fight bombers with CCIP / CCRP.

Removing CAS or changing the game mode’s restriction on fighters are the only two resolutions that are immediately functional.

just remove them from the game

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No lmao

Do you deny the existence of the problem or do you acknowledge the problem but believe the listed solutions are inadequate?

I think your solution is moronic, and the problem isn’t as severe as stated

What about the solution is moronic?

You can believe personally CAS isn’t a major issue but that would be a minority opinion.