Idea to solve CAS problem in RB

In no way true at all. In some games nobody spawns a plane(rare but does happen) and the game is better than ever. So wrong there.

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Just ask everyone in game chat to not use air, or can we have a CAS free match please

Perhaps Gaijin fears that the balance problems between the tanks will only really become apparent once the aeroplanes are taken out of the equation.
This would mean more work again …

I don’t think so, tanks are balanced against other tanks, not planes.

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I haven’t been in the game long enough to dare contradict you at this point. We’ll talk again in 10 years ^^

I imagine planes would have a negative BR if balanced with tank like -7.5 😆

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Putting aside the subjective nature of the opinion on “better”, @Sytryse is correct that trying to remove half of the vehicles of RB GFs from play is a non-starter.

All you’d accomplish with such a move is infuriating a huge portion of the playerbase–many of whom have put money into the game–by depriving them of the rightful usage of their vehicles. Players came here for War Thunder, not WoT.

From a business perspective, it makes no sense: why would Gaijin drive away thousands and thousands of its players (many of whom are paying customers) to appease a few who want less than what’s already offered?

So yeah…Sytryse got that bit right.

Economic adjustments are certainly something that can be discussed (I’ve suggested 400% increases for SPAAs used in the anti-air role (not anti-tank)).

However, cutting earnings for successes by tankers who fly is unsportsmanlike and wrong. Why should they be punished for success?

Earnings for aircraft in RB GFs are already worse than in RB AFs…so they’re already at a disadvantage. If anything, they should be looking at hikes, not cuts.

Not really. Putting aside the idea that success with a vehicle is exploitative, claims made from such successes do not comment on balance.

For balance discussions and gameplay expansion thoughts (as is necessary in TO talks), you have to look at the general conditions encountered by the average Joes of your playerbase…as many thousands of players experience.

Outlier experiences often stirred up on the forums are generally sensational…but not usually serious in terms of signalling what is and isn’t problematic. This can be because the event is either rare (mechanically), reliant on players’/teams’ (in)actions (ex. bad teams) or reliant on special characteristics (ex. significant player experience disparities).

Weapons like the FAB-5000 are hyped up often…but they’re balanced by the fact that the weapon has great potential for harm to friendlies and the delivery vehicle (Pe-8) is a slow, frontally vulnerable vehicle that can be intercepted or shot down by ground fire fairly easily.

Unless something is commonplace and the conditions for its occurrence normal, the matter is effectively irrelevant to balance consideration. This is why Gaijin doesn’t put the M22 or L3 into high tier BRs because some content creator got kills on Cold War tanks with them…in reality, such occurrences just aren’t practical.

When you look at the general breakdown of results in RB GFs below 8.0, there just isn’t any really serious issue to speak of when it comes to aircraft in RB GFs. Despite being 50% of the mode’s vehicles, aircraft have a paltry kill share and limited influence on the objectives (caps).

Do aircraft get kills? Sure–though not as many as you’d expect from 50% of the mode’s spawn choices and aircraft cost more to spawn than their GFs peers do too.

For anyone looking at improving balance in RB GFs with relation to aircraft, they need to look at sensible ideas like economic improvements for SPAAs as well as access improvements like the Fighters First idea and the token aircraft spawn (a la Naval Forces).

Those ideas improve the game by expanding the game rather than trying to remove anything.

In the past, some TO advocates insisted an RB TO could inherit all of RB GFs’ BRs despite balance differences from the combined arms mode (a la SPAAs’ place in TO). That oversimplified claim was made to insist TO would be an easy copy/paste job…breezing over logistics needs and other considerations.

In reality, TO would likely need at least some BR tweaking to all vehicles (most would probably be minor), but the meta of the TO mode would still be different from CA.

As interest in TO has waned (official interest from Gaijin collapsed in late 2019-2020…they’ve never commented on it since AFAIK), alternative arrangements like FF have become more compelling avenues to similar results.

Whoa ! Let’s just stop you right there. Nobody is suggesting removing or nerfing anything but making an additional game like Naval was additional. Simple. Nobody loses anything, nobody gives up anything and nobody nerfs anything.

I fly CAS ,I own CAS premiums made for CAS, I dont want to lose anything or have my CAS game ruined by nerfing anything. Let’s get that very straight.

As a business model it may well cause a return to the game of the thousands who left it due to hatred of CAS and it is ruing a potentially brilliant and immersive tank game as they see it. I am a self-employed businessperson I know the meaning of “Bums on seats” as well as anybody.You want all the players playing WT not some other game.

WT as pure ground would kick WoT into outer space, hell it might even steal their custom. Who would not want that as a business proposal? Plus if they all want to enter the world of flying then they can with standard GRB.

We all have the option to flit between the two. Nobody loses anything everybody gains everything including a new way of playing and enjoying GRB, focused on the ground and unharried by the air.

No offence to Sytryse but no he/she? got it wrong and my comment was to correct his/her statement that the game cannot work without CAS.

Fact is we already have GRB games without CAS. Quite simply once in a while nobody spawns in a plane, no one, no air in GRB and that is an observation many of us have made and we also observed how much we enjoyed the game without it.

Will not having CAS reveal glaring plot holes in the game and BR? Possibly but the game is made to work without the need of CAS and if the No fly GRB becomes an even more diverse entity then that is a good thing as far as I can see.

It will evolve into much more than just GRB without planes. It will see a use of many different vehicles that can’t survive with CAS overhead, and it will mean those who simply jump into a plane every game have to go a different route.

Will it have it’s frustrations? Maybe, but doesn’t WT across the board? Many arcade player hate GRB and GRB hate Arcade etc. etc. so what? What’s new?

I am not going to start attacking your suggestions in any way, I am simply against nerfing or changing the fundamentals of a game that many have invested years in to master.

You wouldn’t change the rules of chess every 5 minutes, would you? Constant knee jerk movement forwards then back is pulling the rug from under the feet of WT players. Let the game settle, let people have faith in it not secretly charging each time they log on.
Stop the paranoia and the feeling of in trepidation we all have when we log in. “What the hell have they done today?” It’s just a nasty WT habit as far as I can see.

Is successful gameplay not about who can exploit the game the best? Why are we here otherwise?

If you can get X6 kills with a Pe8 having taking eternity to grind to it and mod it so you get the big bomb, then go for it. I know you can get 5 or6 kills per bomb or none or take out 4 teammates. Choice is yours and choice is what WT is all about. I called for the Pe8 to removed a couple of years ago now I love playing it.

There is nothing GRB about being hit by a Bomb from the height. There were no major tank battles between Tigers and Lancasters not at any point in history. I see it for exactly what it is and I accept both views so I am not going round in circles over this.

I am not interested in point scoring or being forum internet debating champion, I am simply trying to make the game better and appease both parties here.

We had a recent thread from Stona ,where he on behalf of Gaijin was very open and honest about the M1 due to the fuss on the forum over it. Moves are being made to address issues and forum members listened to. It may not suit everybody, OK but it was direct dialogue with the playing or paying public and greatly appreciated by many.

So hopefully we may at least get an official viewpoint from Gaijin over this and the separate game solution or we may not but the issue and new daily posts over this CAS will not simply go away.

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Well, why not raise the sp of air spawns?
In all, this is GRB, not Bombing & Strafing Training Battles.
Allowing aircrafts from the start only causes more intense Battle of Britain imo

wonder why the cas complainers always start with the insults first

because of the other changes that would make it work duh

The change of SP would change nothing regarding unbalance.

haha ULQ_LOVER is back

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I was never gone ;)

Just spawn SPAA bro!

The SPAA in a small map with nowhere to go:

my reaction


*Looking at the rocket fired outside of its effective distance and which he can’t avoid.

SPAA is unironically easy to use. Boring as hell but its not like youre struggling to hit SAMs on aircraft. as much as i like playing CAS most players arent good at it because they just revenge bomb

If it was a guided muntion you could probably straight up shoot it down

So You say that You are good in it and Your stats won’t contradict that?

HVAR rocket is enough ;), especially when talking about open-top SPAA.