Do you have Type 10 or TKX
Tell me what you’ll do with speed then,other than flanking (which realistically is not the strongest suit), reaching sniping positions early (good only for the 120mm Abrams)and capping points early. What do you want as a tactic,running open in the field like a walking piñata? Again,you’re proving that you never played the Abrams
Chinese coper when faced with logic:
Did you hear it guys? The current 2A7/122B domination in Top Tier is not a problem,just aim better! Doesn’t matter if they can delete you faster than your aiming is
I would rephrase that,since i witnessed with my own eyes a Type 10 eating too many rounds from different nations and a Type 90 literally bouncing 3 M829A2 on the UFP
Oh wait you don’t , every one of your stats is mid at best. Nothing can be said to be good enough to yap about a nation you don’t bother to play. Instead of coming up with counter point to contribute to the thread all you do is personal attack and stats shaming me. Like i said , i do not care about stats as long as you don’t bring it up first and make good counterpoint
Get to a good sniping spot ? Good choke point to safe guard flank or path of your choice
That Kanji and Hiragani , sorry babe. Thought your are better than that but you gotta hit me with “Chinese coper” , illiterate
Cause your aim is bad .LMAO , aiming at the spot that have no armor =/= no spall , shoot it again and again hoping the tank would die. Thought US main would offer something better than “Chinese coper”. Trying to agree with their abram balancing and still get called chinese biased , despite i have not mentioned china ONCE.
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You need other tanks to have stuff like mobility gun handling gun depression reload speed to be brought up to the same level as M1’s.
Thats some hard gaslighting if i ever saw some.
You are comparing it to the strongest round in thw game, which only 1 event vehicle had.
Compare it to any other tank they wont act better against it or even worse.
Thats some serious US suffers/bitching from u there . Seriously an embarrasment. There is reason to complain and argue about it.
But certainly not this way
Better yet, how about we propose this: Make Matchmaking Great Again. Enough with nothing but mixed battles in Ground and Air RB. Bring back the country and map match-ups from days past and get rid of these un-realistic mash-ups. BRs on countless ground and air vehicles have been moved around since then, and I’d honestly rather wait a little longer to get tossed into a smaller match than be put in the fustercluck that’s been RB matches for the past couple of years. Sure, I could play Sim. The thing is, that used to not be (and still shouldn’t be) the solution to my problem. A potential solution I’m proposing is a selectable “Realistic Matchmaking” checkbox for RB (both Air and Ground) matchmaking with old map rotations that we haven’t seen in years.
Uhh yeah, the leopard 2 has the best armor in the game… Whats your point? The leo 2, at least in game, has better armor than the abrams.
I’ve come to realize that the biggest problem with the Abrams tanks are the teammates lmfao, clickbait teammates are still both mentally handicapped as well as 70% of the team.
To fix the different abrams tanks in war thunder, i’d:
find a way to get rid of the click bait teammates
Add TUSK II as a modification instead of being forced on the SEPv2, even though it’d be the same thing as the SEP afterward.
So Russia/China loses every match. That’s what you propose, lol?
The point is the Abrams is bad
But it’s not.
M1 at 10.7 is one of the best.