This is what the Abrams M1 armor looks like on its BR, the M1 Abrams has no armor, there is no projectile that could fight tanks at its combat rating. Very often they kill me simply in silhouette, the player doesn’t even look through the sight, he sees me and they shoot and I’m in the hangar. They propose to reduce the combat rating to 10.0.
They? The voices in your mind? Most vehicles above 9.7 was moved a Battle Rating above, 10.3 - 12.0 didn’t changed nothing, and using a cannon that was made to penetrate any point possible of the target is just bad. I mean, using the Object 292 to example the “bad armor” on the M1 Abrams is stupid, bad argument.
And I think you’re wrong.
10.0 is insane given the T-72B’s are 10.3. Will they be going to 9.7 then?
Same thing happens when 2A4 gets shot by that round. Shall we reduce it’s BR to 10.0 as well?
Your last topic was closed for the same reason this one will be. Use the current thread about this tank’s performance.
And for this reason, the Gaijin decided to make the Abrams glass?
No mobility, gun handling, reload speed, thermals, gun depression. That’s what’s wrong.
Good tanks? Abrams have no armor, no penetration. To destroy a Leopard or T-80 you need to target the pixils of vulnerable spots, and to kill an Abrams you just need to shoot in its direction. Where is the balance?
I must admit ,many Russia vehicles seem to be like that now. Stalinium.
There’s much more to a tank than looking at it in the armour viewer.
Genuine skill issue, lol. The Abrams is either the best or second best tank at 10.7, along with the Leopard 2A4 depending on if you prefer penetration or reload rate.
why are you using a 152mm round against it lmao, you’d get a similar picture if u put this round against other vehicles aswell, so does that mean everything else at this br should go down aswell?
Counterpoint:leave it at 10.7 and give it M833 and M900 as Tier III and IV modifications instead of M735 and M774
It’s an historical buff (the M1 Abrams briefly used the 735 because the 774 was issued the same year the Abrams entered service.Furthermore,the M1 used the 833 and the few remaining M1 in the 90s were issued M900 during the Gulf War) and it strengthens the idea of the Abrams: a fast moving,fast firing tank that can deal quite a punch but has an enormous and easy to pen weakspot.
Having M900 means you have a formidable round even when facing 11.7 (those who often brings the M1128 to higher BRs knows what i’m talking about)
No need to lower its BR,just add 2 historical rounds and the M1 will be much better
Moreover,with this change,move the IPM1 from the M1A1 folder to the M1 folder (so a slight reduction in RP research and SL cost,but we’re talking of spare change) since the IPM1 is a stop-gap upgrade to the M1 Abrams and not a full-on sidegrade of the M1A1, historically speaking.
So where is 3bm60 for T-72B and DM33 for 2a4 then?
M1 with M900 wouldn’t be staying at 10.7.
They don’t need those,DM23 has 410mm of pen point blank and the 3BM42 has 457mm of pen point blank,it is more than enough to fight 10.7-11.7 vehicles
M774 has 372mm point blank and it’s a 105mm dart,meaning that it does less spall damage overall compared to a 120mm DM23 and a 125mm 3BM42
So you think giving it a round with over 500mm of pen as well as a 5 second reload is balanced?
Considering that both DM23 and 3BM42 can cruise through any portion of the M1 Abrams at reasonable ranges,while the M774 fails to do so,yes.
okay can we give ariete P 5s reload then? coupled with it’s 120mm dm33 round
also can we give french 100mm/120mm 7.7 tanks their HISTORICAL penetration, being able to reliably penetrate T-54/55 and IS-3’s in the UFP respectively? i mean surely thats really balanced for already incredible vehicles at 7.7 amirite
and also, m1 with m900 would NOT stay at 10.7