I propose lowering the combat rating of the Abrams

If they going to do anything first, they need to correct Merkavas and leave the Abrams the way it is just to troll USA mains because they’ve been talking too much smack lol

I know f-all about specific traits of tanks but I mean if that’s actually true, it’s more than enough to give the hull upgrades. Still won’t make play Abrams again though lol

Considering 100% of what sartt says has no factual basis, I wouldn’t believe him.

Plus there’s an old forum on here disproving his opinion

you want to ask @Conraire about the over performing russian armor, or the BRL upgrades of the abrams?

all i want is to be able to sit on a hill at a angle and laugh as people fire into the LFP in vain.

That’s because the T-80UM was a test bed for drozd on the T-80U, it could easily fit a thermal but as it was a test vehicle they aren’t totally kitted out

The best projectile with 340mm penetration?

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imaging if you actual had a brain and figured out it took them 5 years to fix stuff missing from the HSTLV


T-80U(M) has them, Also where’s the proof that Contact-5 can stop M829A2 or DM53? There isn’t right?


It won’t totally stop those no. Degrade a bunch? Yes. Relict was designed to stop APFSDS more than Kontact 5

Also T-80UM2 does not have thermals irl or in game… where are you pulling that info from??

Well, it’s been 4 years. Star fighters is when the hstvl came out.

And the T-80Us were dropped in update Locked On, making their problem actually older than the hstvl.

Try to argue that ;)

Oh I know who’d love to see this @Men_of_Harlech

argue that it takes gaijin years to fix simple bugs? :D

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Russian ERA can only stop dm 53 / m829a2 from 1 km

anything without it and its not going to stop anything. that why everyone laughed at gaijin when they said M829A3 wouldn’t work, Gaijin just making up more stuff.

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Ohh you read Russian do you?

Tandem explosive reactive armor “Duplet”


Oh Jesus you know translators still aren’t great right?

my guy i don’t need translators for something that been read for years now.

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I mean… that document isn’t very specific and just says it can’t be penetrated at 1 km… doesn’t say anything about shorter ranges. 1 km might just be used as a benchmark for a standard range of engagement. Contrary to War Thunder, most engagements between tanks (which rarely happen to begin with) happen at or well beyond that range.

Also is this from an actual test of a real M829A2 shell being used against a T-90 with Relikt? Becuase if its not and just a calculation it just becomes a “he said she said”

I mean, even without a translator you can tell roughly what it’s talking about.

I’m 99% sure DM53 can UFP a T-80U, at least last time I checked.


Read in your own mind it seems

It’s a T-80BVM according to the diagram. (Which has an upper plate = 425ishmm, add in the 260mm relict in game, and presto, you have the number why it should stop DM53. It just barely is over the mark when it comes to stop point blank DM53 but in game it still has a low chance to pen.

But relict is very minorly under preforming from the last technical data I laid eyes on, it should be stopping 280mm kinetic, not 260mm.

Just as Kontact 5 should be 140mm not 120mm, but whether it’s gaijin balancing or what not I don’t know.

crazy how you can’t understand it but others can