Hypothetical Iranian Air TT

Hi, this thread will mostly be about drafting an potential Iranian Air TT as well as a discussion on Iranian aircraft (both domestic and foreign), possible Iranian COIN aircraft and Iranian air weapons ordinances. Once there is enough data collected on it a proper Iranian Air TT will be posted in the near future.

This is a draft on how a hypothetical Iranian Air TT will look like.


2024-05-01 17_30_50-Window
2024-05-01 17_31_23-Window

You can see from the proposed TT is that the later TT aren’t much of a problem in terms in the amount of aircraft in them it’s the Earlier Tiers (more specifically Tier’s IV-VI) that are lacking in content



Tier IV



This is identical to the P-47D-30 in the Italian and Chinese TT’s, Iran got 60 F-47’s in 1948 and operated them until the 1960’s. This will be a potential starting aircraft

Hurricane Mk.IIC


This is identical to the Hurricane Mk.IIC that other countries operated (E.g: Egypt and Yugoslavia), it will be another potential starting aircraft. Iran got their Hurricane’s




The Shahist Iranian Airforce brought 12 O-2A Skymasters for Observation and COIN purposes (you can see the hardpoints in the pic below), interestingly enough the O-2A can also equip countermeasures so this could potentially be the lowest br aircraft to mount flares



Iran obtained 25 Tucanoes, used primarily as a combat trainer though they were used in COIN and anti-drug smuggling operations during 2004 operating in Afghanistan. They were handed to the Air arm of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard in 2009

Normally the Iranians used 2 hardpoints on them however it can equip up to four hardpoints mainly consisting of rocketpods, bombs, and MG gunpods

Hurricane T Mk.IIC (Premium)


Essentially this is a two-seat combat trainer of the Hurricane Mk.IIC, other than the extra pilot and being a little heavier, the Hurricane T Mk.IIC is functionally identical to the Hurricane Mk.IIC


Tier V






Iran obtained their first batch of T-33A’s in 1956 and a second batch in 1958, Iranian T-33’s can equip 2 50.cals, 2 1000Ibs bombs or 2 FFAR rocketpods

F-86F-30 Golden Crown (Premium/Pre Order)


The Golden Crown is the Imperial Iranian Airforce’s top aerobatics team, they got their first F-86F’s in 1961 and operated the model until 1971 when they were replaced by F-5A’s

F-86F-25 ONUC (Premium)


Iran sent a squadron of F-86’s to the Congo for peacekeeping purposes, because of this this specific F-86F will lack napalm ordinances

Tier VI

Cl-13 Mk.6


At least 90 ex-Luftwaffe Cl-13’s arrived in Iran, the Shahist Iranian Airforce only used them for a very short time at most since they were intended for the Pakistani Airforce and Iran is more interested in acquiring new aircraft like the F-5A Freedom Fighter for example anyways

F-4D (1968)


This represents F-4D’s when they were first brought during the Imperial Iranian Years because of that it will be identical to F-4D’s operated by the US



Iran obtained approx. 100 F-6C’s directly from the Chinese, the exact details of F-6’s in Iranian service is unknown, an interesting fact is that the Iraqi Airforce also obtained F-6’s primarily from Egypt so there is a chance that Iranian F-6’s fought against Iraqi F-6’s during the Iran-Iraq war



This suppose to represent the F-5’s operated by the Shahist regime, because of that they are functionally identical to the Event F-5A in the US TT



Iran obtained 12 MiG-23’s (mostly MiG-23BN’s. A handful of ML’s were obtained by Iran through this way as well) from Fleeing Iraqi pilots in 1991, currently they are in reserve/storage



Iran obtained 4 Su-20’s from Fleeing Iraqi pilots in 1991. Functions as a transitionary aircraft between the Su-7BMK and the Su-22’s having the AGM’s, S-25’s, S-8’s Unguided rockets and the extra hardpoints of the Su-22 but lack any AAM missiles of the Su-7BMK

Tier VII

F-4E (1968)


Like with the F-4D (1968) it is a F-4E when it is being operated during the Shahist era, because of that it will be mostly identical to the US F-4E with maybe missing the top preforming radar AAM

F-4D (2013)


The Iranian Air force recognizing that their fleet of F-4’s are becoming increasingly becoming obsolete decided to launch an modernization program for their F-4’s, using an more modern radar of Chinese origin, Chinese AAM’s like the PL-5E & PL-11 (this ontop of the Fattir AAM’s) as well as domestically built Iranian guided bombs and guided rockets like the Zoobin, Qadr and Qased. Finally this specific F-4D will lack any kind of cannon so it is more reliant on AAM’s for Air and Air combat mainly due to the fact that the F-4’s are relegated as a bomber and Interdiction aircraft. The modifications are still ongoing, some of these modified F-4 saw action against ISIS in neighbouring Iraq and Syria

F-4E (2013)


Essentially the Same mods found on the F-4D (2013) but on the F-4E. It would also get access to more powerful AAM weaponry such as R-73’s and PL-12’s

F-4E AG 1


Mirage F1BQ


Two seat advanced trainer and strike aircraft, both cannons are omitted otherwise can carry the same ordinances as the EQ-4 can

Mirage F1EQ-6


23 Mirage F1 was flowing to Iran from Iraq by fleeing Iraqi pilots during the outbreak of the Gulf War. The Iranians immediately took the Mirage F1 and put into service which they still serve to this day

The F1EQ and the Two-Seater F1BQ variants are a semi-unique variant of the Mirage F1 since they were modified to carry ASM’s in the form of Exocet ASM’s as a requirement by the Iraqi airforce

The EQ-6 features improved RWR, Radar set and weapons system, allowing it to carry 2 Exocet ASM’s




Like with the F-5A, this is suppose to represent the F-5E’s operated by the Shahist regime, because of that they are functionally identical to the F-5E in the US TT



The Azarakhsh is Iran’s first attempt to reverse-engineer the F-5E alongside the Simorgh (an reverse engineered F-5B) started in 1997 and ending in 2006, 6 confirmed Azarakhsh’s were built, there is very few differences from the regular F-5E’s inspite of this there are a few, firstly the Azarakhsh can use Fattir and PL-5 AAM’s due to the combination of Iran’s ever depleting supply of AIM-9’s and Iran using Fattir and PL-5 missiles, the other main difference is that the Azarakhsh marks as the first TT F-5/F-5 derivative to use a ballistics computer. Finally the Azarakhsh can utilize a pair of Zoobin PGM’s



Iran obtained a total of 10 Su-25’s from Iraq from fleeing Iraqi pilots (7 Su-25K’s and 3 Su-25UBK’s) all Su-25’s were eventually transferred to the Revolutionary Guard Aerospace forces, 3 Su-25’s were intended to be sent back to the Iraqi Airforce in 2014.



The Yasin is a domestically built Advanced trainer, first flown in 2018, there is currently a proposal to make a dedicated Light Attacker variant of the Yasin. Despite this the Advanced trainer can still use weapon ordinances on 5 hardpoints (one fuselage and 4 wing)




Iran obtained a total of 40 Su-22’s from fleeing Iraqi pilots, currently they are in service with both the Iranian Airforce and the Revolutionary Guard Aerospace forces. The Iranian’s also did some modifications mainly the ability to carry Iranian weapons like the Iranian Guided bombs, missiles (Zoobin, Qadr, Qased and Bina) and rockets (Fajr-4 & Fajr-4CL)

RF-4E (2013) (Premium)


The RF-4E was the dedicated Reece variant of the F-4E obtained back in 1968 alongside the other F-4’s. Originally it was unarmed however it was upgraded to use weapon loadouts. Functionally identical to the F-4D (2013) but with additional CM


F-7M (Premium)

Mirage F1EQ-5 (Squadron)




These represent the F-14A’s operated not only during the Shahist area but also during the Early Islamic Republican era during the Iran-Iraq war. Despite what some people say the Iranian F-14A’s even during the reign of the Shah is not entirely the same in terms of weapon loads. The main difference is that Iranian Tomcats initially used AIM-9E’s and AIM-9P’s instead of the AIM-9D’s G’s & H’s that the USN F-14’s used (Iran never used AIM-9D’s G’s, H’s or even L’s)

The F-14A’s alongside the premium F-14 will get access to two more weapons, the MIM-23 Hawk and the Yasser unguided AGM




Note: The Event Iranian F-14A added to the US is a combination of the Earlier upgrade F-14 and the F-14AM

Due to several factors Iran decided to launch a project to upgrade and modernize their existing F-14’s, these upgrades includes: Giving the Ability to use the Sedljil, Farkour 90, Fattir and R-73 AAM’s, Qadr and Qased Guided bombs. Currently 2 confirmed Iranian F-14’s are upgraded to F-14AM’s

Link to an active F-14AM thread
F-14AM - The Iranian Tomcat - History, Performance, and Discussion - #79 by I_Phobos_I



Iran operated around a total of 44 MiG-29’s with 19 currently being in operational condition (MiG-29A’s and MiG-29UB’s), Iranian MiG-29’s were modified to carry the Nasr-1 ASM as well as being tested for the Fakour-90 BVR AAM making Iranian MiG-29’s unique from the other earlier model MiG-29 due to their long-range and anti-shipping capabilities



The Saeqeh is Iran’s second attempt at a domestic fighter based on the F-5, this one however is more ambitious, firstly the Saeqeh has an extra vertical stabilizer, to make space for the extra vertical stabilizer both are placed on an angle. Because of this major design choice it will give the Saeqeh the most unique flight profile in comparison to other F-5’s. The second major difference is the increasing amount of Chinese and Iranian secondary weapons, firstly the Saeqeh will unable to use AIM-9’s instead the starting missile will be the Fattir AAM and the final missile will be the PL-5E an all aspect version of the PL-5, the Saeqeh can still use FFAR, Zuni and US made bombs however. Second Major difference is that the Saeqeh can use Iranian guided weapons in the form of the Zoobin PGM (Possibly the Bina as well). The project started in the early 2000’s with the first flight happening around July 2004 and officially put into service in September 2007, the project is still ongoing though the Iranians moved to the Saeqeh-2 project which is similar to the original Saeqeh project except it involves a two-seater variant as well a proposal to upgrade all of Iran’s operationally remaining F-5F’s into Saeqeh-2’s. 6 Saeqeh’s are confirmed to be built



The Kowsar is Iran’s third attempt to build a domestic fighter aircraft based on the F-5 chassis, this time using the design of the F-5F as a base. This combines all the improvements found on the previous Iranian F-5 derivatives as well as improvements found on the Kowsar. For starters the Kowsar implements more modern avionic equipment including a new ballistics computer, a heads up display and a laser rangefinder for example, unfortunately to make space for the new equipment one of the two M39 20mm autocannons had to be omitted. Next is that the Kowsar will start with all-aspect AAM’s as a starting AAM, finally due to the improved avionics suite it can utilize more advanced ground ordinances. An interesting note with the Kowsar is unlike the Saeqeh 2, the Kowsar does not involve upgrading the remaining F-5F’s rather the Kowsar is built purely from scratch.



The Shahist regime placed an order for 160 F-16’s, 140 of which were completed and was about to be shipped to Iran, the order was cancelled during the outbreak of the Iranian revolution and the subsequent breakdown in US-Iranian relationships.

As previously stated the Iranian F-16 alongside the Iranian F/A-18 is added for a lot of the same reasons on why the F-16AJ is added to the Japanese TT unlike the F-16AJ though Iran did place an order for their F-16’s and F/A-18’s they just were either cancelled or never received due to political reasons

Note: the image below is an artist representation of a Hypothetical Imperial Iranian F-16 flying over a Tower of Silence in Yazd, not a real one



The Shafaq is a domestically built Iranian combat aircraft like the Azarakhsh, Saeqeh and Koswar, unlike the previous 3 mentioned aircraft the Shafaq is a completely unique Iranian design though (initially) with some technical help from the Russian. The Shafaq is intended for Advanced Trainer, Ground Attack and Light Fighter roles similar to the Qaher 313 & Borhan, two other domestic and unique Iranian Designs. Iran claims that the Shafaq alongside the Qaher 313 is capable of stealth, i doubt those claims though the Shafaq, Qaher and Borhan are still impressive vehicles non the less since it shows the world that Iran can design domestic and unique combat capable aircraft from scratch inspite of the crippling embargoes placed on Iran. The Shafaq alongside the Borhan and Qaher 313 never pass the mockup stage as all 3 aircraft is stuck in development limbo. Inspite of this i added the Shafaq for 3 main reasons, firstly it is a fully unique Iranian Aircraft giving people an excuse to play the Iranian Air TT (people are more inclined to play unique vehicles than a existing aircraft even if the loadout is different), secondly inspite of being a mockup there is a lot of data on the Shafaq including weapons loadout and flight characteristics since some testing is done on the mockup, thirdly and most importantly Iran is considering restarting the project with the high probability to make a functioning prototype so the Shafaq could potentially be a functioning aircraft



Iran currently operate 2 Yak-130 as advanced trainer and ground attack aircraft with more on order



F/A-18AI (Squadron)


The Imperial Iranian Regime ordered at least 200 F-18’s for Ground Attack and Interceptor roles, the order was cancelled for the same reasons as the cancellation of the Iranian F-16’s

Zandi’s F-14A (Premium/Potential Pre Order when Tier IX is announced)


Jalil Zandi, born in 1951 in Garmsar is an Iranian F-14 pilot serving during the Iran-Iraq war, scoring 11 confirmed and 3 probable kills making him the highest scoring F-14 Ace, Pilots when it is somebody as experienced like Zandi or as green as the vast majority of Iran F-14’s pilots during the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq war (most of Iran’s experienced pilots are loyal to the Shah) proved the potency of BVR missiles and rendering dogfighting as obsolete. Zandi past away in a car accident alongside his wife near Tehran on the 1’st of April 2001

Saeqeh-2 (Premium/Pre Order)


Essentially the Two-Seater variant of the Saeqeh, also the Saeqeh has an slight increase in payload, otherwise is identical to the regular Saeqeh

Tier IX



Iran has purchased 24 Su-35E however they are still yet to be in Iranian Service. The Su-35 were originally intended for the Egyptian Airforce however due to external pressure cancelled the contract. Iran brought them alongside Su-24M2K’s and S-400 SAM systems mainly to phase out their aging Airfleet

IAIO Qaher-313


The Qaher 313 is a prototype light multirole fighter aircraft, claimed to have stealth capabilities by the Iranian government. The stealth capabilities are questionable at best, despite that like with the Shafaq it can still be a capable light fighter aircraft and shows that Iran can design an aircraft entirely unique.

Armament wise it can use 6 PL-12 AAM’s as it’s sole anti-air weapon, following the trend of modern fighters completely omitting a gun entirely (either inbuilt or even in a gunpod). The Qaher-313 can equip equip some air to ground ordinances including dumb bombs (up to 2 2000lbs bombs), guided bombs and AGM’s of domestic, Russian and Chinese origin

The project was ultimately canned in favour of continual development of drone designs and technology that Iran is developing. However it could be restarted again in the near future






Essentially an reversed engineered AIM-9 which later variants obtained characteristics from the PL-5 family of AAM’s



An Iranian Built MIM-23 Hawk SAM that was modified to be a Medium Ranged Radar AAM

Fakuour 90


A reversed engineered AIM-54 Phoenix that was equipped primarily on Iran’s F-14’s as well as tested on Iranian MiG-29’s

AGM’s, PGM’s, ASM’s and ATGM’s



This is a domestically built first generation PGM’s, having a max range of 20km, it is confirmed to be used on Iran’s F-4’s and their Modified F-5’s (Azarakhsh, Saeqeh’s and Koswar’s)



An Iranian Guided bomb based on the 2000 Ibs BLU-117 guided bomb



An Iranian Guided bomb also based on the BLU-117 guided bomb, like with the Qadr it’s exact operational history and what aircraft can mount it is currently unknown but if i have an educated guess it will most likely be carried by F-4’s, F-14’s, possibly Su-22’s, Su-25’s, Su-24’s and MiG-29’s



Yet another domestic Iranian AGM, this time being based on the Maverick family of AGM’s, like with the Qadr and Qased it is unknown which aircraft used them but most likely the same aircraft as well. The Bina is also used on the Su-25 as well

Bina being fired from a Iranian Su-25UBK



Medium ranged ASM missile similar to the Nasr-1, this missile can be fired on land based systems or on aircraft with the F-4D,E & RF-4E being able to fire it




Essentially this is a ASM based on the C-704 ASM of Chinese origin, this ASM can be fired on land based systems or on aircraft with the MiG-29A being confirmed to be able to equip it




A guided Air to Surface rocket that was designed in 2014 and unveiled in 2020, it was tested on Su-22’s, two variants of the Fajr-4 exist the regular Fajr-4 & the Fajr-4CL the exact differences of these two variants are currently unknown




A Unguided Rocket made from a chassis of a MIM-23 Hawk with the head of it replaced with M117 750lbs bomb. The F-14 is the only aircraft that utulized this weapon though since it’s one of the very first domestic weapons designed by Iran after the revloution

Credit for @CubicSquare for finding this image

Modern, more official looking Yassers



Early Laser Guided Bomb, requires the TLS-99 laser pod in order for the weapon system to work, sacrificing one of the Radar AAM weapon loadout to mount it




Royal Libyan Airforce (Unlockable)


Royal Ethiopian Airforce (Unlockable)

Potential Additions

  • Another F-84G variant: There is a F-84G monument in the city of Dezful where a F-84G is modified to carry AIM-9’s however i am not sure if it was a mod while in service or it was added after it was retired (i am most likely leaning towards the latter)
  • HESA Simorgh: An Iranian built advanced trainer & ground attack aircraft based on the F-5B, it lacks cannons both in terms of fuselage or gunpod mounted cannons but otherwise can carry secondary ordinances (AAM’s & ground attack)
  • JF-17
  • J-10C
  • Su-24UM4K
  • F-5F
  • Borhan: This is a Iranian Light Attack aircraft however as far as i know only a full mockup of it exists and said mockup is commonly mistaken for the Shafaq

Imperial Ethiopia & Ethiopia

  • SAAB B17
  • Firefly Mk.I
  • T-28D
  • Su-25TK


  • G-2E Galeb
  • J-21 Jastreb
  • MiG-25RBK



F-86F-30 Golden Crown
Cl-13 Mk.6
Pakistan Military Consortium :: www.PakDef.info
Iranian F-4E Phantom II With Sattar-3 Laser Guided Missiles and TLS-99 laser targeting pod | Global Military Review
Here's the latest Iranian jet mock-up - The Aviationist
Iranian Indigenous Fighter projects (Saeqeh, etc) | Page 4 | Secret Projects Forum
Analysis: Fakour Air-to-Air Missile
Iran's F-14 Fleet. - by Stephen Sanford

There is already a suggestion to a Iranian Ground Forces TT, here is the link below


I’m all for it , as a Subtree for USSR. +1


Thanks for tagging my suggestion m8.

In my opinion, the Iranian aircraft roster is, at least when compared to their ground forces, somewhat lacking in terms of aircraft models. This is due to the modern aircraft being quite significantly harder to produce from the ground up.

However, Iranian aircraft does offer a significant amout of unique weaponry that would make their aircraft stands out from the other similar models operated by other nations. And that it is more than enough to back their ground forces up in the CAS/air superiority roles.

To add a bit of variety of Iranian air tree, you might considered adding captured/interned Iraqi aircrafts that Iran got during the 1990-91 Gulf War, as Iran used and outfitted these aircraft for their own use as a reparations for the Iran-Iraq war.

As a side note, here’s my updated draft of the Iranian helicopter tree. While I got more info about the attack helicopter (enough to conclude that the Panha 2091 and the Toophan I are actually the same vehicle), I still lack quite a lot of information about their utility helicopers, so any help would be appreciated.

(Also, as a minor correction on your post, the latest Iranian F-5 upgrade/rebuild were actually called Kowsar, not Koswar by the way.)

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(Also, as a minor correction on your post, the latest Iranian F-5 upgrade/rebuild were actually called Kowsar, not Koswar by the way.)

I fixed that error in regards to the Kowsar.

To add a bit of variety of Iranian air tree, you might considered adding captured/interned Iraqi aircrafts that Iran got during the 1990-91 Gulf War, as Iran used and outfitted these aircraft for their own use as a reparations for the Iran-Iraq war.

Some of those aircraft are already added (Both Su-25 variants, Su-22M4, Mirage F1EQ and MiG-23BN) though that is far from a exhaustive list, there is a potential to add both two-seater variants of the Su-22, as well as the two-seater variant of the Mirage F1, finally the Mirage F1EQ can be spilt into 2 separate variants (the F1EQ 5 & F1EQ 6), I am going to see if Iran captured aircraft during the Iran-Iraq war, any aircraft that Iran captured or seized by chance both during other wars that Iran is apart of or during peacetime.

I’ll also look into aircraft that are evaluated by Iran, flown by Iranian volunteers or Iranian Airforce pilots for another airforce and countries that have very close ties to either the Iranian airforce and/or the Iranian State. More specifically Ethiopia due to Ethiopia’s close ties to Shahist era Iran and maybe Libya due to Gaddafi close relations to Revolutionary Iran, post unification Yemen could be a another potential candidate.

As a side note, here’s my updated draft of the Iranian helicopter tree. While I got more info about the attack helicopter (enough to conclude that the Panha 2091 and the Toophan I are actually the same vehicle), I still lack quite a lot of information about their utility helicopers, so any help would be appreciated

If I find any info on Iranian helicopters especially armaments on utility helicopters, i’ll let you know

Speaking of Iranian built military equipment in Ethiopia

Come on now, at least give it to a minor nation

Here is a close-up of Iran’s F-86F’s in the Congo, you can see that they have wing slats found on the F-86F-40. I also did some searching and i found out that Iran not only used F-86F-40’s but also upgraded their F-86F-25’s with the wings of the F-40. Iran is not the only nation to have F-86F’s in the Congo, Imperial Ethiopian Airforce Cl-13 Mk.4’s are also present in the Congo

Because of that 1 new vehicle will be added being the F-86F-40 (foldered with the Cl-13 Mk.6) and the F-86F-25 ONUC will be changed to F-86F-25/40 and moved to Tier VI

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Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Airforce EMB-312 Tucano


Iran has a MiG-29 (9-12 Variant B)… according to another MiG-29B/9-12B…No -MiG-29A…

when will the proper Iranian Air TT be dropped

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Iran could get stuff from Irak, like Kai T-50, F-16 and Aero L-159 and maybe even Qatar too, that would give us Alpha Jet, Mirage 2000, Rafale and Eurofighter…

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Iran needs its own independent technology tree.

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HESA Simorgh: Unlicensed Iranian built F-5B, like with other F-5B’s it has no inbuilt cannons but can still use other ordinances that Iranian built F-5’s can use

One of the two Yak-130’s Iran operates. Iran will acquire more Yak-130’s in the near future

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Here is a funky looking aircraft, the HESA Bavar, a Ground Effect Floatplane. Normally it is unarmed however it may be able to carry some munitions in the form of lmg’s dumb munitions, AGM’s and ASM’s



I love it hahaha

But which minor nation would get it? I don’t think there are any nations that fit. Maybe the US, but that’s a major TT and wouldn’t make sense given the current political climate. I also don’t like the idea of it being its own TT as we have enough TTs as it is, and there aren’t really any nations left with enough indigenous designs to fill out land, air, and sea.

As it stands, I also wouldn’t like it going to Russia with all the vehicles listed as that would give Russia a bunch of the US’s jets. I feel it would be better for Iran to have a small sub tree of it’s indigenous designs in Russia, maybe have the F-14M as a premium provided the US also gets a premium Russian jet of about the same br.

I’d be ok with it going to Russia if you removed the American aircraft, and vice versa. I do not think it would be ok to give the Russians US stuff and the US Russias stuff because they were in direct competition with each other and it kind of completely obliterates the point of playing other tech trees

I can’t see what Minor nation exactly it would go to- so that is why I say Russia and the US. As another clarification

Overall, however, I would really like to see the truly domestic aircraft (non-completely reverse engineered stuff. Like the HESA Simorgh. Things like the Saeqeh Id be ok with) put into game. I think it is a fair argument to have them around and it makes sense to ask for them as it is new, varying gameplay.

Su-35 is almost a fact for Iran, should be added to the tech

I think it defo has the potential to be it’s own nation, maybe some sort of middle eastern nation which includes countries like turkey iran etc. Iran already has so many ground vehicles and a lot of them are domestically produced, theres even a forum about a hypothetical iranian ground tt. I would be a very interesting nation to be added and definitely an OP and so maybe you would have to get to rank 6-7 or even top tier before unlocking it.

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Update: Six new vehicles are added (new version of the TT will be added soon)

  • EMB-312 Tucano (TT): Tier IV Attacker located after the O-2A
  • Su-20 (TT): slotted inbetween the MiG-23BN and the Su-25K
  • MiG-23ML (Premium): Tier VII premium
  • Su-35 (TT): New top tier fighter at 13.3 First line
  • Qaher 313 (TT): New top tier fighter at 13.0 Second line
  • HESA Simorgh (Squadron): Rank VI Squadron Attack Aircraft at 10.3

Other changes

  • F-4E (2013): Now a TT vehicle but now at 11.7 due to new weapon load of R-73’s
  • F-4D (2013): Reclassified as a Strike aircraft

Due to the earlier tiers still being quite sparse i may have to add vehicles operated from another country that Iran had close relationships with, which unfortunately there isn’t any i can choose from in the context of the Islamic Republic since they have a preference for drones over aircraft. For Imperial Iran there is one nation that i am on the fence about could fill up the gaps in the earlier gaps [the nation in question is Imperial Ethiopia] however like i said i am on the fence in that regards. Alternatively i may just make it that it starts at Tier V instead

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