My family is Iranian and it doesn’t make my word stronger than anyone else’s, the R-27R is a necessary addition and the current state of the vehicle is perfect. It has a small amount of countermeasures and mediocre IR missiles to levy the insane BVR missiles.
If it can’t fire them then it shouldn’t have it, the standard should be the same across the board.
Why does it need R27R? it has Fakour90 and Aim54 Fox-3 missiles, and sejil Fox-1. IR missiles are overrated for a low CM count airplane anyway. It only has 60 CMs and getting close is basically a death sentence.
PS. people were malding about it being in the US tree, I am here to say that I and probably the majority of the Iranian player-base are very ok with the plane being added to the US tree
Check out this forum page: Iranian Grounds Force Tech Tree
There are a lot of unique Iranian vehicles, and that’s just ground vehicles. Iran has a good amount of unique aircraft and helicopters as well. It is the country with the most amount of potential to be added to War Thunder.
Love it!
I belive the F-14 should be in the Russian tech tree it would just make more sense due to the geograpihical location of iran and it being politicaly closer to russia also it got russian missiles it would balance the game more because russia is already suffering with the R-77 at top tier so they would have another Fox-3.
Hmmm how about no
Hard to swallow pills
Russia had nothing to do with this aircraft, and USA had everything to do with it. Cope.
Keep stuff like this in the tree that made it.
Can you atleast tell a reason why?
Why? MiG-29 are also in multible nations.
I just did. Re-read the meme.
The MiG-29 is in the nations that operated them, and in subtrees that have designated homes in main trees.
Yes and Iran is neither in USA or Russia right now and Iran would make more sense in Russia
Absolutely not. The US provided these aircraft the Iran, Russia had absolutely nothing to do with the history of the aircraft when the US did, even if it did have other influences on other parts of the nation and its weaponry.
If it was an Iranian tank, then yeah, most probably it would have gone to the soviet tree. But not the F-14.
Love everyone arguing against the nonsense of F-14 in Soviets.
Why is it nonsense?
(looks at his battle count)
Checks out…
It’s an American aircraft sold for export, and the Soviets never captured an F-14.