Wouldn’t mind seeing Agile on a F-8 or F-4 tbh, looks like it would be quite fun to have.
It doesn’t reach peak thrust immediately after burn starts, taking thrust x burn time will be inaccurate.
Ah, I assumed they took the average thrust over time since they didn’t specify peak anywhere
It could be average, or peak. Either way not accurate to take that number x burn time and plus them together for booster and sustainer…
I think an event F-8 with AIM-95s would be a really fun/unique vehicle
New development, early AIM-95 has 24,000 lb-s total impulse with an average thrust of 3500 pounds over ~7 seconds.
The latest developments had a 32,000 lb-s total impulse and a boost-sustain type grain profile.
32,000 lb-s total impulse, 55G missile with boost-sustain profile. What a monster.
There were four seekers, two were all aspect… the other was the AIM-9D on extra gimbals. The fourth was an electro-optical seeker. There was also later a separately developed two-color IR seeker with decoy rejection through means of adjusting FoV onto the aircraft itself and away from the exhaust.
Initially the 24,000 lb-s model (6 fin Agile I’ll call it) was found to be insufficient so they moved to the boost-sustain 32,000 lb-s impulse model. (Which had 8 fins).
The AIM-95 in it’s penultimate form before full cancelation would have rivaled the AIM-9X in performance (but not size), lacking only an imaging infrared seeker in comparison.
Leave it to US Navy developments to produce something decades ahead of its time.
Now that we’ve got that sorted, what else are we missing in terms of performance?
Also, does that first image mean it could do 118 degrees AOA at speed? I’m not entirely familiar with the terminology but that seems to me what it’s saying.
During the acceleration and launched from higher speeds, yes.
The latest model would likely have a similar overall burn time and thrust profile to the AIM-7F it appears though I suspect there would be less booster and more sustainer to keep it’s ability to guide towards target since it’s TVC only.
A simple modification to the grain profile and perhaps a little less overall propellant for booster. Overall weight of the missile is likely more than 135kg imo.
Any speculation on burn time for the 8 fin’s motor? And possible ranges that might be derived from it?
Which aircraft were these fired from?
In the attached video it looked like a F9F-8 Cougar, but IDK how well that would work balance-wise.
F9F-8, F-4J, F-8, F-14 and possibly F-15 and F-16, that’s all AFAIK
Would love to see a tech tree F-8H (best F-8 variant) with earlier, easier-to-flare AIM-95 and a tech tree F-14D with best AIM-95 and AIM-120
Which would be better, the electro optical seeker or the two-color IR seeker?
The electro optical would work like the Chapparal whereas the two-color seeker would be more like the stinger.
Found another source for the AIM-95 (D-1 type Captive Test Unit), implementation.
It has quite a bit of info related to the Seeker, gimbal limits and employment methodology(s), and supports F-14 / F-15 / A-7 carriage.
Once more; I’m glad to see someone else with a passion for this particularly strange missile. It’s been very nice to read all this.
I’ll share what I can lol
With the newly found information we’ve seen in this thread, I decided to take a crack at making an in-game model of AIM-95 in an “early” configuration. It’s not quite perfect, as it takes a lot of trial and error to get the PIDs and such working smoothly without compromising maneuverability, but I believe it’s in a “good enough” state right now.
135 kg Start Mass
82.8 kg End Mass (Adjusted until specific impulse was a reasonable number)
15,570 Newtons Thrust (3,500 lbs)
6.86s Burn Time
208.6s Isp
24,012 lb-sec Total Impulse
85° Gimbal Limit
70° Lock Limit
The .blk file if anyone would like to try refining it further
rocketGun:b = true
preset_cost:i = 20
bullets:i = 1
shotFreq:r = 1000.25
sound:t = "weapon.rocketgun_132"
helicopterGroup:i = 2
mesh:t = "uk_sraam"
tags {
rocket {
bulletName:t = "uk_sraam"
statType:t = "hydra"
caliber:r = 0.203
length:r = 2.54
WdK:p3 = 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
CxK:r = 2.2
finsAoaHor:r = 0
finsAoaVer:r = 0
distFromCmToStab:r = 0.08
mass:r = 135
massEnd:r = 82.8
timeFire:r = 6.86
force:r = 15570
timeLife:r = 7.5
thrustVectoringAngle:r = 0.2
useStartSpeed:b = true
startSpeed:r = 0
machMax:r = 2.4
endSpeed:r = 0
maxDistance:r = 10000
minDistance:r = 30
rangeMax:r = 10000
loadFactorMax:r = 20
guidanceType:t = "ir"
guidanceSfx:t = "alarm_spin_scan"
effectOffset:p3 = -1.8, 0, 0
normalizationPreset:t = "heat"
ricochetPreset:t = "he"
groundRicochetPreset:t = "he"
secondaryShattersPreset:t = "ap"
stabilityThreshold:r = 0.05
stabilityCaliberToArmorThreshold:r = 5
stabilityReductionAfterRicochet:r = 0.5
stabilityReductionAfterPenetration:r = 0.15
bulletType:t = "aam"
explosiveType:t = "pbxn_102"
explosiveMass:r = 6
maxDeltaAngle:r = 0
dragCx:r = 0.014
spawnExplosionFx:b = false
spawnExplosionWreckage:b = false
explosionEffect:t = "explosion_midair_medium"
groundCollisionEffect:t = "explosion_midair_small"
ricochetEffect:t = "hit_59_80mm_metal_ap"
waterCollisionEffect:t = "hit_59_80mm_water"
explosionPatchRadius:r = 3.4
waterRicochetEffect:t = "hit_81_105mm_water_ap"
groundRicochetEffect:t = "hit_81_105mm_dirt_ap"
visualShattersWaterOffset:r = 1.2
visualShattersGroundOffset:r = 1.2
fireEffect:t = "fires_exhaust_jet_early_big"
smokeEffect:t = "smoke_rocket_tail_light_huge"
smokeEffect2:t = ""
hazeEffect:t = "haze_missile"
endSmokeViscosity:r = 0.05
distanceFuse:b = false
hitPowerMult:r = 400
fuseDelayDist:r = 1
explodeTreshold:r = 0.1
hasProximityFuse:b = true
explodeTreshold:r = 0.01
explodeHitPower:r = 550
explodeArmorPower:r = 75
explodeRadius:p2 = 1, 5
rendinstDamageRadius:r = 9
shutterDamage:b = true
shutterDamageRadius:r = 17
shutterAmount:i = 2000
shutterArmorPower:r = 12
shutterHit:r = 10
price:r = 3000
arcadeProp {
finsAoaHor:r = 0
finsAoaVer:r = 0
guidance {
warmUpTime:r = 1
workTime:r = 20
uncageBeforeLaunch:b = true
useThrustVectoring:b = true
breakLockMaxTime:r = 1
irSeeker {
rangeBand0:r = 11000
rangeBand1:r = 4500
rangeBand2:r = 11000
rangeBand3:r = 11000
rangeBand7:r = 9000
rangeMax:r = 11000
fov:r = 3.2
minAngleToSun:r = 10
lockAngleMax:r = 70
angleMax:r = 85
rateMax:r = 60
prolongationTimeMax:r = 0.5
designationSourceTypeMask:i = 38
constantDesignationSourceTypeMask:i = 6
guidanceAutopilot {
timeOut:r = 0.15
propNavMult:r = 12
reqAccelMax:r = 55
velFrameReference:b = false
baseIndSpeed:r = 1800
accelControlProp:r = 0.000025
accelControlIntg:r = 0.002
accelControlIntgLim:r = 1.0
accelControlDiff:r = 0.001
stabilityRicochetModifier {
mod1:p2 = 0, 0.05
mod2:p2 = 20, 0.1
mod3:p2 = 30, 0.2
mod3:p2 = 45, 0.3
pressureDamage {
damageType:t = "pressure"
damage {
shatter {
useRealShatters:b = true
countPortion:r = 0.15
segment {
radiusScale:r = 1
penetrationScale:r = 1.5
damageScale:r = 1.5
angles:p2 = 0, 9
countPortion:r = 0.1
segment {
angles:p2 = 10, 29
countPortion:r = 0
segment {
radiusScale:r = 1
penetrationScale:r = 1
damageScale:r = 1
angles:p2 = 30, 124
countPortion:r = 0.35
segment {
radiusScale:r = 1
penetrationScale:r = 1.5
damageScale:r = 1.5
angles:p2 = 45, 70
countPortion:r = 0.05
segment {
angles:p2 = 125, 169
countPortion:r = 0
segment {
radiusScale:r = 1
penetrationScale:r = 1
damageScale:r = 1
angles:p2 = 170, 189
countPortion:r = 0.1
segment {
angles:p2 = 190, 234
countPortion:r = 0
segment {
radiusScale:r = 1
penetrationScale:r = 1
damageScale:r = 1
angles:p2 = 235, 329
countPortion:r = 0.35
segment {
radiusScale:r = 1
penetrationScale:r = 1.5
damageScale:r = 1.5
angles:p2 = 290, 315
countPortion:r = 0.05
segment {
angles:p2 = 330, 349
countPortion:r = 0
segment {
radiusScale:r = 1
penetrationScale:r = 1.5
damageScale:r = 1.5
angles:p2 = 350, 359
countPortion:r = 0.1
shatterDamage {
breachConeAngle:r = 45
explosive {
radius:r = 0.15
offset:r = 0.9
DamageParts {
body {
hp:r = 50
armorClass:t = "tank_structural_steel"
armorThickness:r = 1
DamageEffects {
part {
name:t = "body"
onHit {
shellState:t = "inFlight"
expl:r = 1
onKill {
shellState:t = "inFlight"
destruction:r = 1
onHit {
shellState:t = "onUnit"
damageType:t = "generic"
expl:r = 0.05
fire:r = 0.45
break:r = 0.5
damage:r = 3
fHitCritical:b = true
onHit {
shellState:t = "onUnit"
damageType:t = "generic"
expl:r = 0.5
fire:r = 0.3
break:r = 0.2
damage:r = 30
fHitCritical:b = true
onHit {
shellState:t = "onUnit"
damageType:t = "explosion"
expl:r = 0.45
fire:r = 0.45
break:r = 0.1
damage:r = 50
fHitCritical:b = true
onHit {
shellState:t = "onUnit"
damageType:t = "cumulative"
expl:r = 0.4
fire:r = 0.4
break:r = 0.1
damage:r = 100
fHitCritical:b = true
onKill {
shellState:t = "onUnit"
expl:r = 0.05
fire:r = 0.05
break:r = 0.9
fHitCritical:b = true
collisions {
steel {
fx:t = "explosion_midair_small"
ricochetFx:t = "hit_81_105mm_metal_ap"
armor {
fx:t = "explosion_midair_small"
ricochetFx:t = "hit_81_105mm_metal_ap"
buildings {
fx:t = "explosion_midair_small"
ricochetFx:t = "hit_106_132mm_stone_ap"
wood {
fx:t = "explosion_midair_small"
ricochetFx:t = "hit_106_132mm_wood_ap"
shatterCollisions {
groundCollisionEffect:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
waterCollisionEffect:t = "hit_8_11mm_water"
default {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
horLandMesh {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
soil {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
dirt {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
road {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
bricks_red {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_red_brick_ap"
roadSoil {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_dirt_ap"
sand {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_sand_ap"
duneSand {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_sand_ap"
roadSand {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_sand_ap"
quickSand {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_sand_ap"
snow {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_snow_ap"
ice {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_snow_ap"
roadSnow {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_snow_ap"
snowLower {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_snow_ap"
glass {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
wood {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_wood_ap"
steel {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
metal {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
tank_structural_steel {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
aluminum_armor {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
tank_rubber_screens {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
buildings {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
verLandMesh {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
concrete {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
rocks {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
rocksSlippery {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
fabric {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_stone_ap"
stone_snow {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_snow_ap"
armorPierceLowCal {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
armorPierceMedCal {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
armorPierceHiCal {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
armorNPLowCal {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
armorNPMedCal {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
armorNPHiCal {
fx:t = "hit_12_18mm_metal_ap"
proximityFuse {
timeOut:r = 0.5
radius:r = 5
detectShells:b = true
shellCaliberRange:p2 = 0.08, 0.2
armorpower {
ArmorPower0m:p2 = 28, 10
ArmorPower100m:p2 = 25, 100
ArmorPower7000m:p2 = 23, 7000
ArmorPower10000m:p2 = 0, 10000
hitpower {
HitPower0m:p2 = 400, 500
HitPower10000m:p2 = 400, 10000
Could it potentially be carried on the BOL pylons that the F-14 and F-15 use?
I don’t think so.
I quite like this idea- the F-8H and F-14D would be the perfect aircraft for the Agile, being relatively low-production and the final iterations of their families, justifying experimental weapons not carried operationally. However, did the F-14D carry AMRAAMs? My brief research says it did not.