How would YOU implement Australia in War Thunder? (With Poll)

I have been thinking about different ways in which Australia (and by extension, New Zealand, since they are a package deal) could come to the game. Please note this thread is NOT about whether you want Australia in the game, or if Gaijin should add it, it is about how you would do it if you were going to.
I have created a poll for some sensible ways it could be added, and below I will write out some of my reasoning. I am curious to hear the opinions of others and see how people vote.

How would YOU add Australia (and by extension, New Zealand) to War Thunder?
  • Together with Canada in a new tech tree
  • Part of a new Pacific Nations tech tree with Indonesia, Philippines etc.
  • A sub tree for Israel it so sorely needs
  • Another sub tree for Great Britain
  • Other (please comment)
0 voters

Why choose Canada?
Canada and Australia are two of the largest British colonies (both originally part of the British Empire and both still part of the Commonwealth today) in terms of available content to offer War Thunder. It could be argued either one has too much to fit in the current Great Britain tree, and it could also be argued neither one has solid foundations for an independent tree. But together they can build a very healthy tech tree.
There is also historical precedent for the sharing of military tech between Canada and Australia.

Why choose a Pacific Nations alliance?
Not just a happenstance of geography, Australia has pretty good relations with all our neighbors, the largest contributors to a War Thunder tech tree being probably Indonesia and the Philippines. Cooperation on defence goes back to at least WW2 and continues today. And perhaps a major update with the introduction of a Pacific Nations tech tree could also bring with it additional Pacific Theatre WW2 content like maps etc.
There is historical precedent as well for Indonesia and Philippines purchasing Australian military hardware (CAC Sabres and naval vessels come to mind).

Why choose Australia as a sub tree for Israel?
This one of the options makes the least sense in terms of real world politics, but maybe the most sense in terms of what the game “needs” right now. Most people will agree Israel as a nation in War Thunder could use help, and most of the nations that could give it (USA, France for example) already have their own independent trees. Enter Australia, with strong WW2 content to offer not only does it help fill out Israel’s non-existent earlier ranks, but it healthily bolsters the later ranks as well.
Australia might not have obvious real world strong ties with Israel, but they are on friendly terms nonetheless and have some cooperation on defence projects (I know for one, an Israeli company is developing the armour package for the AS9 Huntsman). Australia also operates the Israeli Spike missiles for what it’s worth.

Why make Australia another sub tree for Great Britain?
Well, plain and simple, Australia was founded as a British colony, and is still part of the Commonwealth today. If Gaijin wanted to bring in bulk Australian content via a new sub tree, Great Britain makes the most political sense. Except Great Britain already has a healthy 5 line tech tree in War Thunder, so Australia would almost need to employ the “alternate tab” tree idea, i.e. giving Great Britain 2 air trees, 2 ground trees etc.
Not only does the game not need this, it practically begs for alternate tab trees becoming a thing. The mechanics exist for it, it’s basically the same idea as having a ground and a heli tree, where you can research helis with ground vehicles.

Bonus round, why a Commonwealth Tech Tree is a bad idea
So this idea of a Commonwealth Tech Tree gets bandied around quite a bit, and here’s why it doesn’t work. There are currently 56 nations of the Commonwealth of Nations! Minus England and South Africa since they are already in game and part of a tech tree, that still leaves 54 nations including the likes of Australia, Canada, India, Pakistan and Singapore to name a few major content contributors. There is almost zero chance that any of them would see decent representation in such a crowded house.

For one last mention, I will link my own suggestion posts for Australian sub trees I have made so far, so anyone reading can get at least an idea of what type of content Australia would be bringing.
Aviation Tree
Helicopter Tree



I would be happy to see Australia together with Canada within the game.

Time to get over such rather tragic events:

Australian Breaking Meme Generator


Commonwealth tree


subtree for US, at least past its independence from the Commonwealth, since they’re giving completely unrelated subtrees to other countries (well, this one would actually make sense unlike Benelux for France)


I only want 2 ways. Commonwealth sub-tree for Great Britain or Commonwealth tech tree.

I see no issues with it. Of those Commonwealth nations only a handful of them even have tanks. Also, it allows avoiding as much copy-paste as possible.

Interesting results so far, almost the exact opposite of the order I would choose lmao. My preference at the moment is:
1st- Pacific Nations, for which I have cast my vote. Keeping it local with allies in the region would feel like going for the local sports team. And judging by recent passed to developers, Indonesia has a reasonable level of interest and content as well.
2nd- Together with Canada, because the tree would be healthy and I’d honestly like to see Canada in the game as well
3rd- With Israel, lots of room for content expansion there and Israel really does need something else

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A commonwealth tree that includes UK, Australia, Canada, India and New Zealand is the only correct answer



Can I have 15 crew slots for it?

Pls don’t let the abrams be the next sherman, so be wherever needed not as a new TT( gonna be tons of copy and paste anyway)

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Of all the nations to operate Abrams, only one is basically already a tree in the game, Taiwan, and that Abrams hasn’t even been added yet. I don’t see it proliferating through all the trees more than the Leopard already has any time soon.
Any one of the options will still provide enough unique content to make them interesting imo. Basically can’t add anything now that doesn’t have a share of copy paste in it.


Either with Canada or in an independent ANZAC tree itself. As with Canada, they can help out with the few weaknesses they each have, and the other option comes from the fact the air tree has 4 lines and as pointed out being a home for other Pacific nations barring they all don’t go to Japan.

Why not the UK? It’s still mission a large number of domestic vehicles and the sub-trees it already has makes it full.

Why not Commonwealth? As pointed out the commonwealth is 56 nations which have used just about every vehicle to exist. And as Sub-trees has shown “More nations = More C&P” not less. Meaning between the nearly 56 nations you would be lucky if it contains even 5 unique vehicles as Gaijin would pick the C&P first, showing us that “Less nation = Less C&P” with a tree is how things work.


I don’t think 1 has even been delivered yet

put it with usa since m1a1 aim is already there

We need a commonwealth Tree, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India etc.

change the name of the Great Britain tree to Commonwealth of Nations tree. move all Canadian and Australian vehicles from the USA and german tree into it and have specific lines for the AU NZ and CAN vehicles

Nono, give it to france or italy instead

you ain’t taking my M1 AIM away from me

the aim is only in the US tech tree because it was a us built vehicle sold to australia

Just so the Brit’sh TT can get a Grant with the Aussi applique transmission armor and grenade mesh.

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