How would YOU implement Australia in War Thunder? (With Poll)

If Wiki isn’t lying as it sometimes does, they took delivery of the first 2 in 2022.

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it’s called the british tech tree mate

@Phazer as i said above

Commonwealth sub tree in the UK tree, along with Canada, New Zealand, and already included South Africa. Done right it can provide a major boost to the UK tree as somewhat of the “major” Commonwealth powers.
Personally, I’d put India in it’s own tree because to my knowledge they don’t have equipment to start low like everyone else and would have to start in Rank 4 like Israel does. I’m not really a big fan of India’s current implementation, as if they go through with it (and you can argue they have) it somewhat destroys asymmetry in tech trees (prime example: T-90 Bishma) and would make it so that you can just play one tree and get everything. At least for Commonwealth (Canada, Australia, NZ, South Africa) they are mostly western-influenced designs and so asymmetry would be preserved.
Also Australian, New Zealand, and Canadian ships are already in the British tree. Might as well keep going.

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LATAM should go to Israel I think, Australia should just be an “independent nation” in that it doesn’t have a specific nation it belongs too. The M1A1 AIM should be in the American tree, but something like the AC.IV should be in the British tree. It just depends.

i think india should go to uk tree but im not sure if aus or canada goes to uk. i feel canada should as aus uses a lot of british and canadian imports and canada has more original vehicles than aus. and i want india first so they don’t have an excuse to make more goddamnned premiums for them

also do you think they should change who taiwan goes to? it’s gonna feel real weird with abrams in china lmao

Canada and Australia are fairly close in number of indigenous vehicles.

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could you provide examples? i’m mostly going off if i think the CF-18 or F/A-18 should be added, and im looking at jets a lot as that’s what i think britian needs quite a bit of.

CF-100 bro
its like the Canadian jet


Let us see here you want just domestic jets? Well for Canada:

CF-100(6), CF-105(2), CL-41(2/3). If I’m able to add all domestic Aircraft those numbers could be upped with: FDB-1(1), Vancouver(2), CL-84(1), CP-107(2).

Now if I add licensed built jets:

CL-13(4), CT-133(1), CF-104(2), CF-116(1)

If I want into licensed-built props we’d be here all day, and that isn’t everything for Canada’s jet age either. We’d be here all day if I went into the ground stuff as well.

Oh, the number in () is the number of WT possible variants of aircraft. At least as far as I can tell from my research.

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i wanted australian domsetic jets. i don’t care about canadian ones that i already know


So are we talking about only indigenous designs, or all jets built in Australia, or also including jets that were unique to Australia? The numbers for indigenous designs are more so propped up by props (pun intended). I did link my aviation tree suggestion for Australia at the bottom of the original post, feel free to take a look through that. There was a total of 43 aircraft (including different variants of the same type) that were designed by or unique to Australia and New Zealand in the suggestion.
All of the jet age ones though are modified variants of overseas models. Sometimes quite heavily though, as with the CAC Sabres for example. There were some indigenous designs being developed but unfortunately those programs were cancelled before reach prototype phases. I posted about them in a reply on the aviation suggestion thread.


i just looked through it, it looks pretty decent however i still think a sub tree for aus is best

one person i’ve met has said canada should go to america not uk, do you have any opinion on the matter?

I don’t think anyone believes Australia could be an independent tree. Indeed, my tree suggestions are sub tree suggestions, and my poll options in this thread are asking who it’s going with.
USA and Russia are the two nations who will never need tech tree help. Canada has direct links to UK, so having Canada go to UK makes more sense, if those were the only two options presented.
As I said earlier though, I don’t think Canada or Australia should be confined to the UK tree, I see other options that are more fun and interesting, or flat out better for the game.

To be honest, I don’t really see why people think UK needs any additional help at all. Any gaps it has could still be filled by UK vehicles. I assume that if additional sub trees were added to UK such as Canada or Australia that were surplus to creating lineups (meaning, they aren’t needed to help make lineups at a given BR) they would make less money for Gaijin because people would be less incentivized to buy content to get them.
If it was a whole new tech tree, like with the Pacific Nations idea, or Canada and Australia together, people would buy premium vehicles for it to research the tree faster, they would buy additional crew slots for the new tech tree etc. They might even spend money on converting rp or buying crew xp to level it all up faster. If someone already has all that stuff for UK, and has 5-6 vehicles in every lineup, why would they want to buy more?


i have heard the simple “Leave as premium vehicles” idea but frankly i don’t want to grind a whole new tech tree for certain vehicles that the nation im currently playing as has the basic ones. for instance the whole USA F-15 debait, brand new vehicle for all nations yet the nation that created it gets the worst one? so i feel like greece should be added to usa for said reason, as you get access to some final teir versions of vehicles you wouldn’t have otherwise.

and personally i don’t know about you but i’m trying to avoid adding new trees as much as possible. i made a nation map and i simply removed israel as an independant tech tree because of how badly gaiijin has handled it, or could possibly do so. the only reason israel seems to stand on it’s own is it’s not a simple copy paste of any specific nation and it’s just yucky

Yea that would help the UK alot, espically the F18s

i mean one big issue with working out this stuff is at one point it’s not so much “this nation needs help with their BRs” and so much where do we put this so players can enjoy it

Why do I keep seeing this image…and linking it to something bad?

it’s the australian breakdancer, who obviously had NO breakdancing skill, it looks like a baby rolling around more or less and that’s why it gets thrown around so much as it’s relatable to how well the average person can breakdance

explanation by mr LIMC himself:


Techtree consisting in its entirety of Bob Semple, and you spawn tracks up.

My issue with “leave Australia as premium vehicles” is the number of Australian vehicles I personally want in the game and how long it would take to add them at the current rate of addition. Not to mention, I would have to buy all of them every time. Although on the subject of money, I would probably be someone who buys things like crew slots, all the premiums, maybe crew xp etc. for a new tech tree Australia was part of.

It’s important to remember that just because USA doesn’t currently have the best version of an F-15, that doesn’t mean it needs a sub tree. USA will still get better F-15s later on, this is just the order of release Gaijin has done them in so far. But there are vehicles out there that other nations will get better versions of simply because that’s what happened in real history.

New nations will still need to happen, there’s lots of interesting content out there that doesn’t fit within the current tech trees (for reasons such as the 5 line tech tree limit that apparently exists, although I’m still quite ok with the alternate tab trees idea). Israel wasn’t handled very well, but that shouldn’t put us off wanting to see the content we want to see. And hopefully Israel will get a major content boost at some point anyway.