How long?
Lmao. In one game session I kill 0-1.000.000 tanks.
How long?
Lmao. In one game session I kill 0-1.000.000 tanks.
From turning on to shutting down the computer.hehe
I still fail to see how any response you make is related to what this discussion is trying to ask. Seems more or less to me and I’ll say it for the final time is nothing more than a rant post. With that have a nice day. Cause I know if I go further the mods will spite me. So I’m gonna attempt to save myself from losing all 4 metal bolts.
You’re either a troll or supremely retarded. Want me to spoonfeed the post to you word for word?
hey hey hey bombing tanks is so much fun bro, how dare you wanna take it away from us? you shall not be allowed to play a gamemode that we cannot bomb you, this game starts with planes remember who is the boss…
Why do you assume he came to the game only after it was called combined arms? I believe the game started out as air battles only and when I started playing neither helicopters or naval where in the game yet. While its good to evolve the game and add new things ignoring the issues with CAS because Gaijin has “combined arms” in their sales pitch, its called “ground battles” in game FYI. Regardless, AverageWehraboo_ wasn’t complaining about the games being mixed, if I understand correctly, he is stating that there is an issue with the inconsistency of air targets/ air defense and he would like to find a way of having it be more of a constant but lower threat rather… there are no planes… then you whole team gets bombed, so you pull SPAA… and the planes are gone and you just sit around looking for something to shoot at for the rest of the game… or J-out, lose your SPAA, pull a new tank… and get bombed again
I think that limiting the number of planes that could be in the air at any one time would go a fair way to solving the problem, as you say its currently planes everywhere or none. That cause the issue that nobody pulls SPAAs until planes are already killing you team, or they get bored and go fight tanks and either die before the CAS arrives or just ignore it because they are better at killing tanks anyway.
I have a few Ideas/ suggestions for this:
A) Simply limit the number of planes that each team can have in the air at any one time. If you die in a plane you get a few minutes of CD (only for pulling planes obviously) to give some others a chance to fly for a bit and prevent people hogging the air slots.
B) Implement something similar to GAB, where a battle triggers and X amount of people can pull a plane in their line up every few mins. There are a few options here, you could just let the “event” go until everyone is shot down or have a timer where they RTB at the end and avoid a repair.
C) Have a dedicated SPAA slot that that players can switch to to control their SPAAs, when they switch the SPAA would spawn in at a dedicated SPAA site, preferably safe from ground fire, to engage enemy air threats. once they switch back to their main tank, or the CAS takes them out, the SPAA would go on a CD while its repaired and rearmed. This could be implemented in tandem with B where a number of players could switch to SPAA to engage the air battle. (something like this was used in the Strumtiger event I believe)
D) Dedicate (X) amount of slots per game to dedicated air, players in those slots can play air and only air, nobody else can pull it (maybe both air and ground players can pull helicopters?) Those players will start out with only the base plane and have to earn points to pull air to ground weapons, much like how Naval EC starts with destroyers and works up to heavier ships.
Ok, let me break down this vieled attempt at gaining support for a tank only mode.
Noone advocates for more aircraft in these forums. If you’ve been here more than a day you’ll know that CAS threads calling for changes to CAS (SP increases, limits to number per game, outright removal) are a constant thing. Most of the people who enjoy ground battles as they are now will get attacked because they like CAS in it’s current state.
Noone really says that SPAA are effective in these forums. See #1 for the reason why, hate CAS existence then always say the ground counter is awful, to hard to use, not enough rewards, ect. Some do advocate for them (I think SPAA at 7.7+ are quite effective against the average pilots, but not experienced ones), but usually that is met with attacks because “all the SPAA are horrible at shooting down planes”.
This fine player doesn’t want more planes in mixed to make it better for SPAA, he wants a tank only mode so he doesn’t have to deal with aircraft. Don’t believe me? Here’s this: Genuine question for CAS players: How would a Tank Only mode negatively affect you personally
Would you like to explain that post that completely contradicts the premise of this post? One doesn’t usually go from hating CAS to advocating a way to create more. This post is an attempt to sway people who enjoy SPAA play to vote in favor of tank only because there is no hope of tank only ground happening because the game is combined arms focused.
OK, I’m not even reading past the first sentence. Until you get it through your skull that he wants to not waste his time by pulling SPAA and having nothing to shoot at, not have planes removed, stop wasting every bodies time. How about you read my actual suggestions for implementing CAS in a balanced manner and offer your opinions on that, rather than assuming I just want CAS removed entirely.
An except from that post I linked. He litterally says he wants a tank only mode. People who want a tank only mode don’t care about SPAA performance against aircraft.
Irrelevant… Never me or the OP are advocating for tanks only
I didn’t say anything about you. I explained what this post actually was.
He does want tank only. He said it himself.
Ok, but I am basing my responses off the initial post in this thread, if he is advocating for tanks only else where I haven’t seen it and don’t have time to track down his forum history. Sorry if I came off as aggressive, but I see Gaijin calls it “combined arms” to blow off the issues with CAS in ground so much my eyes just glaze over when I see it at this point
I get it, thats why I linked the post. I tracked down the history so you didn’t have to because I am aware of it.
I have read your ideas, and D seems like a pretty interesting one that would provide interesting counterplay opportunities for SPAA and CAS/CAP. I find the dogfighting in ground more interesting because of the lack of spotting mechanic and I think dedicated air slots in ground would be an interesting way to get that type of gameplay without going to Sim and the full-real controls.
Swede K2 is honestly justifiable simply because sweden had no heavy tanks before it. Should have been TT tho tbh…
(I still want my KV-1A/B rah)
Thanks, believe it or not I actually put a bit of thought into those, but I cant actually take full credit for D… I saw some one demanding that Gaijin allow CAS to spawn straight into games with full weapons load out and was horrified… then I thought about it a bit realized could actually be decent idea… if its actually implemented in a controlled and reasonable manner, D is my idea of how you could do that. Also I apologize for being so hostile, I am actually reading what you linked before and I see what you mean. I had assumed you meant my initial reply to you was at least part of the “Veiled attempt at tank only mode” I mostly agree with the 7.7 SPAAs, but I think they fall off again at top ranks as most planes can just after burn into their vertical dead zone, and then there is the A6E TRAM… I wasn’t going to get into the CAS SPAA balance issue as that didn’t seem relevant to the overall issue, which is just too many planes at once.
I’ll give you a hint:
The ones STOPPING a TO mode are the ones you should ask.
We call them Gaijin.
They have a Suggestion page to make Suggestions.
No one has EVER made a Suggestion (or at least shown one that wasn’t rejected immediately). The only suggestion ever made was seperate from a TO but asking for TO events (and the test they made did not work out apparently).
You are right, on paper everyone wins with more modes, more variety, all great.
So with that in mind take the question to Gaijin. They answered once already, so if you want a different one… Suggestion. Or do people believe their requests should circumvent asking?
Only Gaijin know why this amazing idea of adding a new mode is not desirable (other players guess, that is it, no one knows what the Devs think).
So yes, ask away, but I am confused why people never ask Gaijin (apart from asking in a random survey and expecting a personal response).
Or keep asking random players who have no influence on new modes being added or not.
Is this the official TO thread now? Last two were abandoned.
Might as well stop asking for changes, let’s take a look at the history at GAijin.
Shot’s phasing through= still a thing
Not rendering in = still a thing
Scouting still broken = still a thing
3/4 team gone 3 minutes in = still a thing
players still paying gaijin for same crap = still a thing
get the player base to argue while we don’t fix anything = still a thing
Wow that’s crazy! Now why are there only separated air battles when it should be combined?