Nonsense… You forced the narrative that to be using SPAA you had to be good at it, and fact is that if it’s there and you CHOOSE not to use it and get messed up by air, then you have no reason to be complaining…
You seem to want no-one to use it so you can keep your precious killstreaks up.
Fact is you couldn’t accept any other point other than what you brought in. The stats don’t matter, because many of them aren’t tracked, and your fixation on getting kills makes it clear you are ignorant to threat deterence and actual interference.
You’re ignorant, so much so it’s weaponized ignorance that you want to kep running this ignorant narrative.
There is no discussion with you, because you run it back to that same old ‘I’ve got better stats than you, and I checked yours so you don’t deserve to comment’ nonsensical non-discussion.
(Edit - False flaggers begone.)