Historical mode should be added in warthunder

It’s an opinion. We absolutely are entitled to say we don’t want it since we also play the game.

Yes, a Pz. 2 facing a KV-1 and not being able to kill it is 100% a skill issue. Definitely not a Sisyphean task.

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you know, that rb used to be that?

So you at least recognize some of the problems with a Historical Matchmaker.

I’m only partially against Allies v Axis (much like night battles, it should definitely be an option to play), but I’m fully against HMM because of the Copy Paste and Vehicle Imbalance. It is clear you can see there are problems with it.

Edit: from my experience in the past with Axis v Allies, back when it was in game, it wasn’t terrible, but I personally believe the new system is much easier to grind and much more enjoyable, as there is more across the board balance on vehicle type and spread. For example, you no longer have it being necessarily US v Japan; you can have the US and Japan on one side, which provides variance in what you fight. So that is also important to keep in mind.

But again, having Allies v Axis as an OPTION is not something I am against.


I have been around long enough to recognise all of them but I stiil expect a game in 2024 to be based on the correct vehicles facing each other.What I would like and what WT can do are two diffent things but the forum is about suggestion and taste. Also the game suffers from repetition in game play.

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Maybe just some axis vs allied games instead of the stupid sci fi? Occasionally, with defined units?

Well then, perhaps consider other games? Because that dream has gone out the window so long ago it isn’t even funny. It doesn’t matter what the player base says or does, Gaijin has gone to far for GRB to go back. Especially given that Sim is HMM, it just won’t happen for GRB to be that way.

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Im on about this one and on the forum for this one ,i have plenty of other games thanks 😊

You are nullifying the suggestion not having a simple opinion.

And again. Noone is forcing you to play this type of gamemode so do not make it your problem just carry on.

Bro Lmfao I don’t understand if you don’t like it just don’t play or interact with it, you clearly do not like it.

Why are you making it your problem? LOL

I don’t doubt that so shall we close the forum now? As we have nothing to discuss?

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Also NATO vs red team )))))

I would say Axis vs Allies was really unbalanced but, NATO vs red team was pretty fine at Jet RB games.

The only problem was that West Germany and Taiwan counted as red teams.

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We have had some historical events in the past, and it would be great to see a playlist of them to play regularly.
I remember the D-day Normandy event from a few years back was really good. M4’s v Pz4’s + Tigers, it was a blast. I hope they do more in the future.


Would be nice to have the reload on the 122 mm D-25T cannon (IS-2, IS-3, IS-4M etc.) as it was in real life, compared to what we got ingame.

HehehehehehEHHAHAHAHAha NO.
Unless you want

Fighting this

No, it wasn’t. The only ones who won almost every time were the German Tanks. Which was due to how the spawns were set up. Which gave little advantage to the Allied vehicles.

Those do did fight each other ,it was called …er…erm …WW2.

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OH MY GOODness I politely don’t agree cause erm…actually this is a video game. Not real life. Balancing matters.

Unless you want your WW2-era Bi-plane fighting B-17 bombers.

Hasn’t worked before, as much as I’d like it to work, Jagdpanthers and Jagdtigers fighting M4A2 (M3 75mm cannon) Sherman tanks. Or the H-39 (French light tank) fighting T-54’s.

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We have a 1969 Vulcan cannon firing at WW2 planes so why not? You might know that if you spent more time playing and less time on here trolling.

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I can accept that but just a little work could balance the game overall .Give one team better CAS or alter the SP rates.Play with the straight line ups available. Plenty Gaijin could do to make this work even if it was a yearly even for a week or two.

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You’re coming into here with the most questionable claims that other people stare at with a massive grin.

Having M4 Shermans with 75 mm fighting Jagdtigers will lead to matches being one-sided.
The only reason we won irl was that we managed to force the Germans to over-extend. At this point, the Germans were severely depleted of fuel. As well as munitions in War Thunder neither of these issues exist.

If you want an experience go play Sim, You gonna learn very quickly what it feels like to be in outdated equipment. But given your prior responses and such you clearly won’t.

So if you wanna claim I’m a troll, then yes I am to an extent, but most of the time, I’m not and do attempt to read things. Compared to some people who come into a discussion quoting a person on what they want to quote rather than reading everything.

Also if we were to do historical matchmaking no one would play the gamemode, cause that would be removing almost every single prototype that any country would use, which functionally, means, France, Japan, Italy, Sweden, China, South Africa, Finland, list goes on who not be able to participate in any battles cause most of the vehicles either in game were prototypes, mockups or rejected designs.

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