Historical mode should be added in warthunder

So says the resident troll like he can tell what everybody else is doing. Mostly I suspect they are laughing at you and your trolling or maybe they simply put you on ignore like I did months ago.

Odd thing is the game is full of M22s, Pumas,BT5s at 6BR etc and people are doing that by choice so tell me again how terrible mixed BR in a game is.

So you have never taken down a panther in an M22?

Sorry mate ,anything you might have to say in a serious manner is destroyed by your years of being the forum twat.

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Ah yes, man quotes what he wants and ignores everything said above. Well with that I’m done interacting with you. I’m not gonna waste any more of my own time with someone who won’t listen.

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You have been on ignore for about two years lol ,I really wouldn’t worry .Was nice kicking your butt though,speak to you again in 2026.

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Historical Matchmaking would suck and Sim just proves the point. Name one player who is satisfied 100%, or even 75% with the Sim matchmaker. And for every one you name I bet we could find 100.


Yes but that is because its bad.Just because WT make a lame version of something does not make the idea a bad one.How about Gaijin do good versions of their games? Now that sounds like a plan.

SIM has massive potential and everybody knows it but that is all it has apparently.

It would the way Gaijin do it ,Would it suck if another company came along and nailed it? Well it would certainly suck for Gaijin.

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has a historical game mode
Sucks because of historical matchmaker, the very thing asked for
“Nooooo but it works in theory it just needs to be implemented well”

I’ve heard this argument before, if only I could remember where and why…

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This is literally a Gaijin game. You are saying yourself it would suck. You KNOW it would suck. At this rate you are doing it to troll

Can you do that again in English ? C’mon you know if CmdrVince was put in charge of making SIM great then it would be massively improved and quickly.

Stop making excuses for these people.Many of us are paying for this ****

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The game needs a toggle to only fight in historical-esque battles with the OG nations using the OG team setups of 2013-2019 before they dumped the historical nation based matchmaker. Allies v Axis needs a return


I’m pretty sure people are happier with the sim matchmaker than the dogshit RB one

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Not at all what he’s asking for

Allies v Axis? Sure. As I said earlier, there should be an option like night battles to have these types of battles enabled

Tiger II vs M4A2s? No.

I am referring to the same thing you were referring to. Balance in the matchmaker.

Then how is it relevant? We are talking about the Balance of Historical Battles. Current mode RB has nothing to do with that

Same is true with RB except RB has even more issues with the matchmaker.

Okay, and giving us historical maps is something I can live with, as well as historical mode, if it’s occasionally available, or always available as a sepearation of Ground RB.


Some of my favourite matches have been on those pacific maps where that MM is still there. Shame nobody plays Japan these days.

I’d play japan if we actually got historical matches…

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Ha-Go vs IS-2 moment…


Read closer to what is being talked about… it is not about vehicles but nations.