Historical matchmaker for everyone

This duel would be epic. But now imagine the duel between the F-15 and the Strikemaster Mk88 and you will see perfection incarnate.

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You said?

Imagine you are level 100, you have finished your tree and then an idea comes to you “What if I started a new tree” except that in this case, unfortunately you have a matchmaking based on the level and you find yourself having to wait 40 years to be able to join a game because very few high level players play at the bottom Br

As I write this, there are around 10k battles in progress. If we created matchmaking according to level by dividing it into 10 level increments (from 1 to 10, from 11 to 20, etc.) this would mean that each player could join a battle among the 1000 present at their level. Assuming that a minority of players participate in naval battle, this gives us (approximately) 450 games in air battles, 450 games in tank battles and around 100 in naval battles. However, there remain the ranks, the Brs and the game modes, the differences in servers which further reduce the number of reachable games.

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What you’ve posted is not a primary source.

Not to mention that it doesn’t even actually say what is wrong with the Fw 190 Antons. Is it that the Fw 190 is underperforming… or is the Spitfire overperforming? There is no raw data here, so it can go both ways.


You might consider looking up the definition of a primary source. A pilot report is like a memoir always a primary source.

On top of that it doesn’t matter:

“Primary” and “secondary” should be understood as relative terms, with sources categorized according to specific historical contexts and what is being studied.

Although i highly appreciate your overall input in this forum - in this case i agree to disagree.

That doesn’t matter too - the result within the game is decisive. I used this example to show the disparity of gaijin’s claims (=accuracy) and in-game implementation, that’s all.

Have a good one!

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You should because Gaijin has explicitly defined what is considered to be a primary source.


Dude - i kindly ask you to stop this nonsense.

I give a sh*t what a game provider defines for their players - you can google “Primary source” by your own…

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Maybe as a weekend event

What you posted makes for interesting storytelling, but is utterly devoid of any usable technical info whatsoever; it’s essentially irrelevant to WT. To say nothing of actual unironic “Russian bias” claims. You’re not in a position to be telling others to “stop posting nonsense”.


I wish they would bring back historical events. It was so much fun flying with a few 262s against P-51s/B-17s while they try to bomb the bases.

There will never be a historic match maker, but you might have a chance to join community events.

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YOU are not able to distinguish between:

A) real world definitions of words and their meanings
B) gaijin’s interpretation of them

So it doesn’t matter what a game provider defines as “primary source” for his artificial world - the real world defines the meaning.

So if a fellow player cites gaijin as a reply to the generic definition of “primary source” he is objectively wrong in an irl context, that’s why it is nonsense trying to argue with me - and i ask them to stop this.

Every player can express his view on things, but if some guys try to create something similar to a “smart-ass” contest i will always respond in an appropriate manner if they quote me, otherwise idc.

I have zero issues with guys like you posting their opinions - even if they are flat wrong like in this post - i simply reply like here, end of the story, next.


Language carries meaning beyond the literal; context and topic are more important than dictionary definitions.

What you provided includes zero technical info, thus is worthless for WT.

damn… bro got serious

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Try to stay at home and watch “Final Destination”…


Ok, and that would leave people who are at average skill level never improving because they only play with Average-skill-level players. See the problem here?

Veterans are a result of our experience in ground, naval, or air. We can help teach less experienced players how to perform and join our ranks. Sometimes it’s down to just observing, sometimes talking to us, sometimes finding a way to get coached by one. There are several different ways Discord and or another similar app is involved in that case.

No. Cause goodbye to your Dicker Max, your Sturer Emil and so many other vehicles from all trees. You would have a lot of fun driving a T-26 cause that is all you’d have for a duration of time.

Not one thing you said makes actual sense.

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You could say WW2 history across the board is little more than interesting storytelling.Every thing a drill sergeant says at basic training ,everything a war veteran or Holocaust survivor describes.

How does War Thunder exist when it moves into the area covered by classified data? You tell us all the answer to that one if you are so damn clever.


There is at this point t probably hundreds of threads on this over the last 12 years or so and every time it’s shown why this is a dumb u balanced idea for a game like this one. Just watch YouTube videos of players doing this. It’s a rediculous idea with no though of what they are actually asking for.


For once you make a mighty fine point gotta give credit for that one.

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