Historical matchmaker for everyone

Maybe guy just want realism

Btw, i agree that it will be terrible as balance in WT, but funny

They want a historically accurate Vehicle combat simulator. One that Gaijin has time after time, after time stated was never the intention, nor back then, not now.

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Yeah, I’d like to see this as a sort of EC type game mode where SP is used for balancing

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War Thunder is a old tired game and now modern players are asking for and expecting something War Thunder cant deliver.That is hardly the customers fault is it?

A old tired engine that can’t be tweaked defended by a pseudo–intellectual army of buffoons who can’t see the game for what it really is and pounces on anybody who questions it.
That is what we have here.Blame the OP for the game’s shortcomings…nice .

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after binging the walking dead and literally coming across a guy in the dark standing like em…
im dead inside lol. i dont scare much anymore

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Praise from the forum troll…Nice.My life is complete.


Maybe they need to make it like EC was before. So, you can take (older in that case) plane to grind for better plane. Maybe with changes like less price and no timer - but overall near

The only way a historical matchmaker may exist is with a totally new gamemode with every platform being as up to date as possible, being capable to face vehicles of the same era. And giving currency and RP compensations to underdogs in the event of a completely unbalanced bracket as a possible outcome.

While i think in ground battles there could be workarounds for many nations, in air, things will get ugly real fast.

Only thing you could say I blamed him for was making another thread he could just read in another thread and see why it’s a bad idea.

The only way for historical matchmaking to be added is to be predominantly ONLY EVENTS.
How many times do we need to state this?
Cannot win against this

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You said earlier and quite rightly ,era matchmaking would be nice but it won’t happen in this game.

Now that is very true and was recognized quite rightly as a good comment but it means the suggestion is a sound one but it cannot be delivered. Now we have so many somewhat stupid people claiming it is some kind of bad suggestion and anybody who suggests it or expects it is some kind of villain or idiot for doing so.

The Gaijin forum apologists who keep this game in the dark ages and grant it an eternal license to be an old rickety game that keeps taking people’s money.Poor fools who expect that something may one day change for the better.

All that can be hoped for is that the newer players realise nothing will ever change here and join the army of downtrodden old veterans in accepting the inevitable to such an extent that the bad thing becomes a good thing. A bit like Taxes.


I mean, you seem to be the one who’s hanging around despite saying the game is not (and has never been, nor is intended to be) what you want…

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Time designed, time tested, enter service, where does the bracket end? What you going to do to fix the 150 in queue for Germany and 5 for allies? No amount of practical sl or rp is going to get parity in the mm. This has been tried in events and ww mode and every time it’s been busted, unbalanced and people stop queuing in the nation at the obvious disadvantage. This is from people who have played for 12 to 14 years and seen it talked about and tried for all that time and it’s never worked. Instead of starting new threads and repeating the exact same posts over and over just go look at those threads.


Maybe but you know that people don’t read every thread on here.The longer you play the game the more you start to question it.So you come to the forum seeking answers and you find that the game has severe limitations that even the devs can’t fix. Luckily there is an army of fan boys so passionate they gratefully pave over all the cracks so Gaijin don’t have to.

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You’re comparing an SPA with an MBT, which in a real conflict won’t be facing each other, and ofc it wouldn’t work in game.
The first should be used on infantry support/siege, an MBT can provide some infantry support, but it is mostly a jack of all trades.
I’m not a fan of historical matchmaking, in fact i’m against it, I just wanted to express an opinion of how (even in the most advantageous position) a historical matchmaker would work without getting a ridiculously low level response in the process, but it definately failed as an exercise.

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At the top of the forum is a magnifying glass. If you click that then type historical match making or battles. That will find every discussion already had.

If that’s still tricky you can type the same thing into your google search bar or search engine of choice and get every forum thread and post that way.


They say the game is dying and every day it seems we have another post from a veteran saying goodbye.We all laugh at the grand farewell and we say that new players will come in and that is true.Then we have another ten posts from angry players moaning about the infux of new players especially at top tier.

Hardly uprising then that we have so many relatively recent arrivals asking the same old questions.They are only old questions to older players.It is like new arrivals at a school asking a teacher an question they have heard a million times from new arrivals. Repetition brought about by leavers being replaced by newbies.

No I came here for Air RB and found it to be far from what I expected so I left it.
Then I found GRB and decided to give a go before I go.Actually really like it below a certain level.I feel it ceases to work above that level mainly for the reasons underlined by the OP funnily enough.

I don’t actually find there is balance in GRB above 6.7 with old WW2 armour facing Cold war slingers with 400mm of pen and high top speeds.Another story maybe but thanks for asking.

Yours sincerely, another disappointed user : )

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How about this then
images - 2024-07-31T051838.207
images - 2024-07-31T051716.610

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womp womp

Yes they would, one is an SPG and it served as a defensive Anti Tank as the ones who would be driving into it would be the Soviets.

If you want a realistic semi-historical battle it would be the Swedish using WW2-era Technology in the 1960s to fight off a 1960s-era soviet invasion. I cannot make this stuff up. The Swedish like many countries unlike what you think you believe were still recovering from the 2nd Great War from only 2 decades ago. Some countries never recovered from the Middle East for example.

The fact that you want to claim that it would not just show how much you don’t understand tactics and doctrines. Hit you it wasn’t blindly charging the enemy. It was years of planning and the Sweds would never go on an offensive war, their military to this day is not designed with it in mind, and only recently have been learning.

The Swedish have always been training to fight a defensive war, and against the Soviets would not win. In the long run. Hell, the Finnish barely survived. Had the Soviets done several more operations the Finnish military would have collapsed.

Hell the only MBT they started to produce in 1958 to 62/64 don’t recall the final year. Was this the Stridsvagn 74
The chassis is from WW2 but was rebuilt and the gun is a 75mm from womp womp 1929 Only 225 were built. It’s best to round being APDS isn’t gonna make much of a difference in a Soviet Invasion and against T-54/55, 62’s, 64’s, and T-72’s. That is neglectable.

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