Historical matchmaker for everyone

Would be an amazing dinner for us Japan mains. Since not one of those F6F pilots would know irl tactics, and since in-game communication is archaic absolute chaos for em.

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Always has been.

It is.
That will remove unhistorical cases of F-14A(without TCS, AN/ALR-67 and other things) facing Su-27
Cases like that were not possible

Ni it not a good and never will be a good thing.It’s like a couple of childen playing with old toys ,dragging out the box of planes from all era era and playing a dogfight ,having no concpet of era or history.Its not a game I would £40 a year for or a game I would expect in 20124 so lets stop this right there. it is not a good thing.

Let me correct you.It is what War Thunder forces you to accept if you want to play it.

Do not try to sell me rubbish dressed as a good thing.

So you think by describing the problem you somehow solve and eradicate the problem?
You are like a butcher giving an explanation as to why his meat is rotten like that would somehow make it all OK.We know WT can’t do match making ,it’s bad and we have to accept it.That is why the OP and many like him complain.

Hard concept for you to grasp?



Outside of historical limited time events, we do not plan any form of historical matchmaking as historical (year of entry or operational service) is not a good indicator or balanced factor for determining an aircrafts capabilities or overall place.

It would lead to a massive imbalance for some nations who had very little during certain periods of time, massively longer queue times and render some nations irrelevant to play.

As such, you can create historical focused battles with dedicated groups in the community in custom battles who regularly simulate key historical events, or stay tuned to the news for those historical events we run seperatly from time to time.


Repeating this in infinite loops makes it not better:

WT is a video game without anything near to realism. The size of the aircraft and some skins, that’s all gaijin can (or is willing to) offer. Everything what gaijin tries to sell as “realism” fulfills a designated role or function in this game to make it playable for masses.

Because (almost) nobody want to play a simulator, those were always niche products for a few enthusiasts.

Gaijin implements aircraft and their performance either based on assumptions, educated guesses, declassified data or bias - mainly to earn money with them and not because they feel the need to display any kind of realistic performance, flight models, game play or historic relevance.

And if it is not a USSR prop - you see countless examples of open or hidden nerfs of FMs or performance if they perform “too good”…


Getting rid of all prototype vehicles.

Thank you Smin. Appreciate it

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Like some wehraboos, want to play Konigstiger against M4A3E8, Sherman Firefly, and 34-85, but they ain’t get even close to those BR, because they just dont give any RP, while playing Pz.2/3 against KV-1/34-76, Cromwells, and M3/M4(75).

Well, how 'bout statistical matchmaking?

Pro gamers will play against other N̶o̶l̶i̶f̶e̶r̶s̶ High-skill players.
Average skill lads and gals will play with other normies.
And newbies will play with equals.

All happy, no more whining like “why i must play with those noskill losers/base bombers/etc.”, or “game too hard - i must somehow fight against players, who know map better, then their own house”.

At the very least it should be an event that happens a few times a month.

It is a shame that they are so rare like last “floats!” event when there are older but awesome things in the game such as the Korean War event, the Intercepting V-1 buzz bomb event, etc.

Historical MM based on dates would see the end of some types entirely…

Eg. The first F-15A, F-5E and A-10A flew within months of each other yet sit at 12.3, 10.7 and 10.0 respectively.

Even worse for the A-10A ‘late’ from the 80s which sits currently at at 10.3 would have to contend with the 1985 Su-27 which enters the game at 12.7.

Entire fleets of bombers, attackers would be DOA as they would lack their real life support environment that often required CAP from dedicated fighters. The same goes for light fingers, armed trainers such as the numerous F-5 variants developed for and flown by countries who don’t need top of the line equipment.

Historical matches are better left to events.

In game not 1985 version because of ERs, 1991.

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Will year of introduction be at least taken into consideration when balancing?

There are some vehicles like cold war tanks with modern ammunition, modern artillery or attackers like A-10 or Su-25, which are much less sensitive to battle rating changes.

A cold war tank with modern ammunition would perform just as good, if not better, fighting T-55As, rather than Tigers and Panthers. Same goes for modern artillery. Attackers like A-10 or Su-25 on the other hand should be judged by their air to ground ordnance, not air to air capabilities, just like bombers.

The A-10A late’s AGM-65Ds didn’t get IOC until 1986, that’s still barley 5 years difference if it’s the weaponry used to balance by date rather than the airframe.

Just how tight would these historical match ups have to be before considered either to wide or too limiting?

Better to balance by both of them - or make changes in naming, like A-10A(1974) and etc

No vehicle performance in game is based on hard data. Not the conspiratorial lunacy you’re sprouting.

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They’ve stated before they won’t. The rest is why they use shells and loadouts as a balancing factor.

Recipe for confusion or disaster when some airframe and weapon dates vary considerably. You would just end up with artifical or arbitrary battle match ups in order to balance things…sounds familiar!

But seriously it wouldn’t help types like the A-10 as it simply wasn’t designed to take on first line fighters without a support package that doesn’t exist in the anti-team environment of WT. Each game mode would be extremely restricted as many of the ‘fun’ vehicles would be outclassed because they were born in the wrong year.

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They need to add more CAS targets and remove part of bases.
And planes like A-10 will be usefull
But idk, that might not work in RB