Give P47 air spawn

look you can’t teach stupid haha if people want to fly low against fighters in a plane that performs very well above 5K then they are going to do that. players do stupid shit all the time and i’m not going to waste my time trying to tell them that they shouldn’t take gun pods on their 190/109 because it ruins their ability to dogfight or that they should climb rather than rush in.

As a more skilled player I would like the ability to contest a match on an equal footing and have an impact on the game rather than having to sit out and side climb for an extra 1-2 mins because the enemy are all 1km above me. and if they keep climbing without engaging then you never truly get to engage on equal energy. the p47 is still going to struggle a bit as it doesn’t turn well and takes time to build up speed energy compared to others at a similar BR.

would you be surprised to know the p61C has almost the same time to 5km compared to the D-25? it has a lower and a 2km airspawn… sounds fair

damn I mean hurricanes at BR 2.3 have a better time to 5km than a d-22 or d-25! what kind of a joke is that?

you’re proving my point that people are idiots. I bet most of them decided to head him on? this is why balancing by stats doesn’t really work. the harrier GR3 is a very good fighter with a lowish BR because i wonder how many bots bomb with it? same could be said for a-5cs.


my sm92 k/d is 3.7/1
it is good!!!

“No need to fly the P-38 as a fighter, because noone knows how to fly it properly”

lol, lmao

Really? I love the P-47s and almost always do well in them. Try the P-47M the next time it’s on sale.

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Are you aware of the problem with this mindset with current era matchmaker? Games end by the time you’re at 5-7km.

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The 288’s are the problem at this BR. fix them/the scripting issue then we can talk about rebalancing vehicles around the br

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It’s true for every prop BR though.

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The p47 especially with 25 minute time limit is simply out of meta especially since it’s so side climb and high alt dependent, your better off with a p51-d30(or bearcat) which does almost everything better while being much better at mid alt, where most of the game takes place and match impact happens at


Lets keep things Civilized guys… no need whatsoever for personal attacks… if you have issues with someone, then PM them on the Forum, there is no need to derail threads with personal disputes… Thanks!


Only play P47D28/30 really…

75% prop pitch, 83% mixture, 0% radiator, have fun. Best climb is at 265 kph IAS. It’s a very good plane.

This doesn’t need airspawn, we had that, and it turned WT into ThunderboltThunder. It was a boring one sided clubfest


Im pretty sure what happened when tbe P-47s got airspawns was that the German Premium version became the most lucrative axis fighter to play. Literally, the US wasn’t clubbing every air RB match it was just the same average RB match but this time the axis side was a swarm of hitlerbolts. US pilots were still trying to fly well known bombers despite the meta being hostile to them, and they didn’t have climbing rocket ships 109s to force the enemy team to lower altitude.

It’s ironic that a decision that was supposed to benifit US air had instead made German air stronger. The P-47 is a complicated plane to fly when it doesnt have other easier flying energy fighters or dogfighters to distract enemies. Which is why the hitlerbolt benifited so much.

I like the jug, but ill reiterate that its a massively complicated plane to fly. The amount of patience, MEC management, and speed management is completely in contrast to ‘climb and dive’ 109s and ‘turn and burn’ zero’s. I do believe that the idea of airspawn for them should be revisited


Both sides spammed P47s, it was OP as hell even when just diving to kill ground with its bombload…

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German Bolt did not come with bomb loads, and they still dominated anyway.

Also not many players knows how to maintain energy with a P-47, not like how the 109 can do it. Many climbed vertical after a gun run and once they do it twice or more most of the energy advantage was gone.

Again, its an entirely different plane to play that almost no one explained how to fly it correctly. No wonder people just strap bombs on it.

My personal opinion when the airspawn was added was that it was mainly player hysteria rather than in-game performance of the P-47. Everyone complained that american planes were super undertiered in those days, where if only US pilots just used their brain they’ll win 100% of matches. Now in comes the airspawn P-47 and everyone thought process was “undertiered american plane with airspawn = super OP new meta.”

But the only nation that enjoyed that ‘OP meta’ was the Germans. Which is why everyone memed about invincible hitlerbolts than the unchanged US air RB win rates

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Yea we must remembering things very differently, back when it was still axis vs Allies I distinctly remember almost every others country that had a thunderbolt was clubbing with it except the actual country of orgin, The US main advantage in side limb and BNZ was taken away with other countries being given air spawn for it as well, on top of having versatility in being better in other areas

Also didn’t help the US p47 was used as a ground pounder

Also those plane settings alone(which 80% of the player base don’t know about thanks to gaijin)make its barrier to entry to use for new people much harder

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I just seemed to have skipped a whole part of this post somehow, but dude, this is a little rich coming from you. I remember being in a match with you in your B18 and you sat in damn space the whole game while I had the entire damn enemy team to deal with on my own and it wasn’t until the last 2 enemies where left that you finally came down. Guess there was no more further risk huh.

Not to mention you starting to trash talk those 2 enemies in chat before you came down at all. At least they were trying to win, you weren’t, you just wanted some no effort easy kill with zero risk.

If anyone is a passive toxic … on the regular, just take a look in the mirror.

How many chat bans you had by now, over how many accounts? lmao


LMAO - I remember this match on the old Spain map and you poor guy ran the whole match - and you had to run (chased by max 3-4, their whole remaining team) towards (to be fair not above) our airfield in a La-5 FN, repaired and started running again.
And i was on the other side of the map 30-40 km away, bombing their last base and i shot the last guy from your six. You scored 4-5 kills by running and separating them at around 3-4 km alt, i had at least 1 and all others were dead…

And whilst i was running back to you, i remember announcing my approach via all chat with “any last words xy?” - if this was trashtalk - fine for me. I mean the same guys accused you as runner/coward/whatever before…

Same with the guy posting vids and saving screenshots on discord, usually they don’t show how things get started - so if they start trash talk as they play 4-7 vs 1 they feel strong like hell, get brave and start trash talking as they feel safe enough behind others…

And regarding chats - like in your mentioned example - what you and those complaining snowflakes do simply not understand is that if those boys start trashtalk they have to expect an echo.
If they then run to Mummy or Mods crying about how bad they got treated - they just humiliate themselves. Just like the 1st guy liking your post, his main fun here is flagging posts…

Besides reporting Nazi/Jew/N-Word things i see, i don’t care about in-game chat - as it is in a war game and not about pink unicorns having a nice day.

Regarding your playstyle feedback:

Some time ago you tried to discuss with me why i was not turnfighting a J2M5 in a B-18B in another thread - despite i was outrunning him. And you actually expected me to land and j out in a ticket lead 1 vs 2 if i can’t beat him in a turn- or energy fight.
This is just typical for a pure fighter player without any skill in playing a bomber.

I understand that you feel the need to support your “squad or not squad” friends, but until your last post you earned at least a certain level of respect from my side as we had on various occasions similar thoughts about actual relevant things.

Still remember your post with this picture:

Strauss Kopf in den sand: Strategien zur Heilung, | nz

…as a reply to a discussion we had some time ago (gaijin response to real shatter feedback).

Just for you, the video poster and the guy with parallel identities:

If you boys play 20.000 matches and still fly (mostly) single prop fighters you simply have either very low standards regarding challenges or simply enjoy being the tough guys clubbing other boys with 5% or less of you matches.

Even if you argue that you love props (like me): The game is far too easy with some experience as you are fully aware of all performance data of your enemies. So without weakening yourself by flying a non-op bomber or attacker you have no real challenges.

That i am able to get a 10:1 k/d in the 109 F-4 or a 15:1 in the P-47 D-28 should give you an indicator that i know what i am doing. But if there is no challenge i stop playing those planes…

So if you continue playing single engine fighters at prop BRs you are actually just abusing your experience advantage (right plane, right tactic) against 90% rookie players - actually just very lame if you are not flying hundreds of sorties in a S-199 to show how great pilots you are…

The last two comments feel awfully off-topic…

Either way my two cents.

P-47s should not have air spawn. They had once and they were ridiculous, specially the P-47D-28 which at the time was still 4.7. At most the P-47N-15 could have an air spawn since it has the worst performance of any P-47 in the climb department (at least to my knowledge) but even then it would likely need to go higher in BR.

What are you even talking about lol

Just because I don’t main some dumb overperforming shit like a B7 or B18 it’s not valid? I did two games with a Brigand B1 day before yday and got 5 kills and 4 kills in 2 matches with that boat simply because an airspawn. It’s so braindead against the general player, parked it immediately. And that’s a brigand, not even something that is truly a good “makeshift fighter” like a B18, B7A2, SBC2, Ju87, SM92/91, or something along those lines. I play twin engine attackers/bombers just fine if I feel like it, but just sitting above enemy as a default feels entirely lame. So I rather take a Me410, Narwal, Ta154, or something to provide some neuron activation. Same reason I stopped playing things like the airspawning 190F8/A8 and many other “interceptors” a very long time ago. There’s just little challenge there. IMO airspawn should be removed for anything that isn’t a bomber, and all the light/medium bombers shouldn’t get the same height airspawn as strategic bombers. But hey, can’t have it all huh.

Your stats in those planes aren’t anything to write home about with 1 kill/battle. Any moron can kill 1 enemy, land & leave. Your winrate shows you aren’t carrying any matches there. Shouldn’t take stats into this discussion I think, certainly not when you have just a few games in either of those.

And you can be like “hah lol this guy is just 5:1 in a P47D28” yea, sure, but those stats are from 2014-2015 when it was worse than the current P47D22, it had abysmal turn rate too compared to the D22, wouldn’t be able to climb more than about 13 m/s, fighting stacked German teams who had performance out the ass when the 109F4/G2 were on their initial flight model and had zero compression, 50 cals did basically no damage whatsoever compared to now and didn’t have their M20 tracers, and you literally had teams with 6-8 bombers if not more to work with who all died in the first 5 minutes of the match. And the German team would be above you. That’s when I flew that plane, that’s when it was fun for me. I have not touched that plane when it got airspawn, nor have I really played it since except maybe a match here or there. Did spade the Chinese D30 one after some time, got 44:3 over 14 matches spading it, does that help evaluate or something? But hey, I must be bad and all that.

Like I said, lets not go into a stats discussion.


No airspawn for the P-47, thanks. Not every US fighter can have one.

Lmao - flying one of the best 3.7 single engine fighters in the game/at it’s BR like the La-5 FN in the match we met is exactly what i mentioned - same as yak-3, those planes need no airspawn.
They are fast like hell, with good high speed turn - their only weaknesses are bad high alt performance and worse turn than B7A2.

The times of your other mentioned planes are long gone - at least if your game play does not include headon orgies. Especially in the last 2 years as Wyvern / XP-50 spam ruined this BR range. Except the SM 92 as it has an amazing turn, but your turn doesn’t help you if your “team” died in a few minutes.

I say it with your own words:

…because the spawn for light/medium bombers is actually about 1.000 meters lower than strategic bombers.

That is also my position - you will find this somewhere in this thread.

I actually played 250 to 280 matches in the IT P-47 D-30 - and idc about winrates otherwise i would not have flown 90% in full uptiers in mini-teams with 4 Ju 288s against 5-7 US/GB fighters. WR is for stat padders, same as KpB - every moron can kill 2 planes per battle if he plays braindead / suicidal and enforces headons.

That’s exactly the reason why i fly the Italian P-47 D-30.

I mean you proved exactly my point with such a statement - you (ab)use your experience advantage in the game in a 5.0 plane at rank 3 - and if you like challenges you should fly the same plane at rank IV for Italy in the Ju 288 death zone against far better planes in constant (ok ~ 90%) full uptiers.

Flying for axis at 5.0 and rank IV (never saw a G55S there) is actively avoided by a a lot of German/ Italian players and the main portion of US/GB fighter at rank IV fly on purpose there due to the MM - expecting easy games. I played 25 missions in the rank III 5.0 P-47 D-28 and haven’t seen a single full uptier to 6.0 and subsequently no Ju 288s…to be fair the next 2 matches were full uptiers, but 16 vs 16 and with 288s in both teams…

Only guys without a clue if their goals are the same as others come with KpB, WR, K/D ratio and define themselves based on this - idc and from my pov you are good enough to be aware of this.

If i use it in chat or here in the forum i use the only relevant figure here, the overall K/D in a game mode, so how often you killed a real enemy and died. And even that is not important. I used it in in this forum just to prove my point that actual very weak fighter mains with an overall k/d of 1.5 : 1 support or ask for airspawn of P-47s without knowing what they are talking about.

All stats can be polished, idc.