Give P47 air spawn

Exactly. The pure problem is how these balancing factors are used by gaijin.

From a holistic perspective nobody needs an airspawn (at least as fighters) because if you fly a “real” designated interceptor you should benefit from your superior speed and climb - the current airspawn for them simply increases their already implemented advantages.

So if they classify the XP-50 (imho correctly) as a interceptor it just increases already existing advantages - and if they deny the J2Ms their air spawn (as they were specifically designed as interceptors), you see the issue - basically it boils down to: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others”.

Your whole post is reasonable from a game play perspective, but asking for buffs like an air spawn for some P-47 models is pointless as this is just an attempt to deal with weaknesses in the game design trying to equalize or flatten conceptual different plane design philosophies.

Everybody spawning in P-47s knows that wt favors climb and turn. Nobody asks for an air spawn for J2Ms - but if some guys struggle to get a 7 ton behemoth to altitude before the game is over they are technically right - but the questions is to what purpose. Balancing at all cost? Where does this end?

I mean all of the pro-airspawn points for P-47s are valid for a lot of planes - they fit almost perfect to all 190 A models except the A-8.

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selective air spawns are not the answer. The map design and short match durations work completely contrary to the whole point of RB battles.


Could not agree more.

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D-22, 23 and 25 need airspawn, beyond them they can climb just fine.

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No? it’s a twin engine interceptor, they all got airspawn, Ta-152 and Ki-61 Hien Kai is the only exception among Single Engine interceptor, needing Airspawn.

selective air spawns are literally the answer to half the planes in the game be it an attacker/ interceptor / air defence or bomber. they are a balancing tool and should only be given to planes with crap climb rates.

I would love to see hour long matches again and AI that don’t auto bleed tickets to end matches quickly within 10-15 mins but that is a separate issue which I don’t think gaijin will change. in the current game state they need a little buff to justify their BR

True but it’s easier to get gaijin to give something an airspawn than getting them to rethink their whole philosophy to RB. maps are stale copy/paste, they are short in duration, too many AI… the list goes on. this is a simple band aid fix rather than the major surgery that is required.

the 4 main attributes a prop has (in order of importance) are its climb rate, straight line speed, turning ability and firepower. secondary are things like dive/rip speed and energy retention.

the p47s climb rate is so poor in comparison to the rest that is needs a modest buff to make it combat capable against 109s/spits and yaks.

it is very good in other areas that it deserves to be the at the BRs they are at but poor climb rate makes it such a pain that I just don’t play them anymore. they are not fun

you can’t honestly think the xp 50 needs an air spawn…

most twin engine planes are heavy and have a poor climb hence the need for them to get an airspawn. their advantage in any fight should be speed and firepower. the XP 50 could be 5.0 with its current airspawn as it just outclimbs everything. apart from only 120 20mm rounds and a poor dive speed it’s a beast.

off topic but the hornet/ki 96 don’t need airspawns as they have good climb rates

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Feels like you just want to nerf heavy fighter for the sake of it tbh, their role is specified to be an anti-bomber unit, if they’re excel at it then so be it.

Despite i see a lot of common ground in our general view on things it is from my pov still the wrong approach to buff the P-47s. Look at this thing - it was built to carry the biggest engine available and the extremely bulky turbosupercharger to excel at high altitudes.

If the wt meta favors fast climbers and fast game play they just share the fate of many other planes. There is simply no need for a “lex p47”.

Alone the fact that US teams are mixed now and the way to low 3.7 BR is compensation enough. Look at the average teams full of US planes. They manage to lose matches even if they come in with 5 XP–50s against teams without air spawn fighters. Only experienced players would benefit from an airspawn - combined with the low BR we would have a new clubber.

I would replace the “could” with a “should”, maybe 4.7 would be ok in the first step. The low BR is imho based on the fact that it is a premium and the poor quality of their average pilots. Similar to the Wyvern spam.

XP50 is one of most blatant pay to win in the entire game

it should be 4.3-4.7 with no airspan

ok maybe 1km airspwn at 4.7 or no airdpsn with at 4.3 BR

Xp50 climbs as well as a Bf109 F4, it absolutely doesn’t need an airspawn even at 4.7

P-47 already has an extraordinarily low BR. This should be enough.

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Brits have the equivalent to XP50 in form of Wyvern, it got frontal airspawn, 1200 Hispano Mk.V rounds, good climb, good acceleration, good top speed, fighter, bomber and interceptor capability at 4.0 and your only concern is XP-50?

look, what makes it good is also it’s weakness, good climb? that’s it. That plane can’t be brought to a dive, it wing broke after 650something, a speed where even the Lavochkin, spitfire, zero and Italian plane can still achieve, the gun ran out of ammo in about 3 seconds which after that shifts to the useless M2, the plane is so fragile a bullet to engine or even wing can absolutely set it aflame.

It’s not comparable to 109 F4 purely because it also can’t really maintain it’s engine temperature, MER, and G-force from turning, anyone with braincell in F4 can and will demolish an XP50 player whose whole function is to kill bomber, that’s it.

I can bring F4 to dogfight and tank some shot, if I did that to XP 50 even british 303 will set me ablaze.

the wyvern should be 5.0 were it was like 3 years. end of.

if you are getting shot at in xp 50 you are doing something wrong. the thing gets to like 6.5-7km when it engages people. nothing can touch you as you are so far above people. xp 50s hunting bombers is such a waste. those 120 rounds will get you 4-5 fighter kills if you can aim. and who cares about dive speed? it is such an unimportant attribute. oh woah i can run away at 800kmh, this plane is great!!!

all I would like and OP is 1km airspawn so the p47 can have some impact in the game other than ground pounding. if a plane with a 24+m/s climb rate can get one why can’t a plane with 17m/s climb rate get one?


P-47D-22 is not extraordinarily low…it has 10 m/s climb. That entire point. You need have alt to play P47.D.22 plane correctly. By time you reach 4km the match is basically over.

P51C does every thing better (except gun but .50 cal are very good even at 4 because so much ammo and tracer belts) . It 3.7 too…

Hmm? Its not just Air RB. Its also ground forces: 3 bombs, 10 Hvars, 8 cal50 with like 3000 rounds, great trajectory and 30 pen. Good speed. Good high altitude performance. Rather late war fighter model.

Totally deserves its low BR, cause this behemoth jug has a mediocore climb rate. Lets ignore everything else.

I mean, this is far from the only BR discrepancy compared to real life in the game. Just look at the 5.0 A6M5s compared to the 3.3 F6F-5 that historically obliterated them.

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No offense man, but i have zero clue why you insist on airspawn for P-47s. Same as blaming XP-50 as p2w - despite it is for years available for free via war bonds.

Your stats in Air RB - the whole discussion about air spawn is about Air RB - are not really qualifying you to assess the BR 3.7 as not too low - every experienced Air RB pilot felt somehow the pain of Ground RB players when the BR was lowered to 3.7.

This whole discussion is like the overwhelming content in this forum - there is an obstacle, and instead of finding a way to deal with it it is much easier to complain and hoping that my problem will be solved by the game and not by myself.

I respect any different pov or deviating opinion, but arguing like that is not really helpful. As i said earlier, an airspawn won’t change anything - only experienced players would benefit, the rest would still manage to throw away any (undeserved) advantage.

The whole set up of game play and balancing factors is actually a joke. Planes with OP performance gets dragged low in BR due to this plain stupid simple average approach - only cause a hell of clueless players are flying them.

I do agree partially with your assessment regarding the XP-50 - but the average player is simply no good enough to choose the right targets and the right playstyle. In opposition to your opinion, i see the low rip speed and high compression - besides the fact that it is an US plane (=US teams) - as main weakness.

If i had to create a top 3 list of kills whilst flying B7A2 or B-18b - XP-50s, Yer-2s and 109s were in both planes on top.

I just had a game with my SM 92 assigned to a classic US team including XP-50. 8 of them managed to die to a He 219 - one of the easiest targets in Air RB. I managed to get him late game whilst playing 1 vs 5 and then 1 vs 3 with basic ACM tactics. The problem is obvious…

Skill issue, it’s easy to reverse and make XP-50 overshoot, no one know how to play US twin engine fighter. XP-50 and Lightning are interceptor, there’s no need to fly it as fighter when it’s mighty capable to bomber hunt and be done with it.

let see your player car