Germany should also get the KF41 Lynx

Its ugly and weird compared to the wheeled boxer. But id be happy with it. More autocannons. Gimme.

Auto cannons are fun

No because:

  1. Challenger 2E was never exported to anyone so there is no place to put it anywhere else other than Britain
  2. Vickers Mk.7 was never exported to anyone so there is no place to put it anywhere else other than Britan
  3. What the fk is Kurrassier?
  4. I understand why you want KF41 in Germany but I don’t like it for the simple reason which would be just copy-paste vehicle and we already have enough of those:

We have copy paste M48, M60, T-72A (T-72M1 should only have 3BM15 as top round since russia never gave anything better for their export tanks so at least they would be somehow different to T-72A… if it wasn’t for the fact we already have two T-72M1), T-90, Panther, Sherman, basically 70% of China, 50% of Israel, even Tiger I and so on.

In other words I don’t want to play as Italy in my KF41 and meet Germany with their KF41 because I’m not playing KF41 to fight other KF41 just like I don’t play M60 to fight M60 in other teams.

You want KF41 in Germany? Then move Hungary sub tech tree to Germany even though just like russia and USA, Germany does NOT need any kind of sub tech tree and just like the game DOES NOT FCKING NEED HUNGARIAN LEOPARD 2A4 THAT’S NO DIFFERENT TO GERMAN AND SWEDISH LEOPARD 2A4 FFS!

There are too many copy paste vehicles in the game and I don’t want to see KF41 in two different tech trees even if they are often in the same team or there are only “two copy-paste vehicles”.

Want German KF41? Then go learn Paint 3D and make a KF41 German Army skin for it.

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See not to drown in spit. How much malice and bias against German players. And why? Incomprehensible…

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Malice and bias against German players?

If this is what you see then I guess that what it is.

I show malice and bias against germans whenever I see almost every Israeli Magach, I show and malice and bias against germans whenever I see russian vehicles in Chinese Tech Tree and just like with Israel they are nothing more than copy paste with very few exceptions, when I see another Centurion that’s no different than the British one I feel malice and bias against germans.

I show malice and bias against germans whenever I defend PSO when they call it a downgrade of 2A6 that should be in the game three years ago…

I guess after all I was wrong in the topic regarding ODL players…

It’s a german vehicle. If Germany would get it the copy & paste would be in Italy and not Germany.

Should Gaijin remove the bf109s from the german tech tree because they are in Sweden and Italy aswell? That would be the same argument.

Germany should get planes like the bf109G14/AS aswell. It’s only in Italy, but Germany created it and used it aswell. Still only an italian exclusive. Creator nations never have c&p only other nations can have c&p


Unlike the Kf41 germany used them.

The Kf 41 wasnt considered for the german army

There are tons of premium planes and tanks which never fought and were just captured. If they make at least the greek version a premium then I would be fine but else it’s just stupid

Should gaijin remove BF109 from the German tech tree? Honestly we have so many copy paste vehicles from Germany in other tech trees that I must say if you propose such idea then why the hell not, who needs German tech tree anyway, wanna play a Tiger or Fw190? you have them in Japan.

Wanna play a Panther or Leopard 1? Well you have Panthers in russia, France and Leopard 1 in Sweden or Italy, sure why not.

And for real answer: Italy is a nation that is incapable (no offense to Italians) of having sufficient number of vehicles like USA, Germany and Russia do so it makes sense that they gave them Bf-109G14/AS to fill the gap (with the exception of Hungarian T-72M1, ZSU, Leopard 2A4 etc because we already have exactly the same vehicles in game -_-) but also I don’t see anyone posting “give G14/AS to Germany” and if it was then I guess only few dozens of people cared about that since we don’t have it yet, if you want G14/AS then make a german skin for it from WW2, you won’t notice a difference if in the stat card there is Italian or German flag.

But G14/AS is one thing, as you said it was not just build but also used by Germany but KF41? No, it wasn’t used by Germany, it was created by them, tested by them but the Army never used it just like Hungarian Leopard 2A7+ which is used only by Hungary and Qatar, it was build by Germany but used only by those two, there is no point in giving it to Germany if they don’t use it because we will have two same tanks fighting against each other in two different teams like we have plenty of vehicles already, remember the times when in a Sherman you were facing Tigers and Panthers? Well now you are facing Tigers, Shermans, Panthers and more Shermans, and it’s not like all those copy paste vehicles are unique to each other, they aren’t unless removing additional armor in form of tracks from Japanese Sherman and painting it differently makes it somewhat unique.

There is so many vehicles that germany can still receive and yet you want that >>longer puma with spikes<< -_- fine, but as a premium or event vehicle, no point in spading the same vehicle again.

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There are enough players who care and that is not how it works. Germany has every right to receive that plane and if italian players want to play bf109 maybe they should play the german tree (the country who build them and developed them) not the other way around. Italy didn’t even exist at that time and was under german occupation btw… Only italian pilots flew them.
A modfication to the german G14 would be enough to upgrade it to the AS version.
Same goes for vehicles like the G2 (the non trop version).
If some nations have no options they simply shouldn’t get c&p vehicles from other nations if you hate c&p so much. Then only germany should have bf109s. I don’t care if other countries have c&p vehicles like the bf109 but I want these vehicles in the tree where these vehicles originated from.

Germany should receive their vehicles including the kf41.

Here is the topic btw.

Now claiming that nations shouldn’t receive their vehicles (which they used and developed) is a new low. I get the kf41 partially but cases like the arado 196 A5 and co. shouldn’t exit.

Same goes btw. for the df105 which should be in the french tree

Yes, I hate copy paste vehicles, I wouldn’t mind if only Germany had Bf-109s while the ones for other nations would be reward from events or premium, and no there is not enough of players “who care”.

If there is enough players who care then why there is no German G14/AS? Why is it only in Italy? Where is the German one? I tell you where, nowhere playing imaginary russian ships in world of warships because those “enough players” are apparently just not enough.

And as I said, you want KF41 in Germany? Fine, but give it as premium or event, USA did not use Merkavas so they are event, 2PL is used by Poland so it’s a Squadron vehicle, oh right why not a Squadron vehicle? I mean russia has two top tier squadron vehicles anyway so why the hell not it’s not like russian mains will come crying…

I said that I would be fine if it was premium.

The Bf109G14/AS is just an example and I confess that there are not that many players who care about it (still I care), but there are players who care about the Arado 196 A5 which never made it into the german tree and the other arado 196 A3 is an event plane. It was one of the most used naval planes of germany and even had the nickname “eye of the kriegsmarine”. These should simply in the tech tree and not be locked behind an event. Sweden can keep their premium arado, but Germany simply should get these vehicles aswell. Germany has even more use for it than sweden because Germany has a navy in Warthunder while sweden has at the moment no navy

Woah, we 110% wanted to play Germany in our 2A6s and meet Finnish 2A6s!

You want KF41 in Germany?

Yes. Having read your arguments, most if not all of them boil to “waa! waa! C&P! muh exclusivity!”. None of them address the core issue - there’s more KF41s than just the Hungarian one, it also doesn’t address the fact devs basically told us to gtfo with; “well, it’s not a vehicle operated by Germany, therefore it won’t be given to them”, well do ya know what - ItO-90M also isn’t operated by France!

  1. Vickers Mk.7 was never exported to anyone so there is no place to put it anywhere else other than Britan

The hull of the Vickers Mk.7 is German, why ain’t it in Germany as well? In fact it wasn’t exported because Germany blocked the UK from reselling their (Germany’s) technology.

And as I said, you want KF41 in Germany? Fine, but give it as premium or event, USA did not use Merkavas so they are event, 2PL is used by Poland so it’s a Squadron vehicle, oh right why not a Squadron vehicle? I mean russia has two top tier squadron vehicles anyway so why the hell not it’s not like russian mains will come crying…

So if I’m understanding this correctly, your train of thought basically equeals; not operated - > no TT vehicle. Would this be a correct summary?

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People are quick to call different vehicles copy-paste just because they have the same base name, or is based on another vehicle.
“Italy’s Leopard 1A5 shares the same name as Germany’s! Must be copy-paste.”
Ignoring that Italy’s has a different model & a laser warning system.

Blockquote I said that I would be fine if it was premium.

If you said that then that’s fine although I can’t find it but whatever ;)

Blockquote Woah, we 110% wanted to play Germany in our 2A6s and meet Finnish 2A6s!

Exacly, at least Strv 122 have actual in game differences but Finnish 2A6 is just straight copy.

Blockquote The hull of the Vickers Mk.7 is German, why ain’t it in Germany as well? In fact it wasn’t exported because Germany blocked the UK from reselling their (Germany’s) technology.

Because half of the tank is Bri’ish, the turret is Bri’ish, gun is Bri’sih, half of the electronics are Bri’ish, the hull is German, the Engine+Transmission are German and half of the electronics are German, so the only choice was to give it to the one who needed it more I guess :P

Blockquote So if I’m understanding this correctly, your train of thought basically equeals; not operated - > no TT vehicle. Would this be a correct summary?

No, you don’t.
I already stated why KF41 should be what I would like it to be and why.

Blockquote “Italy’s Leopard 1A5 shares the same name as Germany’s! Must be copy-paste.”
Ignoring that Italy’s has a different model & a laser warning system.

Well I’m afraid it absolutely has no effect as of currently in the game, in the game LWR is LWR and compared to APS it works the same no matter what vehicle and what LWR system exactly was mounted, this is the same with Thermals, Stabilization, Rangefinders, NVD, etc.

You can have two different tanks with 2nd Gen Thermals for the gunner but tank A has better quality because it has higher resolution compared to the tank B, but in War Thunder if you take M1A1 AIM thermals and compare them to Leopard 2A6 commander 2nd Gen Thermals, you will find that the image quality is exactly the same.

The difference in model is that you can see LWR sticking out of the turret.

And I don’t consider 1A5 in Italy copy paste, yes it has one difference but it has it at least, when for exampe T-72M1 in real life never used anything better than 3BM15 (because russian never sold their puppets anything more powerful) but gaijin for whatever reason gave T-72M1s the 3BM22 and because of that, it’s straight T-72A copy with different name but no differences at all :P

So no, I’m not calling any vehicle copy-paste just because it has same name, there are many vehicle I want that for people that are the most active on the forums would be copy-paste because they would just see it as “bleh it’s just bigger Type 93” or “It’s just T-72A with thermals and different era” :P

On my first reply:

If they make at least the greek version a premium then I would be fine but else it’s just stupid

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Oh ok xD

So the Italians getting a mostly copy paste tree and completely copy paste helis doesn’t matter but you draw the line at kf41 in the german tree? Makes sense.

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Are we talking about Hungarian helis or KF41?

Or are you here just to grab your part of the cake in this discussion by asking unrelated questions?

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