Germany should also get the KF41 Lynx

If u want to talk about hungarian helis being copy-paste and un-needed then sure, make separate topic about.

Furthermore if you really wish to go with your original route, then I remind you that I’ve mentioned few times other vehicles we have in the game which have their own copy-paste vehicles in other tech trees with absolutely no difference in the game between each other, so you can or rather you should assume I have the same view on Hungarian helis.

I don’t understand your logic of avoiding copy paste by not giving a German developed and designed vehicle to Germany but Italy can get copy paste german and soviet vehicles in the same patch that Germany can’t get the kf41 because it would be too much copy paste. My question was specifically why you draw the line at the kf41 and not the Hungarian helis and the entire half of subtree in ground?

I don’t understand why do you keep clinging to your original question while I already answered it in my previous comment to you and few more comments to other people in this topic.

I don’t understand your logic of avoiding copy paste by not giving a German developed and designed vehicle to Germany but Italy can get copy paste german and soviet vehicles in the same patch that Germany can’t get the kf41 because it would be too much copy paste. My question was specifically why you draw the line at the kf41 and not the Hungarian helis and the entire half of subtree in ground?

Do you understand what you asked me is exactly the same what you asked me here?

So the Italians getting a mostly copy paste tree and completely copy paste helis doesn’t matter but you draw the line at kf41 in the german tree? Makes sense.

I gave you answer regarding KF41, Hungarian Helis, Hungarian vehicles of russian/german origin and few other vehicles mentioned in my previous comments on this topic and those directed to you.

That is not true. It was first offer to Brazil. Before Argentine even ask for it. Argentine could have asked for some modifications but the tank was already dev to sold to 3rd country as a cheaper leo1.

For those who were worried about the KF51… Hungary is buying it.

Prepare for Germany to not receive it now :)


Already prepared. Devepers makes their lines to “weak” nations.

Italy has alot top tier / high tier light vehicles anyways. There was no need to steal the German Lynx via this vague subtree nonsense. It looks like these subtrees are an excuse to strip a certain major nation of its equipment.

They have a plethora of wheeled tanks, even one with Eurospike Atgms from the last content patch. They have the Dardo as IFV. While Germany has nothing comparable. Just the Puma, which unfortnately has no ATGMs. An IFV without missiles is just pointless in alot situations. First Sweden gets the Leopard 2A4 + 2A6 added, now Italy gets a 2A4 and the most recent German IFV with German made Eurospikes and German made StrikeShield. its redicoulus.

Wounder whats next. Leopard 2A7 for Sweden and Italy? Skyranger for Italy? Panzerhaubitze for Italy? Gepard for Italy? Mwahh. Stop this. Its one thing if WW2 vehicle are already c&p like mad, but at least for high tier, nations shouldn’t be watered down like this.


Have you actually played Italy? It’s top tier is mediocre at best. Nobody stole Lynx. Hungarians use them so that’s why they added it there.

Well Italy use the PZH2000 and also trialed Gepard. So for this two I don’t see any problem since they were used directly by Italy and not by a sub nation.

vehicles which are trialed are only added if they fill a gap. Italy already has a spaa there. Despite that trialed is not used.

Italy has no reason to get a gepard. They can get a Pzh2000 but trailed is not enough

Indeed, the best option for Italy would be the OF40 with the Gepard turret. It was Just to’ point out that teorically Italy could get those witouth Hungary (and also the info on the Italian Gepard are very low, we don’t know If It was Just tested or bought)

A German company designed it and the german army tested it. Had the lynx (p) been added to germany prior to us knowing hungary was going to be added then this little war over the kf41 wouldnt be happening as much as it is. But just because we want it AFTER hungary got it its suddenly controvercial and wrong for us to ask for it? When we could get the tech demonstrator like the leo pso tech demonstrator we got in the same update.

Also gaijin themselves officially call it a german ifv very quickly after the update, so dont start with the whole “gaijin isnt being hypocritical” argument.


You would be suprized how many countries tested different vehicles. Germany should probably get the Australian Lynx

well the kf41 is poorly implemented. the strikeshild only works so half , it also works against KE !
spike is castrated to unrecognizability and has no effect.
the AP ammunition is much too weak implemented.

in test was the smaler kf31 not the kf41

people forget that the export vehicles germany made have been event vehicles for a while now, that is legit only way for it to come to germany just deal with it
Edit: this made made in reference to the reasoning for the KF41 going to germany being the MEXAS Leo and Class 3P

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TAMs were made for export, are in normal TT.

Clearly there’s no rule on that, so deal with it, and there never was (but if you believe there is one, please do show me).


well yeah Argentina was always clearly going to go to germany

Your logic still dosent make sense at all then lets Say that all export tanks ingame should be event vehicles it would make the Game lack of tech tree content there is no reason for the Kf41 to be a event vehicles and there is no pattern neither logic behind why it should be an event vehicle


Lets say i agree thats true, which yes other than the tams i guess it is.

That would only strengthen our argument that gaijin has a bias against germany, and make it even more obvious that germany deserves the kf41 as recompense.

They only took germany’s fake vehicles, and replaced one of them with an even more fake tank.

They only took the Maus from the game because ‘too hard to balance’ and removed it from war thunders loading screens.

Almost all of our top tier jets came as EVENT REWARDS before standard tech tree versions got added. Name another tech tree where their top tier vehicles come as event rewards first.

How long did german players wait after other nations got their ifv and AFTER we had not 1 not 2 but 3 marder chassis in game for the base marder with only apcr to get added.

The bagelpanzer 57 still doesnt have its apfsds but other nations get to have shells those tanks never actually fired but ‘could’ theorectically have fired. The yak 141 gets equipment never installed on it taking the liberty of saying “were pretty sure theyd have put this stuff in it”

Other nations spaas get to have nearly full belts of 70mm+ penning ap or hvap at much lower brs but the kugelblitz, you get one in every 3 shots.