General Japanese & Thai Ground Forces Discussion HQ

2 traverse wheels inside of Chi-Nu



But need to say that it is very doubtful that developers will increase the speed of rotation only basing on fact of 2 traverse wheels without any numbers of actual possible turret rotation with man drive


Where can I find this magazine?
Those small pictures show Chi-Nu’s interior, including the folding ammo rack doors.


Nice find!

Is that an image of a Japanese LVT(A)-5?




I haven’t seen mention of a supercharged Chi-Nu engine ever before. It certainly makes sense for that to exist if they were going to make more Chi-Nus and Chi-Nu II. Japan didn’t have tank factories to massproduce multiple different tank models at the same time. Only Mitsubishi and Hitachi had the capacity. Other options were Chi-To production version and the smaller diesel engined Chi-Ri.

Japanese standardized diesel engines



What exactly do you mean with spaced armor on the turret sides - Like, do you have sources or pictures of it ?

I think he means those boxes maybe?

Those are storage boxes

However they are meant to be filled with composite.

Like copious amounts of it as well

Wasn’t this just rumor? Their layout doesn’t seem to be ideal for armor protection, so I think it’s more likely they would be replaced with armor modules instead.

I’d also doubt it’d just be composites, but likely also ERA that Japan has been doing research on.

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It’s coming out this march. All the details we’ve missed. No one knows what the additional armor looks like. More than likely the shape of the sides of the turret won’t change. More than likely those boxes are the same shape as the additional armor. We will get those answers next month. However, what we don’t know, have 0 clue on is the additional armor on the front. That’s an even bigger mystery.

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It’s both. Says so in the report. It’s ERA and additional composite screens

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I actually somewhat doubt that, mainly because of this shape where no additional armor would be if the shape of the boxes was kept. It makes sense for the storage boxes that aren’t armor, where they have the shape sloping down from the large storage bins to the low sitting smoke launchers. But if this was armor, this would be a weak spot.

I think it might be more likely there would be a new armor piece replacing these storage bins.







Even if, this TKX is still quite different from actual production Type 10 and can’t be used for such. Keep in mind these could also be weight simulation pieces for testing (which makes msot sense in this case).


What report?

No they aren’t. They have nothing to do with armour according to type 10 specification (GV-Y120001F) uploaded here.

According to annex C section C.2 構造 (structure) page 69, the box is called サイドモジュール (side module). Which a) can be mounted on the side of the turret shell, b) has hooks to attach camo net.
According to Section C.3 機能 (function) p.70, the side module has the function to open/close the cover and store equipment.
It says nothing about containing armour in it.

It is less likely according to 新戦車 (その5) 試作品設計書 (装甲部) (New tank (Part 5) Prototype design (Armour section)) document index CE45-07-A-184-04.

Based on the description on page 11, it appears that there are three module shapes for additional armour type I.
(ア) 各部共通用 ((a) for common use)
(イ) 操縦手下部防護用 ((i) for protection of lower part of the driver)
(ウ) 砲塔部吊部用 ((u) I’m not sure what it is. “砲塔部” means “Turret section”, A用 means “for A”, but I couldn’t figure out what 吊部 is. “部” means “section” or “part”. “吊” means “to hang” or something like that. Perhaps over hung section of the turret?)

There is no doubt that the second one would not be mounted on the side of the turret.
The first one is also less likely to have a shape that would fit into the side module.
The last one, which I am not so sure about, does not sound like an armour for the front half of the turret sides either.



Yep, contrary to popular belief, the storage boxes cannot hold composite armor. Even if they could, it would be very impractical. The Type 10 with the additional armor will definitely look a lot different than we’re used to.

Also is what he is saying about it unveiled in March true?

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