- Yes
- No

Background :
The Ajax, formerly known as the Scout SV (Specialist Vehicle), is a fully digital Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV) variant of the Ajax family of armored fighting vehicles (AFV) developed for the British Royal Army. In the late 90’s, the Ministry of Defense (MoD), after the failure of a similar program that developed armored vehicles jointly with the United States, launched the program known as the Future Rapid Effect System (FRES) to deliver a fleet of more than 4,000 AFV’s for the British Army. This program was broken down into two parts, a FRES SV (Specialist Vehicle) program and a FRES UV (Utility Vehicle) program. These programs were created on the intent to replace the Saxon APC, FV432 APC, and parts of the CVR(T) vehicle family. In 2008 however, due to budget constraints the programs were cancelled and the program involving the Scout SV merged with the Warrior Capability Sustainment Program (WCSP), creating a new team called the Medium Armoured Tracks Team (MATT). These were combined to due the introduction of the 40mm Cannon from CTA International, allowing both the Scout SV and the Warrior CSP programs to jointly develop common parts and ammunition. The new gun selected for the programs, the CTAI 40mm gun, was revolutionary in its design and feed system. The gun uses what’s called “telescoped” ammunition which shortens the overall length off individual 40mm rounds while still maintaining the same firepower as a full size 40mm round, allowing more ammunition to be stored in vehicle hulls. Not only this but several other technologies were selected to be implemented such as acoustic sensors, IR Active Protection System, Laser Warning Systems, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Recognition (ISTAR), Modular Composite Paneling, and more. These new technologies greatly increases the lethality of a future Armored Fighting Vehicle while also increasing overall safety of crew and passengers. This lead to General Dynamics creating a blueprint incorporating all these new technologies, presenting it the MoD in the late 00’s. In 2010, General Dynamic’s UK became the winner of what’s left of the FRES program, beating BAE’s proposal to produce the Swedish CV90 in Britain, thus earning a contract to introduce a new demonstrator AFV family based off of the ASCOD 2 AFV. The first mobile test rig was developed in 2012 under the Preliminary Design Review (PDR), allowing the project to continue, actively testing the new electronics and countermeasures. In 2013, due to significant progress, produced the first working prototype. In 2014, the MoD awarded production to General Dynamics to produce 589 specialist platforms for the British Army with the first production model being delivered in 2017. These new vehicles, named after Greek mythology were listed as the following:
Ajax: The Reconnaissance and Strike variant, the only variant of AJAX carrying a full turret designed for recon and IFV missions.
- Ares: Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) variant, an APC with a crew of 3 and personnel capacity of 7 troops, is designed to carry troops and large amounts of equipment through hostile locations.
- Apollo: A Repair variant is designed to lift engine packs and tow battlefield damaged vehicles.
- Atlas: A Recovery variant, is fitted with a recovery package designed to recover a broken down/casualty vehicles as well pull vehicles out of ditches and holes.
- Argus: An Engineering Reconnaissance variant, designed to provide accurate and timely information of the natural environment or man-made materials. Also can collect information on enemy engineering activities and intentions.
- Athena: A Command & Control variant, designed to collect and manage information from multiple units working across a battlefield. The Athena is equipped with computer systems that break down the battlefield into an architecture like display, providing a constant flow of real time data. Equipped with a backup auxiliary power unit to power essential Command & Control electrical systems.
- These variants are all equipped with Remote Weapon Systems designed for self-protection and can be integrated with the FGM-184 Javelin AT missile. This is still being integrated on the AJAX AFV variant, on which this article is mainly focused on. Back on topic, the AJAX AFV wasn’t without flaws. In 2015, while test firing the CT40 gun, vehicle crews uncovered issues in the feeding system of the gun. As the vehicle would traverse rough terrain and engage targets, the shaking caused rounds getting jammed in the feeding tubes which could be detrimental in a combat situation. This was mainly fixed in 2016, however, on some rare occasions this problem would resurface. This didn’t stop delivery/production of further vehicles as delivery plans were still on schedule. The program was largely claimed a success as out of the 589 vehicles ordered, 245 of them will be the Ajax ARV model. The first delivery occurred in 2017. The first British Squadron armed with the new AJAX ARV was supposed to be in 2019, however new production delays caused deliveries to halt and by the time 2019 came, there were only 6. As of 2021, 12 AJAX AFV variants are going though acceptance training. None have seen action at this time.
Armament :
- CTA International CT40 40mm Auto-cannon (Fully-Stabilized)
- Characteristics:
- Rate of Fire (RoF): 180-200rds/min
- Mass: 340kg
- Barrel Length: 2800mm
- Overall Length: 3428mm
- Maximum Range: 2.5km
- Feed System: Auto-Loading Dual Multi-role Feeder System
- Can swap between 2 sets of ammo within 3 seconds.
- Elevation: -10 to +75 degrees
- Characteristics:
- Ammunition (40x255mm Case/Estimated ~400rds carried with estimated ~140rds in ready-to-fire status, stored outside crew compartment due to using cased ammunition):
- APFSDS-T (Armor Piercing Finned Stabilized Discarding Sabot – Tracer)
- Dimensions: 65 x 255mm
- Ammunition Mass: 1.9kg
- Projectile Mass: 550g
- Initial Velocity: >1500m/s
- Accuracy: 0.5 mil
- Perforation:
140-145mm RHA at 1500m (remarkably similar characteristics to Strf. 9040C tier 4 ammunition)
- Effective Range: 2500m
- Max Range: 5000m
- GPR-AB-T (General Purpose Round – Airburst – Tracer)
- Dimensions: 65 x 255mm
- Ammunition Mass: 2.4kg
- Projectile Mass: 980g
- Initial Velocity: 1000m/s
- Accuracy: 0.5 mil
- Perforation:
210mm Concrete at 1000m
15mm RHA at 1000m
- Effective Range: 2500m
- Max Range: 5000m
- A3B-T (Anti Aerial Airburst – Tracer)
- Dimensions: 65 x 255mm
- Ammunition Mass: 2820g
- Projectile Mass: 1.4g
- Initial Velocity: 900m/s
- Accuracy: 0.5 mil
- Targets:
- Helicopters
- Low-speed Aircraft
- Effective Range: 4000m
- Max Range: 5000m
- APFSDS-T (Armor Piercing Finned Stabilized Discarding Sabot – Tracer)
- L94A1 Coaxial 7.62mm Chain Gun
- Characteristics:
- Mass: 17.86kg
- Barrel Length: 703mm
- Overall Length: 1.25m
- Action: Electrically Driven
- Rate of Fire (RoF): 520-550rds/min
- Muzzle Velocity: 862m/s
- Ammunition:
- 7.62x51mm NATO (Linked)
- Characteristics:
- Kongsberg Protector Remote Weapon System (RWS)(Block 2+) FN MAG/L37 General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) (Optional – Can replace ORION primary sight – Utilizes Kongsberg 3rd Generation Thermals – Acts as a Commander’s Sight)
- Characteristics:
- Mass: 11.8kg
- Barrel Length: 630mm
- Overall Length: 1,263mm
- Action: Gas-operated Long-Stroke Piston
- Rate of Fire (RoF): 650-1,000rds/min
- Muzzle Velocity: 840m/s
- Ammunition:
- 7.62x51mm NATO (Linked)
- Characteristics:
- FGM-184 Javelin Missile (8-10 carried in hull) launcher fitted to Kongsberg Protector RWS along with GPMG in prototype stage, expected to be issued in 2-3 years.
- Characteristics:
- Mass: 15.9kg (Missile/Tube)
- Length:
- Missile: 1.1m
- Launch Tube: 1.2m
- Diameter:
- Missile: 127mm
- Launch Tube: 142mm
- Target Acquisition: Fire and Forget
- Guidance: Infrared Homing
- Engine: Solid-fuel Rocket
- Warhead:
- Type: Tandem-charge HEAT
- Weight: 8.4kg
- Penetration:
- 750mm through RHA
- 600mm through RHA w/ ERA
- Detonation Mechanism: Impact
- Effective Range: 4,750m (from vehicles)
- Flight Patterns: Top Attack & Direct-Fire
- Max Height: 150m Top Attack/60m Direct-Fire
Armor :
- Characteristics:
- Armor (Made of Composites/Steel/NERA/Spaced Armor)
- Hull Front: Protects against 30mm rounds.
- Hull Sides/rear: Protects against 14.5mm API/Small Arms fire.
- Turret Front: Protects against 20-30mm rounds.
- Turret Sides: Protects against 14.5mm/Small Arms fire.
- Bottom of Hull: Spall Liner, protects against Artillery Fire/Mines, protected up to STANAG 4569 Level 3.
- Overall Protection: STANAG 4569 Level 4 All-Around against 14.5mm/small arms.
- Add-on Armor:
- Side Skirts Modular Armor: Protects vulnerable upper chassis, additional protection against 20mm rounds/artillery fire/shrapnel. Also can be used to store ammunition externally to prevent internal damage.
- Frontal Modular Armor: Further increases protection, estimated against 40mm rounds and shaped charges (including frontal hull armor).
- Turret Top Modular Armor: Provides mild protection against shrapnel, up to 14.5mm estimated.
- Can be fitted with slat armor covering the upper and lower glacis, some models of AJAX family have all-around slat armor, whether this is will be standard for the ARV variant is unknown.
- SAAB Barracuda Modular Camouflage System (MCS)
- Reduces sun absorption.
- Fuel Tanks: Located on sides of vehicle for additional protection.
Disclaimer: Armor information based on what is known at this time.
Crew (3) : - Driver – Front left side of Hull.
- Gunner – Right side of Turret.
- Commander – Left side of Turret.
Engine / Mobility / Size : - Engine: MTU V8 199 TE21 Turbocharged Diesel Engine
- Engine Power: 816hp
- Transmission: Renk 256B HSWL
- 6-Speed Fully Automatic (Rated for 46 t)
- Max Road Speed: 70 km/h
- Suspension: Torsion Bar
- 7 rubber-tired road wheels to a hull side with the drive sprocket at front and the track idler at rear.
- Weight:
- Standard: 34 t
- With Addon-Armor/Equipment: 42 t
- Dimensions:
- Length: 7.62m
- Width: 3.35m
- Height: 2.77m
Accessories :
- Elbit System’s Self-Protection Suite including Laser Warning System, Missile Warning Sensors, and IR Jammer.
- Protects against SACLOS missiles.
- Similar action as the T-90A jammers.
- 360 degree coverage, range from 0.5-1.6m.
- Scouting
- Thales Acoustic Sensors: Notifies crew of direction of enemy fire, 360 degree awareness.
- Thales Stabilized 3rd-Generation Battle Group Thermal Imager (BGTI) System
- ORION Panoramic Primary Sight
- Thales Catherine-MP (Mega Pixel) Thermal Imager: Commander
- DNGS-T3 Stabilized Thermal Secondary Sight: Gunner
- Thales LSA Thermal Imager: Driver
- ORION Panoramic Primary Sight
- Laser Rangefinder
- 76mm Smoke Launchers x16 (x8 each side of Turret): Can be set to automatic discharge when detecting incoming missiles.
- Other accessories such as Acoustic Sensors and Ground-Low Altitude Radar Systems are still WIP/Prototype Stage.
In-game :
• This vehicle is extremely similar to the Strf. 9040C such as armor and armament currently found in-game however has various electronics upgrades that increase its survivability greatly such as IR Jammers, early warning sensors and for low altitude aircraft and light vehicles…two types of AIRBURST rounds!
• APFSDS-T rounds almost have exact same performance as the in-game Strf.9040C’s slpprj m/01 tier IV modification round.
• First vehicle in-game that would introduce acoustic sensors that cover 360 degrees to alert the player on direction of incoming fire.
• New spectral automatic smoke grenade launching system based on incoming IR missiles, can be enabled or disabled.
• Possible incorporation of the Javelin ATGM w/ fire-and-forget targeting, providing the player capability to switch from top attack to direct fire.
• 3rd-generation high-powered thermals for all crew members.
• Would give the British a high-tier alternate tracked light vehicle on par with the Swedish Strf. 9040C, German TAM 2C, and the American HSTV-L.
- General Dynamics Ajax - Wikipedia
- https://www.armyrecognition.com/scout_sv_light_tracked_armoured_vehicle_variants_u/ajax_scout_sv_ct40_40mm_automatic_cannon_light_tracked_armoured_vehicle_technical_data_sheet_pictures.html
- AJAX - General Dynamics UK
- http://www.military-today.com/apc/ajax.htm
- https://www.army-technology.com/projects/scout-specialist-vehicle/
- https://www.forces.net/services/army/all-gen-ajax-military-vehicle
- https://www.cta-international.com/the-40-ctas/
- https://www.baesystems.com/en/our-company/our-businesses/land-uk/ctai-joint-venture
- https://des.mod.uk/what-we-do/army-procurement-support/ajax/
- CTA International - Wikipedia
- https://www.army-technology.com/features/industry-blames-ct40-cannon-for-armoured-vehicle-delays/
- https://www.armyrecognition.com/scout_sv_light_tracked_armoured_vehicle_variants_u/ajax_scout_sv_ct40_40mm_automatic_cannon_light_tracked_armoured_vehicle_technical_data_sheet_pictures.html
- https://tanks-encyclopedia.com/UK/modern/ajax-reconnaissance-tank-apc
- https://committees.parliament.uk/writtenevidence/11016/pdf/
- http://www.defense-aerospace.com/article-view/release/6265/night-vision-devices-for-british-armor-(aug.-14).html
- General Dynamics Ajax (Scout SV) Armored Modular Fighting Vehicle (AMFV)
- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwiD0-7hkpbvAhXzOX0KHZQ9DgEQFjAHegQIFBAD&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.baesystems.com%2Fen%2Fdownload-en%2F20170412112916%2F1434595131830.pdf&usg=AOvVaw3RWgwaqOzjvT4dyiDK98QZ
- https://www.baesystems.com/en/our-company/our-businesses/land-uk/ctai-joint-venture
- PROTECTOR RWS - Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace
- Appendix A - Ajax - Think Defence
Major Source :