Yeah, I hope we see it in game when the Ajax comes
This would be an incredible end-line IFV! BR 11.0 would fit quite well (with Javs it’s essentially a better Lynx), or 11.3 if those airburst rounds are proxy-fuze (I can’t be bothered to look).
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I haven’t seen a AJAX equipped with the Javelin yet, just talks of incorporating it. Hopefully we see a IRL AJAX actually equipped with it so it betters the chance of it being implemented that way.
Also if theres any issues with the images let me know. They keep showing up and disappearing and just want to make sure its not just my end.
You can see here the launch platform for it, the missile would only be loaded for firing
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This is BAe‘s data about CT40, 140mm in 1.5km is not a bad performance I believe.
If Britain tech-tree can get Ajax, it will definitely give Britain ground combat players a better light vehicles like PUMA.
And I still want to say that Britain tech-tree really needs new light vehicles to cooperate with so many Challengers, but unfortunately Warrior can’t do that job well.
Ajax can cooperate with Challengers well.
Suggestion passed to the developers for consideration.