Gaijin. The Merkava Mk.4's weight is wrong. Fix it

I’ll keep this brief.

The Israeli Defense Forces has stated on their official Youtube Channel both in-video and in the title that their Merkava Mk.4M Main Battle Tank weighs 80 tons, not 65 tons.

איך מזיזים טנק ששוקל 80 טון??? | צה״ל (

Both the title and video are about the vehicles weight.

Translated, this video’s title states " How do you move a tank that weighs 80 tons??? | IDF "

The operators in their official military video proudly discuss how this is possible and repeatedly reiterate the vehicle weighs 80 tons.

These people work with the vehicle, maintain the vehicle, and do so much more. Their word should be trusted just as much as any manual. Especially when it’s given the seal of approval by the IDF themselves.

Can we stop with these shenanigans and fix the Merkava’s weight now? It’s unreasonable that the Merkava Mk.1 and Mk.4 are only 4.5 tons apart. That’s absurd.

Please fix this. I’m losing hope in your credibility when you claim this game is “realistic” in your ads.


It’s always the same story.

Anything short of manuals is discarded.
But then manuals are discarded too for being classified.

It is evident that Gaijin’s current modern MBT armor modelling criteria DOES. NOT. WORK.

We need an integral rework of modern MBT armor implementation.


@David_Bowie Can you tell us of any progress on this? Thanks.


This is a sensible solution, you have my vote

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Except when they have to solve a problem with Russian vehicles, then even a video on you tube is fine as a credible source.

For Gaijin everything non-Russian is ignored, it usually takes years before they decide to get off their lazy asses to solve it.

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Challenger 2 :"Are there any stronger competitors?!"XD

The Challenger Mk.2 is just sad for how little armor allows it to have when it’s that heavy and slow and can be penned in the turret cheek by DM33.