With that being said, I propose these 2 ideas be combined, as that would be accurate. The Merkava Mk.4 gets its fixed armor in exchange for its weight being bumped up to ~82t. This would essentially make it the heavy tank of top tier, with the smallest weakspots but lackluster mobility, falling in line with the base Challenger 2. What do you think? Vote!
Should the Merkava Mk.4 be fixed?
If you have anything to add, or i’ve made a mistake, feel free to tell me :)
This poll is pointless and it’s just a excuse to create another topic about this subject, even, I really wanted to any missing information, bugs and exploits in-game should be fixed, this doesn’t means political position which this poll will lead to.
A few people told me that this change would make the Merkava worse and the community wouldn’t like it, so here I am.
And yes, sadly people will bring politics into a video game.
Judging by your complete lack of top tier experience, I don’t think you know the issue at hand. Both of the topics I mentioned in this post have fallen to irrelevancy, and I hope to have this issue revived and subsequently fixed.
There shouldn’t be any reason to vote no.
The vehicle deserves its historical performance which gaijin is withholding. The Gaijin mentality of “if it ain’t broke (even though it is) don’t fix it” is one of the worst strategies I’ve ever seen from a development team.
They won’t fix the Type 90/10 transmission, won’t fix arietes hull armor, won’t fix Chally, Abrams, Merkava, Leclerc or or Type 10’s armor values, either for balance reasons (which is dumb when you look at the Leopard and Strv 122s) or just pure incompetence.
Its armor values should be increased substantially, the weight should be adjusted accordingly, and the Anti-ERA performance of the APFSDS round should be added.
It deserves more attention regardless, the poll itself is relatively trivial but it hopefully will get a few more people to look at the linked threads and realise that the armour is still genuinely bugged, and has been so since the LIC left the dev server (almost 2 years ago now)
I don’t have any skin in the game as I don’t play Israel, but I’m genuinely concerned and perplexed by people who are asking for that 82t weight change.
well, who cares about mobility in the Israel TT?? Nobody, cause this armor buff is needed for this next major update, we need it to be more accurate with given sources
With this change it’d be more like a heavy tank, being quite hard to knock out at the expense of your mobility. Armor still has a place in this game, as stuff like the Leos aren’t the fastest, yet are still meta because of their armor and mobility combined. The Merkava just exchanges more mobility for that armor, its not like its mobility was best-in-class anyways. It would also make it unique :)
also would help the TT to be a little bit more playable in my opinion, and the namer is the latest joke from gaijin and you can see how badly they modeled that, yet they give no response on the sources they’ve been given, other than HEY WE MAKING AN F-18 PREMIUM IN THIS NEXT MAJOR UPDATE. just lazy bs and lousy care for the community they only for things for them to put behind paywalls and just put everything behind a paywall and only create just Russian premiums.