G6-HVM - Bird swatting Rhino

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TL;DR: G6-HVM is a SAM based on G6 chassis with 25km Search radar, combined radar/eo tracker and 12km 40g missiles.

Hello, and welcome to my suggestion. As most of you are probably aware, G6 is a present in game SPG who has an ability to use its proximity shells to destroy planes. But that is not always enough, and here comes this specialized version.





The development of G6-HVM starts with ZA-HVM programme. ZA-HVM along with ZA-35, started in 1983. The main SPAAs of South Africa then were Ystervark and Cactus. While these systems were doing their jobs just fine, they were starting to show their age in comparison with systems used by other countries and the aircraft they were supposed to counter. That resulted in a competition where multiple foreign systems were studied, but South Africa decided not to buy someone else’s system and decided to make its own. As works on the ZA programme were commencing, in 1992 the proposition for increasing the amount of missiles from 4 to 8 on a bigger chassis was presented and accepted. T-72 and G6 were presented as possible candidates. Ultimately, G6 was chosen as the chassis and its development began. A single prototype was completed, but reduction in funding ultimately killed the project.
G6 development started in 1976. Up until that point SADF was still using mostly WW2 artillery, and need for something more powerful and modern arose. 1981 marks completion of the first prototype, and as soon as 1988 the serial production started. G6 is in service of SADF up to this day.

Now its time to talk about the specifications.


Length: 9,2m
Width: 3,4m
Height: 3,1m with radar folded, 6m with radar erected
Weight: 36,2 tonnes (SAHV-3)
Engine: Diesel producing 550hp
Gearbox: Automatic, 6 forward 1 backward, torque converter
Suspension: 6x6 with 2 front wheels steering
Max speed: 85km/h
Crew: 3 Driver, Gunner and Commander/Radar Operator
Hull: Identical to G6: ~55mm front, 15 side and rear
Turret: ~40mm front, ~30mm side, 20mm rear (armour values for the front and sides are not exactly known)
Horizontal limits: 360° rotation
Turret rotation speed: 45°/s
Vertical launcher limits: -0° +81°, tracker has independent limits
Elevation speed: 42°/s
Stabilized: Yes, two-plane

Search radar:

Radar: upgraded EDR 110.
Type: Planar array PESA radar
Range: 25km with 7,5km ceiling
Scan zone: 360°x50°(-5°+45°)
Scan rate: 60 rpm
TWS on 100 targets


Ability to distinguish between fixed wing aircraft and helicopters
Ground clutter rejection
Low Noise
Low sidelobes
Auto offset control
Full frequency agility
10% wide band
Parallel multichannel processing
Performace optimisation: By Sector, By range/azimuth gate
TWS up to 100 targets
operating on the move
DL to other sytems

Ability to cue turret and tracker to target in whole 360°


Tracker: ETS 2400 Catchy
Specifications are very similar to AA-EOT on ZA-35, due to using the same systems, but with addition of a radar.
Type: Combined IR/RF tracker
IRST lock range: 10km
Radar lock range: 20km
Band: IEEE: Ka NATO: K
Tracking accuracy: <0.5mrad rms angle, <5m rms distance
Command transmitter (used for SAHV-IR and SAHV-RS DL): IEEE: X NATO: I


Autonomous search
3 channel monopulse
true Look-down
Sensor fusion
Memory tracking
High G manoeuvring targets tracking
Low noise
Track on jam
Frequency selectable
Random PRF stagger
Low antenna sidelobes
Multi-spectral operation
Large instantaneous dynamic range
Adaptive tracking filters
Ground clutter rejection
Near immunity to ARM

Limits: 360° horizontally, -30° +90° vertically
Magnification: x1,5-x6
TVD: Gen 1 or Gen 2
Laser rangefinder: LR-41 20km 20 Hz pulse
Stabilized: Yes, Two-plane
This tracker is able to guide missile using both laser and RF. This would depend on if infra-red track or radio frequency track is used.

Commander sight:

AA-CS-300D panoramic day sight
Limits: 360° horizontal, -15° +75° vertical
Magnification: x3-x10
Target acquisition range: 10km
Commander override is available
Stabilized: Yes, Two-plane


Missiles: 8

Main Missile

Missile: SAHV-3
Guidance type: LOSBR Laser/RF (Depending on the mode used)
Length: 3.08m
Diameter: 180mm
Wingspan: 404mm
Weight: 123kg
Warhead: 22kg HE-fragmentation
Proximity fuse: 10m RF with 95% kill probability, ability to destroy alternate targets such as missiles
Engine: single-stage solid fuel smokeless propellant
Max speed: 3.5 Mach
Max range: ~15km
Max altitude: well over 30000ft
Max effective range: 12km
Max effective altitude: 8km
Time of flight:
to 12 000 m: 17 s
to 8 000 m: 9.5 s
to 6 000 m: 4.9 s
to 4 000 m: 3 s
Speed at 12 000m: ~1.5 Mach
Steering: 4 rear fins
Maneuverability: peak 40g single-plane, 6G single-plane at 20 000ft height
Guidance time: 24s

Missile envelopes

Possible Missiles

Missiles listed here were never seen mounted on the vehicle, but they are part of the same missile family, and vehicle could shoot them without any modificiations.

Missile: SAHV-IR
Guidance type: Initial DL+IOG+flare resitant dual channel IR seeker.
Length: 3.28m
Diameter: 180mm
Wingspan: 404mm
Weight: 130kg
Warhead: 22kg HE-fragmentation
Proximity fuse: 10m RF with 95% kill probability, ability to destroy alternate targets such as missiles
Engine: single-stage solid fuel smokeless propellant
Max speed: 2.95 Mach
Max altitude: well over 20000ft
Max effective range: 8.5km
LOBL: up to 3km
LOAL: 3-8km
Seeker max aquisition range: 7.700m with 100° cone scan sector
DL: used untill missile seeker is able to aquire designated target, after obtaining lock DL is terminated
Max effective altitude: 7.3km
Steering: 4 rear fins
Maneuverability: peak 40g single-plane

Missile: SAHV-RS
Guidance type: Initial DL+IOG+ARH seeker.
Length: 3.6m
Diameter: 180mm
Wingspan: 404mm
Weight: 137kg
Warhead: 22kg HE-fragmentation
Proximity fuse: 10m RF with 95% kill probability, ability to destroy alternate targets such as missiles
Engine: single-stage solid fuel smokeless propellant
Max speed: 2.8 Mach
Max effective range: 13km
LOBL: up to 10km
LOAL: 8-13km
Seeker max aquisition range: 10 000m with >90° cone scan sector, home on jam
DL: used untill missile seeker is able to aquire designated target, after obtaining lock DL is terminated
Max effective altitude: 7.3km
Steering: 4 rear fins
Maneuverability: peak 40g single-plane

Missile envelope


This sums up this suggestion. This vehicle has decent mobility, its missiles put it on an equal footing with the current top SAM systems, it’s strong radar will give it great situational awareness and tracker that can operate silently would make it a force to be reckoned with.


G6-HVM (Only 4 out of 8 missiles are mounted)



Drawing of G6-HVM


ETS 2400

Early version of ETS 2400




SAHV-IR Missile


SAHV-IR and SAHV-RS Missiles



G6 Brochure
EDR 100 family of radars brochure
ETS 2400 brochure
LR-41 brochure
Reutech Radar Systems 35 years of innovation
Kentron website
South African Armoured Vehicles A History of Innovation and Excellence
Janes Land Based Air Defenses 2003-04
Janes Land Based Air Defenses 1993-94
Janes Land Based Air Defenses 1992-93
Janes Radar and Electronic Warfare 1993
Nowa Technika Wojskowa 1/1994
International Defense Review 1991 Iss 11
Military Technology 1991 Iss 12
Military Technology 1993 Iss 7
Military Technology 1994 Iss 11
Military Technology 1997 Iss 2
Vojnotehnički glasnik 3/2000


We need some SAM South Africa representation in-game!


Great job, good to see its being discussed.


Finally. Ive been waiting for this suggestion.


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Glad to finally see it. I changed a layout a little so it is easier to read, and added a few things i found and organized just after making a suggestion.

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Yes, if we cant have the ZA-HVM, we should get this, potentially as an actual SPAA for top tier (ADATS is technically a TD) +100 from me



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110% yes, more spaa options are needed, this one looks to be extremely well researched and has all the information needed to be implemented.

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And it wasn’t a mock-up turret like the ZA-HVM? Not that I’m personally opposed to mock-ups, but if it was, then in Gaijin’s eyes it’s no different to the ZA-HVM.

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No, this turret was real. The mockup you heard about is this
Compared to this
Yes, they originally fited G6 with mockup HVM turret to see how it fits. Later as it won the competition real turret was made.



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AYYYYYY this thing finally made it!!

one way or the other the ZA-HVM is here


Yes, it finally is. One of 3 SAHV slingers is accepted, Cactus suggestion is awaiting approval.
But that does not mean im giving up on ZA, as soon as i can i will suggest it again.


do it


…wait so there was enough evidence for the CIS side of gaijin but not ours?

Also im gonna be honest… Id rather see this ingame then the Rooikat as this gets more missiles and the fact there’s actual photo evidence probs means this is more likely to be added… +1 tho

Fun fact, i know the person who made that suggestion. It basically mine suggestion for HVM that was deleted
It is also 2 months back in the evidence. I got much more data since that.


CIS suggestions work a little different.

