Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

As a “Cherry on top vehicle” its good, but I hope it doesnt set the trend for this update

They have been asking that tank for years…

Yet we still don’t have Japans most produced bombers in the TT yet…

G3M and Ki-48 variants… Where are you!!


That is huge

I am excited AF

Has 2 missiles one that has a 12k range and another with 13k

I will play it with the m18 either way at 6.0.

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I cant give you that. But you can try to convince gaijin to add it (Shameless plug)


Dehaviland Mosquitto (light bomber variant) as well. That should be a fairly simple C&P


3 types of missiles

where is gszabi from? Could be that he is sleeping right now or working

Ah nice, I see your suggestion went up

It sure did, and Cactus (SAVH) is next up.

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30k sources for that one as well?

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i attached only 15.

can it please be re uploaded with some more JPEG compression?

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i mean, i can deep fry it, so it looks like this
just im a little short on oil as of now.

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I mostly play top tier ground and seeing pretty much nothing interesting for top tier ground RB(and yes, I don’t even consider the A-10C) I’m just already assuming that we won’t be seeing anything interesting in that regard.

Of course I know the leak list doesn’t show everything, but I’d rather be pleasantly suprised by a suprise addition than dissapointed by no suprise addition.

You get atleast something, Japan is probably not receiving any CAS.

Yeah same. Top tier air is my main interest and I dont think Britain is getting any aircraft this update if the leak list is anything to go by (which would be nothing new)

But Im still holding out a slim hope for 2 year old aircraft to maybe get a few bug reports looked at.

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I’m a multi nation player, so the only somewhat interesting things are the OSA for Italy and the 99A remake depending on what it ends up as.

I just don’t consider the A-10C because imo it’s a trashcan. If I wanted to play with a trashcan I would just grab the bin that is across the room from me irl.