Fix damned spawnkilling

Some are really cool though, you have to give some their dues…

I liked me the old Kursk, but now fire arc is like questionable, and sands of sinai was a favorite of mine for a long while.

red desert is really fun, but that’s about the only good one

That was so fun, then they changed it and I haven’t seen it since that one change… I should go check it out more in custom…

(What was a really cool mode was "Advance’ that they tested recently as well)

berlin is actual premium Gaijin trash though

The best part about that mode was that the whole gameplay was mainly focused on ground units as air units required much more SP than usual.


why wasn’t this actually just added to the game?

No one really knows.

Should maybe be a map to be redone in a communal effort maybe.

I feel the sizes of maps are able to be a lot bigger now as per flanders, and that the advancements in the design of the client and the capabilities of it, could mean that it’s well overdue to actually overhaul Berlin, and maybe even some other older maps.

I do like the staying down in the paths and needing to be wary on pushing up if you’re late. I am also impartial to a bit of sniping if my spawn allows it.


I dont think they can fix it as its just a part of capture the flag type games. Inevitably one side gets beaten and results in spawn camping. It can be frustrating. I would, however, like CAS elements not be able camp spawns constantly and kill you. I would also like to see scenario appropriate camouflages work to hide you or make you harder to spot for CAS elements. They should have to work for a kill like irl. Spotting ground vehicles isnt that easy at the speeds/heights they travel. Most often they rely on data forwarded by ground controllers for spotting vehicles/ground assets. Maybe they should only be able to drop on spotted assets? I dont know. At least that would limit the numbers in the sky at any one time.

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In very simple words:
To fix spawnkilling - same financial penalties as for teamkills.
To fix spawncamping - automatically destroy vehicles that linger too long in there by game (same mechanic as going beyond the boundaries of the battlefield). Note though, that inital spawn protection (no damage received) mechanics are ok and should remain.

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If were talking about the first issue, ie. getting boxed in spawn towards end of the game because team got defeated and pushed away from entiriety of map towards their spawn, then absolutely no penalty should be applied.

If enemy team is so bad that they got defeated to the point theyre boxed in their spawn, thats on them. They have skill issue, they should take the L and move on.

To solve the issue of getting boxed in their spawn, they should simply not get pushed into the spawn in the first place.

I really dont understand this sentiment of handicaping winning team as to “give the losing team a fair chance”.

Should the winning team be unable to destroy vehicles of the losing team as well, since it is unfair?

If the losing team is unable to turn the game around at any point before getting boxed into spawn, no amount of handicap outside of straight up giving losing team cheats will help them turn the game around once they are boxed in.

Such is life.

Ok, here we disagree. When boxing up enemy team in spawn area happens within the first 10 minutes of the battle (in plenty of cases, within 5 minutes), it ruins the battle. I would argue that those who head straight for the shooting in a barrel are bad players, not those who find themselves as helpless target so early in the game. I propose financial penalties exectly to remove incentive for such behaviour.

In my own experience, most fun in WT is achieved when opposing forces fan out along the width of battle map and most combat encounters happen along the central line. One might want/need to snipe SPAA and SPGs lurking in the back, where it normaly operates, and it’s ok to do it from long distances (shooter exercises his/her sniper skills).

As for ‘giving a fair chance’, it is actually relevant in case of any vehicle with slow speed. Otherwise, a player driving a Turtle, T95 or any other slow vehicle should be classified as ‘bad’.

Any battle against a ‘weak team’ can be won quickly without invading opponent’s spawn area. It’s achieved by capturing cap points, CAS and proper gunnery skills. Turkey shooting in spawn area delivers XP and Silver at the cost of the fun of gaming, including that of one’s own teammates.

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Nope. And I won’t fall into ad-hominem discussion as well.


Just treat spawn as your bsse, you need to protect and treat enemy spawn as there base

I note even with 2 spawns, with a map clearly showing a camp, with people shouting “use the other spawn”, then players will still spawn under a camp and moan.

I believe they did a heatmap of where people play on maps and used this to draw up the narrowed maps. In game issues are in part a result of what players bring; players have got so much more boring we now have reduced maps and players that can’t work out you need to do more than lemming train in “exciting” spots of maps as players sneak through to cut off reinforcements.

Reducing the tactical aspects of matches is just what the majority want, it is too much to think and everything must be handed on a plate.

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Word of the day ad-hominem

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XDDD yeah, betrays my age I suppose :)

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30-60 times people retreating to their spawn knowing you can’t die and killing those who push you into your spawn. This was a thing and you know what happened, people started to wait outside of your spawn for you to drive out when you did, you were shot from several directions since your open and exposed.

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As proposed above…

The guy you said thst to that is his typical behaviour on this forum. He is the kind of player that will rush enemy spawn if he dies early with out SP he will ODL

But players need to be encouraged to flank Capture points are not just the magic win, dont be a lemming

Just treat spawns as main bases