Fix damned spawnkilling

There’s generally an equal amount of players on both teams. You’re working against an equal set of players.

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And not every one will choose the same exact path, but they will and do, leading to being flanked…

Thanks for showing that the map isn’t the geneuine fault, it’s players playing blinkers on all the time, playing the same old route.

Yes, but this doesn’t mean there’s a visual indicator akin to the spawn ping you can use that shows the other player the exact position the enemy is firing from. VOIP / Squad gives you this, the ingame communication between your regular team mates does not. You’re trying to argue they’re the same level of communication which is asinine.

Hence dynamic battles.

Hence the only controllable feature of War Thunder is Game mode + Map design rather than balancing around a specific singular action.

Then suggest that the map pings be rendered like the squad target, but be warned, I can see that being spammed and abused in that manner lol.

Doesn’t take much to pay attention to the minimap.

I don’t believe a full on ping system akin to Esports shooters would be good for the game. The light tank scouting system is already rather strong. Gaijin shouldn’t try to balance around a singular action they should be balancing the entire match through game design and map design.

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What is this nonsense? Like, where’s this ‘dynamic battles’ coin that you’re throwing in here randomly?

There’s only so much guidance and protection you can give to a team…

If someone is camping access road from spawn from the first minute of the game, thats entirely different issue than this

Not only it should be allowed, it is allowed because thats skill issue on part of the team that allowed it to happen in the first place. I should not be handicaped because enemy team has skill issue.

Just dont get boxed in spawn.

Skill issue.

Should we also stop destroying enemy tanks because its unfair to them?

Winning team doesnt get boxed in spawn.

That happens in team based games.

Imagine being so bad you have to punish winning players.

The horror of not handholding players because they are bad and have skill issue.

If you are regularly getting boxed in spawn then thats issue with how you play, not the game.

I see both sides of the argument here, and I think I figured out a solution that is already proven, like in Robocraft, spawns are heavily protected until one team gets all capture points then the other teams spawn protection is lifted until someone decaps the point

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War Thunder’s battles are dynamic. Each match is different even if you put the exact same team / vehicles / players on a map it’s still play out differently. That’s half the fun of War Thunder.

Saying that you should rely entirely on player input to prevent spawn camping is ignorant. You should use map design and the game mode itself to discourage spawn camping. Offer multiple flanking routes. Offer multiple objectives. Don’t leave players with a singular spawn. Don’t leave players with only one thing to do after taking the objective; running to the enemy spawn for more kills.

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No spawn protection… Just move the spawn back further if it’s compromised…

You’d have to code in air being able to engage SPAA but yes that is a possible solution. I don’t believe it’s necessary to provide a solution to the current game’s issues.

Bigger maps multiple spawns allowing players to choose where in the spawn zone they can spawn

You are talking to a person who most likely won’t survive to the time when spawncamping occurs.


You’re just throwing coin words in to confuse the thread then so that’s dumb…

Everything you’re putting out in here is off-topic because it relates more to your dislike of a mode (remove it) and your want to label the team as inadequate as per your usual.

That wasn’t what was being put forth either.

I would like to see more bigger maps… but most of the ones Gaijin makes/gets made are generally really trash

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You were saying they outsourced them, so which is it, or do you not actually know?

most of the bigger maps are actually the worst ones in the game

Bigger maps and a line of spawn which would not allow the enemy to predict where You are going to spawn.

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