Fix damned spawnkilling

Enemy spawnkilling is a serious problem in WT. It kills battle time, negates almost all benefits of vehicles except for reload-time (the faster - the better), causes huge frustration (which leads to more ‘revenge’ spawnkilling in subsequent battles) and discourages players from re-joining the battle.
The solution for this shit show is simple and already in existance: devs, just apply same financial penalties for spawnkilling as you do for teamkills. This should go for aviation as well. Want to prevent spawn-camping? Just introduce 30-60 seconds time-frame to leave it, after which apply (again, already existing) ‘leaving the battlefield’ penalty: vehicle gets destroyed after 25 seconds of remaining in the area.
Would you agree to such policies?


Some of the maps have pretty good spawn positioning, but other have them completely in open … i think map design in general is lacking lately, older maps seems to be just better


Its hard to make out what exactly are you proposing.

An extended timer in which spawn protection applies or what?

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Spawns just need to be more fortified. Could be terrain adjustment or building placement or even for wide open maps, have a hangar that everyone spawns in.

Spawn camping certainly is an issue right now but it should be fixed through simple map design.


Please refrain from using such titles…

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The main reason for spawncamping are lemmingtrains, ignorance, bad map control and bad situational awareness.
I often warn in the beginning of a match. Flanders is the best example all run to C … just one or two poor guys are forced to deal with 75% of the map. While 14 other players are sitting around C and play the waiting game …


And the main cause of spawncamping in Air AB, is letting the enemy climb over your spawn without being challenged, then EVERY PLAYER TRYING TO CLIMB TO ENGAGE…

Always with the climbing, no matter how much you say to dive and drag the enemy down, people will still climb, stall, die.

why not make it so there’s a certain radius from their spawn where if you kill them there you gain less and less SL and RP until you eventually end up getting a “bad sportsmanship” debuff and you end up paying for their repair costs, this is kinda hard to explain so I made a rough visual to help

green is where if you get killed in that area the enemy makes half as much SL and RP, red is where they get the “bad sportsmanship” and pay for your repairs


And would that work for the entire round or would there be ticket limit, i dont know, 50% of tickets?

Because when in situation where enemy teams get pushed back into the spawn towards the end of the game (or rarely when the enemy team folds quickly), I personally wouldnt want to see such feature.

If enemy team got defeated to the point they cant leave their spawn, no matter of handholding would allow them to turn the game around, it only gets annoying for the winning team.


the idea is to stop spawn camping, not let it happen


They should do what other games do and give you a random spawn point when your spawn is being shot at/people are dying in the spawn.


If the enemy team got so utterly defeated to the point they cant leave their spawn, they got defeated legitimately; as such they shouldnt be handheld by increased spawn protection.

If theres a single hellcat camping side of map taking out the entire enemy team leaving their spawn, thats entirely different issue that should be fixed in entirely different way.

If the spawns are so badly placed that spawn to spawn sniping can happen, then its also entirely different issue that should be fixed in different way.

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And this means spawn camping should be tolerated because?


Comment above.

that has nearly nothing to do with what I asked

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you should not be able to shoot people out of their spawn, that goes for every game


If were talking about this

Then yes i unironically think thats ok. The losing team shouldve played better, simple as.

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I’ve had quite a few matches where me or someone else clutches up the whole thing, by killing the right people at the right time and getting the cap points, spawn camping rules out that sort of clutch gameplay potential

Then just dont let that spawncamping happen in the first place?

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there’s a game called cursed tank, and it doesn’t have a spawn camping issue, why? because you can’t you are always invulnerable in spawn and people just play the game normally until the match ends