Buddy if your team folds in 5 minutes and gets boxed in a spawn, something went horribly wrong and no amount of handicaping will allow for your team to make a comback.
No team starts already boxed in. One team first needs to lose control of their side of map before they can be pushed all the way back to the spawn.
If that happens, then its the fault of losing team for being bad, not of the winning team being good.
If I win the control of the portion of the map that belongs to the enemy team and I push them to their spawn, why should i be punished by losing SL?
Are you seriously suggesting to punish people that play better than their opponents in some weird and twisted sense of fair play?
Whats next? Are you gonna propose that player that gets 5 kills without death should be highlighted on the minimap for the enemy team so they have a chance against better player?
They trade armor for speed, its their choice to spawn such vehicle. Its up to player to determine if its good or bad idea.
Just why should game be hand holding worse teams?
Teams start at equal time and equal distance from the centre of map in 99% cases. From the moment the contact is made, its entirely up to the players to NOT get boxed in a spawn. its PLAYERS responsibility to not get boxed in. If they cant do that, theres no helping them and they should simply get better at the game.