F-5C same BR as J-7D & Saab J35XS (10.7)?

I never said so, I was speaking simply from a financial perspective here. Given how bad the XS’s FM is, I dont paticulaely think it will be much of a problem, though.

overstated issue, J35XS FM is not that bad at all


As someone who has done an absolute shitton of research on that plane - yes it is.

But I can just pop 1 flare shut burner off for .5 secs and fly straight too…then I dont bleed speed and you dont catch me something you can do with an A -5 …

yes the thai F-5 is good it is also not comparable to the F-5C for several reasons I will let you guess what those reasons are…

he only spoke on FM, and the F-5C/F-5E FM isn’t crazy different even though the 5E is obviously better

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Its not the same at all an F-5E will dumpster a n F-5C with one hand behind its back while taking a nap…if your only experience of F-5C is thru the F-5E or the Sqaud F-5 you have literally no experience in it and will be disapointed in its thrust and 10g missiles …F-5C is a great 1 on 1 dogfighter with guns and good at defensive measures with the fact it has flares and can turn fast

As far as FIGHTING these jets… they have similar playstyles and flight envelopes. Obviously the F-5E is better I already said that.

then what is your point in saying they are similar if thats a lie??? Two being vastly better at acceleration and sustained turn means they are different

yes they are different, one can face F4S and the other dont, Id rather have less thrust and face only ir team than more thrust and face radar missile.

because for most fights they are similar, its only when the performance is really being tested that you notice the differences

Yes the moon is also similar to the sun because both cast a shadow did you know that? Also the the PBY Catalina is similar to the F-117 because both can fly and drop bombs and are slow…

Way to ignore what I’m saying to just use some overblown hyperbole…not going to earn respect talking like that here

they are similar like the ariete and sagitario are similar, but unlike the F5C and F5E the sagitario is at the same br as the ariete despite having less thrust.

Neither of those aircraft are 10.7 tho are they?

Okey dokey what am I thinking a lower thrust and speed vehicle with 10g missile’s isnt similar to a vehicle with more thrust 20 g rear aspect or the other one with 40g all aspect mach 3.5 missiles and ESGG to boot glad you cleared that up for me

F117 and catalina are nor at the same br and neither of them are at 10.7 tho you take both of them as exemple…

i am only saying that when DOGFIGHTING both, it usually ends up the same way with the same pros/cons. The F-5E’s extra thrust comes into play when you hit certain situations where you NEED that extra power, but it isn’t always hugely impactful because the F-5C is already pretty cracked. I never brought up missiles at all, only FM

no one play magic on the J7 for a reason. this is a proof that you don’t know how the J7 perform, because if you did you would’ve known that PL7 has stupidly bad flare resistance coupled with really short burn time. you won’t hit anything beyond 2km at best.

lol magics are good, its just that pl5b’s are better