F-5C same BR as J-7D & Saab J35XS (10.7)?

Why is now the J-7D and the Saab J35XS at the same BR as the F-5C. Both fighters are way better in every aspect than the F-5C. Gaijin pls fix…

The F-5C is a better dogfighter than both of them and all 3 should be 11.0


Isn’t the J-35XS 11.0 despite being inferior to the F-5C?

Recently changed in this mini fix along with the J-7D to 10.7

Oh, missed that totally. Nice.

It used to. But unfornately it ins´t anymore because of the “mig 21 & mig 23” fixes at the start of the year. I testet it out with a friend and 9 out of 10 times the J-7D won…

Can you send these tests? In my experience with the J-7D it is a competitive fight but the F-5 will win unless the opponent makes a stupid error


Nah sorry. Those were just some custom battles. But we are both good pilots and know how to work with em…
But just look at the stats: J-7D has way more engine power, more countermeasures, much better alpha and top speed and especially extremely good armament.
The only good at the F-5C is holding its speed (useless because everyone is faster and more agile (alpha)).
In my opinion the F-5C should be at 10.3 or 10.0.

10.0 without flares and with only aim-9Bs maybe, but not in its current state.

If anything it should go higher up to 11.0, but 10.7 is acceptable.


I agree. Gaijin needs to expand the BR´s alot. I understand that F-5C at 10.0 would be overpowered but right know it has one of the worst win rates out of all premium jets of that BR.

Secondly the F-5C never had AIM-9E. It only had AIM-9B (just for practising) and normally AIM-9J (as the F-5E). Aswell as AIM-9P´s (but just for the export models (japan rn))…

10.7 how it is, 10.3 would be a weird change but it shouldn’t lose anything, 10.0/9.7 keep flares get 9Bs. If it loses it flares it becomes a very bad aircraft.

J-7D just really had no business moving down to 10.7 at all. Now it’s bonkers. F-5C should have probably been left at 11.0 too.


After the Saab FM nerf id say it was okay at 11.0 if you were an air sweat but not every player is. The majority are casuals. Its more comparable to a slower starfighter that can choose to become a free meal if it turns. Trying to turn fight in the XS is a sure fire way to die as in Air RB its a 16v16 mosh pit 9/10 dogfights are going to get you killed as youll get double teamed so it made the turning of the XS null. So again it was a slower F104 with a worse gun and 12 CM.

The F-5C is a fantastic dogfighter, when it’s used in such a way it is amazing. It used to be at 10.3 predecompression and it absolutely stomped poor 9.3s.

The closest equivalent to the F-5C is the MiG-21SMT, there’s no exact equivalent but it’s close enough. The MiG-21SMT has no place anywhere lower than it is now and frankly with decompression should be higher.


Well the mig 21´s are fantastic aircrafts and really easy to use.
But keep in mind that rn the F5c gets almost everytime an uptier. Additional the F5c´s rwr cant identify aircraft like mig23´s etc.
And yes its a good dog fighter but be honest, how many real dogfights did you have and just look at the playstiles. Most people dont know how to use the mig 21´s (good for me :D). If you use it right, the f5c has no chance. And thats a fact.
In return if you are flying the f5c and use it as it should be, it just needs a single good j35 or mig21 player and you are dead in one burst. Then your “dog fighter” advantage is completely useless.

Ok use your brain here for a second; if the F-5 gets an uptier every time (it doesn’t) that means every other 10.7 also gets an uptier, which doesn’t happen.

Source: I just played 5 matches in the J-7D and only 2 were uptiers, not even full ones.

Very few RWRs can detect J band until top tier.

That’s just incorrect, the F-5C has consistently proven to be an extraordinary competent dogfighter, even against opponents who are equal in skill to the pilot.

I can just as easily flip this around and say a single F-5 player can make you dead in one burst. The F-5 also has more rounds in the cannons.

A F-111 can kill an F-16A by shooting at it. Does this mean the F-16A’s dogfight advantage is completely useless?


Of course it gets not as many uptiers now than before. Now (after the patch) are 2 more nations on the same br… (in 13min I know nobody that plays 5 missions)

ok true, but doesn´t change a thing that its one more negative part of the f5c (rwr topic). The j7d detects this band!

it has proven to be a good fighter because first of all there were no fighters than j35xs, j7d, lazur m at its prime time…
secondly you dont seem to understand especially u havent ever played the f5c (your playercard). You seem to look at it from the wrong perspective. Be neutral pls.
thirdly just take a look at the win rates compared to the aircraft and not nation! J7d is much higher there!

the last part doesnt make sense: of course a biplane could kill a f15. But you just have to look at reality. For example I nearly never one burst anybody with my f5c 20mm. The cannons are much weaker than your gsh… (also in firing rate)

And again: i testet it out with another rly good player and the j7d out performs the f5c in dogfight (it shouldn´t)

All in all, i have both aircraft and in both i´m a really good pilot. And out of my 2.500h playtime I can say that the f5c is not compareable to a mig21 (11.0´s) anymore… It was a really good plane but rn its just suffering…

They were over the course of around 40 minutes, I don’t only play while waiting for you to reply.

You are aware it has the SPO-10 right? Kind of unhelpful if it has a grand total of 4 hemispheres.

I am looking at statistics in a spreadsheet.

Please send me the video.

560 20mm rounds with good ballistics vs 250 23mm rounds with bad ballistics.

The 11.0 MiG-21s should be 11.3, the F-5C is entirely capable of being at 11.0 right now, it would be more so if real decompression happened.

The belief that the F-5C needs to go down even more is contradictory to any semblance of balance. It was 10.3 BEFORE the big decompression, putting it back would be like putting the Su-27 back to 12.3.


The F-5’s guns suck. America shoulda just used the Colt Mk.12s instead of the crappy M39A3s.

Then go buy one and dominate in it and send us the replays so we can be in awe of your greatness… F-5C is way overhyped because of past memory’s of its glory days its kinda meh right now its actually pretty underpowered in a few aspects like thrust for acceleration which is very important in todays meta and it has the absolute worst missiles for its br for some reason ( I guess becaust it is still great if you find someone dumb enough to rate fight you with guns only in a 1vs1 ) anyways it dosent need a br change if it got AIM-9D would be a better change I think . F-5C is still very stronk in any kind of rate fight but thats counter to the current realistic meta

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