F-5E and F-5C at 11.0? Seriously? And the fact that the F-5C has a worse engine, worse missiles? Are the developers aware of these details?
F-5C deserves 10.7 max. What the hell is 11.0? The one who balanced it played the game himself?
F-5E and F-5C at 11.0? Seriously? And the fact that the F-5C has a worse engine, worse missiles? Are the developers aware of these details?
F-5C deserves 10.7 max. What the hell is 11.0? The one who balanced it played the game himself?
Well, they are planning some decompression, F5A/C still has same br for ground but maybe that sheet is up to modifications.
Funny, the German squad hunter has 2 mavericks at 9.7 ( iirc) 💁🏻♀️
F-5C should be 11.0 and F-5E should be 11.3, i agree
Decompression took one of the best premiums in the entire game and put it against decent SARH slingers, same as the Kfir Canard at 11.3.
I hope Gaijin fix this mess. Although both F-5C and Kfir were really strong at previous 10.3 and 10.7, with their new brs, they’re now facing platforms that outperform even their RWRs.
And before anyone drawing the “AlL pLaNEs gOt MovEd 2 rAnKS” argument, MiG-23ML got from 11.3 to 11.7. And we all know about the nerf it got recently, but moving just one rank was considered for gaijin in this decompression, it’s not asking something crazy.
It realliy made F-5C obsolete. F-5C cannot compete with the amount of MiG-23’s it faces, even if it’s in the same team still cannot compete with them due to their speed and armament. MiG-23 and F-4 variants get to battlefield faster collect everything, refuse to elaborate and leaves basically.
I hope they leave it at 11.0 and F-5E goes to 11.3, it’s what they deserve.
FM got nerfed hard, mti is garbage now and cant even use it in %80 of situations because of auto mode, r-60Ms are pathetic
It deserves 11.0. It’s an undertiered piece of shit prior to the update. Extremely annoying to face. F-5E should just go up.
kfir canard deserved the uptier. f5c did too. there is nothing to fix.
F5C didn’t deserve an uptier, i might agree on the F5E tho.
F-5C absolutely 100% deserved a fat uptier. It was arguably the best 10.3 overall and is a premium… premiums should not be in the top 3 of their BR as a rule.
10.3 is enough to get uptiered with 10.7-11.0 several times, also F5C has a bad engine compared to what they would meet in 11.0.
Do you want me to copypaste the last message again, you clearly didnt read it closely enough
And you clearly hate F5C to consider it deserve 11.0, F5E yes it has been a problem to go against, but F5C nah, bad engine, and its literally like a MIG21 capabilities.
Nope. One of if not the best 10.3s before the changes. Excellent jet with a high skill ceiling.
Maneuverable platforms without competitive avionics shouldn’t be over 11.0 either with the previous or current BR brackets. Same goes for the J35XS.
By the “there’s nothing to fix” logic, some planes like the MiG-21SMT/MF should be at 11.0.
Yeah, your classic “undertiered american stuff” is so refreshing, i’m eager to hear your opinion about the new F-4C’s BR (not really).
Now’s an interceptor. A platform with a decent engine used to intercept with decent missiles (as it was IRL, astonishing).
“Russia suffers” i guess.
F-5C was slightly better in my opinion and that justifies the difference in BR. I wouldn’t cry if the 21SMT went to 11.0. F-5C has more going for it than just “agile”
like what? It has poor top speed and weak missiles, it’s the zero of cold war jets
F-8E, MiG-21SMT and others are all better
It’s one of the best gunfighters because of it’s assets, in a environment which dogfights can turn into REALLY slow scissors. But it has no radar at all and the same RWR as the Kfir Canard, which is just as humble as most of planes that i’ve mentioned throughout my comms.
My personal 11.3 barrier should be a somewhat decent RWR capable of filtering different sources as AAM/SAM to help players against the first competitive SARH slingers, there’s barely any plane below that br that faces any meaningful SARH slingers that doesn’t get outplayed by ground clutter.