F-5C and F-5E have the same BR

İt also has F-22 stealth tech in terms or RCS and İR signature blockage

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we’re talking realities of the game not your bizarre persecution complex

PL-5B rear aspect can’t even lock non afterburning F-5C beyond 2-2.5KM if you aren’t 90* directly behind, keep coping

R-60M won’t even lock front aspect until you are at collision / head-on gun range


whatever you say man, sure…

I think overall the F-5C is better than the MiG-21SMT, I’ve flown both a good amount of times (no comment on the F-8E, never flew it).

MiG-21 has better acceleration, top speed and double the missiles, plus SARH capability (far from the best in game but I personally like it)

F-5C on the other hand, much better guns, much better flight dynamics outside of low speed, better energy retention overall, overall lower temps make flares more effective, its very forgiving and opens up more opportunities for being aggressive compared to the SMT.

RWR is one thing that is bad on both for different reason. SMT has that SPO-10 that doesn’t really point out where things are that accurately but at least you can detect J-band + lock warning. F-5C is the exact opposite, you can see where the lock is coming from better but no lock warning + can’t detect J-band that you have to face against

Just learn to fly it at that BR. It’s what every plane that isn’t top 3 has to do. I’m just happy the F-8E(FN) stayed at 10.0. It’s a major buff that it needed and now it’s semi-competitive :)


yes that thing was garbage for so long, until now


The French are finally back, if only Gaijoobles would gimme my drastically undertiered F-8P

Milan might actually be usable now, need to try it


If you avoid the magical uptiers into the pits of hell that is any BR bracket higher than it you’ll have fun

Actually, ML went from 11.0 to 11.7 in SB, so it’s 2 steps. In addition, ML and MLD are now on the same level, although ML has an archaic SPO-10. F-5E used to be on the same level as ML, now it is 1 step lower, so everything is fair.

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ML was 11.3, you’re thinking of the MiG-23M

We’re talking about Realistic Battles here sir.

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The situation in SB is a little different. Probably because the RWR in RB is not as important as in SB.
(11.0 =>11.7 in SB)


FireShot Capture 022 - Toptier aircraft BR decompression - Final - Google Диск - docs.google.com

Bro, I’m talking about the game as a whole. My information didn’t make it any worse.

No offense but it’s the first time talking to you, i’m not your bro.

Your point of “talking about the game as a whole” falls apart whenever you consider that Gaijin already addresses balance for different battleratings for each gamemode. Since i don’t play sim, and the topic is not about sim, it doesn’t matter its new BR in that mode at all.

SB is a completely different ballgame, with several issues apart from Realistic Battles. Mostly featuring a redfor technological disadvantage against blufor for a decent amount of time by now.

No, ML was 11.0 in sim for the longest time.

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You claim that SB has completely different problems, but you’ve never played there. Something doesn’t stick, bro))

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You are right, the F-5E should be moved to 11.3 (and given 9L)

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It does, and doesn’t affect the next point you made.

I watch sim content creators such as AeroTurtle, all the way to Squishface, and they all agree i.e. REDFOR is significantly subpar in avionics from mid rank VII onwards, not to mention other problems they mention all the time.
It sticks, random forum user.