F-15 Should be 12.7

First time I’m hearing of such a designation…


maybe you should try working on your knowledge then :D

Neither the Baz nor F-15J went up. That immediately throws out your whining about US pilots. Or do you really think Japan mains are bad too? Lmao

oh? enlighten me then

It doesn’t because those 3 planes don’t perform equally. Gaijin just lumped them together. They do this plenty.


Not really, you’re still 50%-250% less effective in armament than anything at 12.7, and the F-15 doesn’t have the dogfight performance to outclass everything in the game (which is what it would need to have to make it go to 12.7 despite its crap loadout).

The F-15 can’t outclass everything on performance, sure, but it’s leaps and bounds ahead of the EJ Kai’s 11.7 hardbody phantom chassis (not even the agile eagle slats afforded to the Kurnass 2000 at 11.3).

This, combined with the lack of IRCCM missile, means it’s stuck facing almost-certain doom should it see any aircraft even .3 BR above it…

Whereas, the F-15 has some insane thrust and performance that can pretty easily at least rival a good chunk of the current 12.X planes.

I mean that’s the same with the F-15, though, in terms of being completely outclassed in every way when it fights planes 0.3 BR above it.

Thrust to weight ratios don’t mean anything without having accompanying dogfight performance, which the F-15 doesn’t have enough of to match the dogfighting-focused jets at 12.7 rn.

Not that I agree with any Phantom in game being higher than like 11.3 - especially the F-4EJ Kai which is just the 11.3 F-4J but with like an extra 180 km/h.

Literally not even true

Jets at 12.7 -

  • Su-27 - Better BVR performance (6x R-27ER), decent dogfight performance thanks to HMD + 40G R-73’s (goes from great to decent [at 12.7] because of FM)
  • J-11 - Same as Su-27
  • MiG-29SMT - Better BVR performance (2x R-27ER), good dogfight performance thanks to FM and HMD + 40G R-73’s (and flight performance is only slightly worse than F-15)
  • MiG-29G - Better BVR performance (2x R-27ER), good dogfight performance thanks to FM and HMD + 40G R-73’s (with a flight model on par with the F-15)
  • M4k - Has BVR only a slight bit worse due to the recent drag nerf on the 530D, has much better dogfight performance even without HMD due to having twice the amount of IR missiles (and FM is only a bit worse than the F-15)
  • Gripen (A/C) - Worse BVR, but much, much better dogfight performance thanks to 1.5x the amount of missiles as the F-15 and it gets HMD

So, therefore, it’s either going to get completely obliterated in BVR since half of the planes at 12.7 have two or more R-27ER’s or it is going to get killed in a dogfight by either something with much better flight performance and/or by an IR missile with more maneuverability than the AIM-9M that was launched by a plane with HMD.


none of these planes are better then it in all aspects mate

And that means the F-15 will lose in every scenario it finds itself in, because it will always either get out-BVR’ed or lose a dogfight.

F-15 tries dogfighting -

  • Loses dogfight to Gripen, M4k, MiG-29G, possibly MiG-29SMT
  • Decent chance of winning against Su-27, J-11, and possibly the MiG-29SMT, but can still get third-partied extremely easy by any of the above planes

F-15 tries BVR -

  • Loses BVR to Su-27, J-11, MiG-29G, and MiG-29SMT
  • Is equal and/or slightly better than M4k in BVR, and wins against Gripens in BVR, although they will all be in the furball (not out in the middle of nowhere like for BVR

It’s got no scenario where it can rely on anything other than luck to do well in, whereas the jets at 12.7 at least have one area they are good in.


Lmao, that’s just too funny.


F5E china and F5E USA? Both were considered for 11.0 in the previous revision because one of them had a very good track record and the other one didn’t even have the same engine.
just your own thoughts on how Br works.

We have 3 versions of F15 in the game, there is no reason why they wouldn’t consider bringing all 3 to 12.7 just because one of them is ineffective.

What? I said overall it’s got good dogfight performance, but slightly worse flight performance than the F-15. They’re not the same thing.

Something tells me you don’t know much about the MiG-29SMT.

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Something tells me you’re ignoring it’s 40G missiles with HMD, and from what I understand it’s only slightly worse in maneuverability and energy bleed than the MiG-29 9-13.

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So that’s a yes then, you don’t know how the SMT flies?

??? The chinese F-5E is identical to the american one

they do this plenty

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If you’re saying I haven’t bothered to grind another several hundred hours to top tier USSR than yes, but that doesn’t mean I can’t go off of others’ opinions and experiences on the matter.