F-14 IRAF and Fakour 90

Well… Flares wont do anything vs an F-90

TTAA can still be fun, also moving to RB is the low skill way fr
It is their choice ultimately what mode to stick with - I would wish for them to stay with AB, we always want more people, but RB may be easier.

Notch and multipath its not that hard

Imagine actually thinking AAB takes more skill.

Missiles don’t go through mountains my friend, missiles don’t go through mountains :3

Saying random words that mean nothing wont make AAB suddenly take more skill its the beginner gamemode afterall where everything is dumbed down to just turn fighting

Maybe you should tell us then how to defend again them?
And probably he have chaff and flares on the same button and was meaning he is using them both.

If this is air realistic, you can flank the map by going far one direction and multipath/chaff the Fucker 90s. if this is air arcade, no idea, don’t play arcade

arcade is not the beginner mode, you people made that up to make yourselves feel superior and more skilled


Seems other people are already explaining it, so no need for me to.

yet that hardly makes it beginner friendly as each game mode has their own skill set, the notion that one takes more skill is inherently dumb


each gamemode has its own skillset however some skillsets don’t have as high ceiling as others. clearly offended. arcade is beginner friendly compared to realistic and especially compared to sim.

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That doesn’t mean it takes less skill.

If you don’t need to learn how to lead your guns it takes less skill
If you don’t need to learn how to maneuver your plane properly and can just do circles in air that takes less skill
If the vehicles differences are watered down you don’t need to learn how to fight against particular vehicles, you don’t really need to learn their strengths and weaknesses
If you have wep on and off you don’t need to learn how to manage engine heat
I could go on. It has a lower skill ceiling and simulator/realistic have way higher skill ceilings
Stop pretending that everything is equal.

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Saying this says you don’t have any in depth knowledge.

You also need to work around not always having WEP, especially for jets. It’s not like you need to manage engine heat in RB that much anyways.

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What is there to work with? just dont hold your shift if you dont want to be locked out of wep. so difficult.

The easiest to learn is the one with smallest skill ceiling. this is a fact. The higher the skill ceiling, the more you have to learn. Take the wikis words and just give up. Not everything is equal despite you wanting it to be so.
Or you might say “oh you need to learn how to shoot at a dumb circle this takes so much skill”
Except it takes 20 times more skill to try and shoot without a circle than to shoot at a circle.

Your enemies have infinite missiles, infinite CMs.

You yourself have infinite missiles and infinite CMs, just 16 times less than the enemies have.

Arcade is infinitely more strategic than realistic. You have to use terrian and your own CMs wisely or else you’ll be stuck flareless against 16 enemies in a map where you’ll realistically never be more than 15km away from your enemies.

You have to think about a whole lot more in arcade, there’s no 1v1, it’s you vs everyone.

Arcade has way more strategy.

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except this doesn’t evolve into skilled strategy gaming the way you think, it just devolves into spamming guns and missile against each other until running out of them and getting them rearmed
you think arcade is a strategy game suddenly but in reality its just a spamshow. no one is thinking and they are getting kills just with that.

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If you think it’s a “spamshow”you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about.

I’m not going to baby you through it so have fun thinking there’s such a thing as a superior gamemode.