This is not a Skill issue because 20 seconds after you spawn … killed by Fakour 90 , despite dumping flares and using countermeasures you are dead.
And so on, And so on.
Leaving the Battle with less than 1000 RP and negative SL due to repairs.
You cant do anything here really, this is a matter of balancing.
Fakour 90 is just Pay-to-Win and not balanced at all.
-put F-14 IRAF players all into the same lobby
-Nerf Fakour 90
-Give players a way to Research vehicles without Paying GEs or Playing against those F-14s ( Bot battles with lets just say 25% less RP, hell id even Take 75% less, just let me make progress in some way.)
I just wanted to bring Attention to this since im an A-7E-A7-D player who just gets spawnkilled by those Fakours all the time ( i need to play them rn so “Dont play A7” doesnt work)
Seriously, i Advise all Community Managers and Gaijin Devs to play rank 8 Air Ab with Jets from rank 7 against F-14 IRAF w Fakours.
This is not Fun at all.
Thanks for coming to my Ted ta— *Was killed by Fakour 90.
no you dont since you die to them. no skilled player has this problem. just because you say so does not make it so.
either you show us a video of you trying to defeat the missile or accept that you wont get help for your issues because we cant point your faults to you if you dont cooperate, and the thing is if you came here to complain instead of to confront your skill issue you might aswell leave
erm, this topic is labelled as an ‘arcade battle’ so I am not sure that F-14A IRIAF is balanced over there with infinite missile capability and reload.
as long as Air Arcade is quite dead mode since they are putting A2D-1 on 9.0BR for punishing
and Ki-84 Hei on 7.7BR might face F-86F-30 on 8.0BR
If we are discussing about air realistic then you might right this time but… You know what I am saying now. right pal?
seems we both have very little experience with air arcades. :|
if you cant evade a radar missile it is proof of concept that you don’t got it. obviously you are here to complain instead of to grow your skillset, you just want to rant instead of getting better
show me a video of you doing it or otherwise i wont believe you that you are doing anything correctly
Yeah i do get what you mean.
Still it sucks being Spawnsniped all the time and basically burning SL and crews .
im only playing Air AB because all the other Modes… yeah Those are skill issues for me. I happily admit that. Air Ab is the only mode i have fun in really.
there is no reason the a-7e couldn’t perform a notch when you have 20 seconds of time to do it. This must be a skill issue instead of a plane problem. you already indicated that you have skill issue when you mentioned using flares instead of chaff.
if you don’t want to get better at this game and want to continue dying and blame everything else than yourself, alright. this is a common problem in this forum. people dont want to challenge themselves and believe that everything else needs to change.