F-14 IRAF and Fakour 90

Bro thinks r24t is a harder miasile to dodge than fakour 90 lmao. Listen fakour 90 isnt that hard to dodge i agree, if youre in an aircraft with a working rwr its really easy, even in the mig 23ml its not that hard, but its not really the point. Sometimes you ll grt hit regardless, and sometimes you simply have no way of spotting it. And it ALWAYS kill at least 2 people.

Are we really scting like the f14iriaf should be the same br as the normal f14a despite the MUCH more capable missile?

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Ive seenm f14s loft sedjil and hit dudes for 50 kilometers once

The Sedjil has currently the most strongest and powerful rocket mortar of any SARH missile in the game I believe. You can easily lock and kill targets from 25-30km+ away if you launch off first and the locked target doesn’t react or pull off quickly in time.

But I do find that they actually miss their targets sometimes since they travel so ridiculously fast off the rail. LOL. The R-27R or AIM-7E-2s are definitely better for closer range at like >10-15km with ACM engagements.

It turns out that there are people who think that way.

No. It’s underperforming.

Skill issue

Man, I love this forum so much when

  • Everyone is talking about Air-RB and Air-sim
  • While OP was talking about the air arcade
  • and we even can see the [Arcade Battle] tag on the topic too.

This topic has nothing but full of [off-topic].
I hope mods close this topic as fast as they sees.

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You never flew anything on Air Arcade, so how the heck do you know that F-14A IRIAF is underperforming on Air AB???

Top-notch ragebait.

No that is simple skill issue. I don’t even remember the last time I died to Fakour civilization.

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underselling the missile tbh, it’s a very good fox3 with the longest range, insane acceleration, 20g overload. I wish I had them at 14.0 to force you to go defensive far outside medium range fox3 range.

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No, you don’t lmao. You’re just saying that because you’ve deluded yourself into believing the fakour is some op missile. The Fakour dies when you turn away from it. The Aim-120 doesn’t. You can outpull the fakour, you can’t outpull the Aim-120. You can use the Aim-120 within 12km, but you can’t use the Fakour closer than 15km effectively. He’s not underselling the missile, he knows it’s not good for anything other than sniping unaware drones. If you’re dying to it, you’re one of the unaware drones.

@ItzMikeyzWRLD @Stockholm_Blend Lets keep the threads on topic, and avoid derailing them with personal arguments.

This topic is already being derailed. in doomed level.
help us.

This thread has run its course and will not be productive going forward.