Event star - data collection (CONCLUDED)

Players keep to their game modes cause THAT is what they play in the game. Why would an AB player have to go play RB, the same way as why would a RB player have to go play AB?

Because the other gamemode would be easier to grind in. Thats why they would switch. But it isn’t as they’re balanced so players keep to their preferences just how you said.

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That’s why I said minimums,

Look for example. Give a period of two months for each tank. In those 60 days have 45 sessions of 20k exp.

900k in total and you have people 2 months loyal without pissing them off. It allows you to have life and fail several.

But with so many tryhard they are not interested.

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Effort he says haha . It takes more calories to play RB?

So if it is work this game ?

I play Arcade because I like its dynamics more not because of the effort hahaha .


Yet it takes less effort anyway. And because this is a fact recognized by gaijin themselves i think we can conclude that i am correct here. You don’t have any authority valididating your opinion.

Where are the numbers that sustain your claim? I mean, the numbers that oppose to these other ones:

Can you point to where Gaijin exactly claimed that?

Btw, new skill unlocked: mental effort! And I that I thought that many people moved away from AB due to its stressfully chaotic gameplay.

Now you are not the Jagdtiger. You are the guy facing the Jagdtiger. Then, what?


So, I play the game mode that requires the most effort to get the event done and I’m the one that doesn’t want to put the effort in it? I don’t know about you but I know where to aim on enemy tanks, and since I play AB I face all of them, not just specific nations. There aren’t any tactics in AB?

I’m not claiming anything, I just think it would be better for you to not go that way. I have no problem doing the event even if I was playing with the worse multipliers possible, but I’m not an average player in Ground AB. Then I come here and see Ground RB “average players” saying it took them almost no time to get the event done, while the majority of Ground AB players(not me) have to play for several hours, at least those that can afford the time.

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It’s like talking to a wall with you. Ground RB players get a 40% higher adjusted score per hour than Ground AB players, and you keep insisting that the effort is less for Ground AB. What matters to get this event done is 45k adjusted score, if a Ground RB player only needs to do 40% less then how does the effort be greater?


Cause we all know that Gaijin is right about everything in this game. If stats show that the multiplier isn’t doing what it should, which was to balance average scores between game modes and like it’s doing for other game modes like Air Arcade and Realistic, then they got it wrong.

They already give crazy arguments haha

I can believe that the snail rewards the more “effort” modes and penalizes the more fun ones.


Grind at your own leisure and pace. Nobody is forcing you to play a game mode you can’t perform well and will waste your time in, The event isn’t for everybody, simple as. Even in the worst case scenario with the worst multipliers, you are looking at 5 hours, which can be split into 2.5~3.0 hours each day. If you can’t find the time to do it, then sorry.

Gaijin could do one of the two following things: Impose multiplier penalties depending on the rank of the event vehicle which is controversial, or make the multipliers equal but increase the star score to something ridiculous to the point most players won’t consider worth the grind.

The current system is balanced around average score per game-mode and rank which is in my opinion is the most ethical and logical thing to do, so if you keep yourself to the game mode and lineup you are good in, you will finish the event in time.

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Gaijin claims it in their actions. The fact that the game modes are balanced in a way that supports my views. The game wouldn’t be balanced the way it is balanced if it wasn’t for the fact im saying.

It is not, as it has been told multiple times and proven in the other thread and you RB guys refuse to accept.

My first game for today’s star:

1210 avg score per player at Tier IV (BR 6.3) means 1012 progress points towards the event. That’s 45 games for the average guy to get the star. That’s almost 8 hours.

So you don’t have any numbers. According to those of the other thread or those of my screenshot, define “balanced” please.


I thought you could only complete the stars in ground modes? (nevermind this question i only looked at your current vehicle instead of the mode. you were in ground battles)

Balanced where players of AB and RB modes have to spend same amount of IRL exhaustive effort instead of just same amount of time because doing 1 hour hard work and doing 1 hour easy work is not balanced. Additionally those numbers don’t take into account any effort from human nature other than time which invalidates them.

It’s not a game mode I don’t perform well, it’s a game mode I don’t play. Do you understand that the majority of the players in this game are not interested in your pseudo elitist game mode?

You clearly don’t know why these multipliers even exist, they were made to balance average scores between ranks and game modes so that players need the same “effort”(as in time) to do score based events. The problem is that for Ground Battles they create a 40% difference between 2 game modes, being one the most played in the entire game.

My God…

It’s like talking to a rock.

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He just told you that it requires an average players around 45 matches to do the event, while you have Ground RB players that consider themselves “average” saying it took them 130min in this thread. Can you play 45 matches in 130min?

Effort is measured in time, not in brain cells that died while playing.

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Ignored because invalid sourcing and another half of evidence is purely anedoctal eg not real proof but personal “experiences” that can be anything but the objective facts.

Ok, I’ll be ignoring your opinions from now on too.

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